Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Our first official visit

Hello family and friends....

The good news is Elizabeth remembered us as soon as she saw us....the bad news is she remembered that we were strangers and she didn't like us too well :-( She cried for most of the first hour while we tried and tried to get her to calm down. We would give her a Cheerio and she would stop crying and eat that...but that only lasted about 30 seconds. It took the care givers awhile, but they finally were able to calm her down. They brought her some cookies and candy and she does like to eat. They also brought her a bottle and that calmed her for awhile, too. What we finally decided was that as long as this care giver was near her and we were at least 12 inches away...she was fine. We were able to get her to smile (as you can see in the beautiful picture) and she loved to play with the angel and the book that Machelle gave us (see pictures). All in all we were a little disappointed that she was scared of us, but we were encouraged that she has learned to establish trust. I keep telling myself (and Tom) that soon we will be the ones she is attached to (we hope anyway :)

We agree with what the orphanage director said yesterday, that she is wise. She remembered us and she knows how to get what she wants. She studies everything around her. She is very observant. We will get to go everyday from 5p-7p. We wish we could go earlier in the day, or even twice a day, but we will take what we can get. We think that the time will change here Saturday night like it will there, which means it will be dark by the time we get there every evening. They have a very nice play area outside, but we may not get to use it.

The weather is cold and blustery here today with some snow showers earlier. It is supposed to be warmer and sunny tomorrow so we decided to wait until then to go sightseeing. We were able to get our statement signed and notarized this morning. Basically it said that we would love her, provide for her, make sure she got an education, and seek medical care if needed. It also said that we would make sure her relatives love her....will that be a problem? LOL!

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments, your love and your prayers. It means the world to us. We should find out next week when our court date is. Once it is over we will have to stay here in Kharkov an additional 10 days. Then we will go back to Kiev to finalize paperwork. We are thinking somewhere around November 19 we will be coming home. Right now, it's too soon to tell. One day at a time, we keep telling ourselves, but each day is one day closer.

Christopher called last night and thought his sister was 'pretty cute.' I can't wait for him to meet her. She'll look up to her big brother. Joe and Judy called us this morning. They just couldn't wait to hear more information on their newest granddaughter. We just love that everyone is as excited as we are!

We love you all!

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

She is ohhhh soooooo cute! :D I can't wait till I see her in person! Does she talk any? Like hi, bye, or mom or dad? or does she try to say anything yet? I wish the best of luck to you all. I'm sure you both are VERRY excited. I was really happy and excited to see the pictures of her. Everyday I would ask mom if there was any pictures up and she would be like no. And well So i would get on and check anyways and I guess i have the magic touch because anytime i get on, you have updated the blog and there are pictures! :D Well i just want to tell you that she is verrrrrrry adorable! and i can't wait till all of you are back in MC safely. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Tom and Val,

Was very happy to see your blog this afternoon. I saw that Jody Richardson commented to you from your message this morning. We traveled a lot with Mark and Jody and were in the same city together when we went to adopt our children.

I really wanted to give you some encouragement about the shyness and reluctance of Elizabeth. Our daughter was the same way (not crying, but very pensive) for the first few days, but after that she knew we were coming and she was warming up to us more and more each day. By the time we left the orphanage with her, she was practically glued to her mommy!

Since we have gotten home (Sept 15), Reagan has become very affectionate - which is a far cry from when she first came home and didn't want anyone to hold her or really touch her that much. In fact, she has even warmed up to me, which took a lot of time since they really aren't used to seeing men that much around the orphanage, and when they do, it's usually an unpleasant doctor experience.

As Jody said and Jill and I talk about every night, we are reliving our trips through your blog. Thanks for posting it and for keeping us updated. I wish we had done this. We did it via email and it was great, but this is a much better forum.

One other note: Keep track of all your feelings, how Elizabeth responded and the cute things she does each day. It's so much fun to look back on and to mark her progress. You will be amazed once you get her home how fast she will pick up English. It is clear to us that Reagan understands every word we say to her and has for some time. They are so smart.

You guys are so close to our story with a son at home waiting to meet his sister. Our son Taylor (10) could not wait to meet his sister and she thinks he walks on water now. It is so much fun to see them play together. He is the perfect big brother, as I am sure yours will be to Elizabeth.

Our prayers go with you each day. Hang in there - I know the wait seems tough and this seems so hard to do, but ENJOY YOUR TRIP. This is an experience you will be able to share with a bunch of us for a long tme to come. Welcome to the fraternity!

Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

Mike and Jill Sanders

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,Tom and Elizabeth,
I know it's hard not to worry about Elizabeth not warming up to you right away but we all know it won't be long, how could she not as sweet as you are. You might try repeating "Uncle Gary" to her.(Just a thought,ha).
We went in to the sweet shop for dinner today. Tell Tom Joe was combining away on Grandmas place as we came home.
Guess we'll need to take new family pictures at Thanksgiving this year. Maybe there will be two new family members by then. Dustin,Valerie and the boys are coming over tonight. I'm feeding them pizza and ice cream.(life is good,huh?)
Again don't worry, I'm sure it'll just be a few days and she'll be crying when you have to leave instead. Have fun and come home safe.

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable! I can see some of those teeth with that beautiful smile she has! Keep up the great work on posting pictures.

Hang in there, you only got to spend 45 minutes with her yesterday! She looks like a smart girl, she will soon learn that you love her very much. She probably liked the music that the angel played!

Sorry to hear that your weather is so dreary. We are experiencing some beautiful weather here, in the upper 50's to lower 60's and lots of sunshine, finally!

Can't wait to see what you all do tomorrow. What an adventure! Enjoy. We are all doing great back here.

Love to you all!
Machelle and the gang

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mike Sanders, for your encouraging words! That is just what Tom and Valerie needed to hear. We all appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Tom,Valerie, Elizabeth,
Congratulations on your precious little girl. She is so pretty. Tom next time smile on your picture when you hold your precious little one, I mean Elizabeth, not Valerie. Tee Hee!!
I have been keeping up via internet web page of yours, and Judy.
Congrats again
Margie Buckman

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you, Tom and Valerie! Your daughter is just gorgeous! What a great looking family! And don't worry...she will get used to will just take a little bit of time. This is all new to her too. :-) ut before long it will be second nature to her to climb up on your laps! We can't wait to see her when you get back in town. Hopefully I won't be at work that day! :) Halle also adores looking at her pictures...I'm sure she'll want to give Elizabeth a big hug when you arrive back to St. Louis! Keep enjoying your visits....2 hours a day with your daughther is 2 hours more than you got to see her last week, right? :-)

We'll see you soon!

~Lindsay and David

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! And she is a dear!! This is exciting news!
We're so happy for you all.
She is beautiful, so sweet and precious. I know she'll warm up to you! She does look like your daughter.
Glad to hear all is going well. Take care & hang in there for the rest of your stay. Love -Lennie & family

Anonymous said...

What a relief to finally be able to hold her in your arms--even if she is a little shy to begin with. As others have said, that is actually a good thing. It won't take any time at all before she does attach. Once you get home with her, she will only cling to you and not the family! :-) Keep bribing with food--it really does work, doesn't it? I still remember how big of a fit Aaron threw at the end of the first meal I was able to feed him--He did not want to stop! :-)
I have been looking at the blog at work. As soon as I saw the pics posted yesterday, I found Anne and your students and showed them. We all oohed and ahhed over how beautiful she is and how wonderful it all really is.
I get goosebumps and a huge smile on my face knowing that in just 2 weeks we too will be experiencing our own "meeting"!!
We wish you a very speedy next two-three weeks with 'smooth travelling' through court and coming home. We'll see you when you get home, and hopefully we will have pictures to show YOU!

Anonymous said...

Snow Falling!?! Makes me think of Christmas. And what a Wonderful Christmas at the Hagan home this year! First, though, you will be home for Thanksgiving with so, so, so, much to be Thankful for. Then reality will start to set in and the reality is... this precious gift you are receiving. Also that Elizabeth will be with you for many Christmas' to come. Aren't the Holidays and sharing with God and family some special times to celebrate?
Elizabeth just doesn't know yet what special things are ahead of her BUT when she finds out how she can work the two or three (Chris) of you to her advantage then she will know whose lap to crawl on and which heart strings to pull on. It seems they learn these things quick enough.
I am really enjoying your postings along with everyone's comments.
Take care of yourselves,
Lora P

Anonymous said...

Valerie, it won't be long and the crying will stop. When Meredith was brought to us right before Thanksgiving :) she cried the WHOLE time. I'm sure the case worker stayed longer than usual because nothing we did made her stop crying. Finally she just let with Meredith still crying. And look what a mama's baby she turned into. Every time I think of you and Tom and Elizabeth or tell someone what I know of your story, I can't stop smiling. I am so happy for you. PRAISE GOD!!

Anonymous said...

Hi neighbors,
Your blogs are like a good book I can't put down. Congrats on finding your new daughter. I know all will be well as God is so much in this picture. Makes my heart feel all warm & fuzzy. Looking forward to your homecoming...Thanksgiving & Christmas. Going to be one spoiled little girl with MC & all the country around wanting to give her love & gifts, WOW!!
Group Huggs,
Beth Baker

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie and Tom-

She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! She is just what you wanted. A girl that looks like Tom. The picture of Tom holding her is priceless!!!
I love seeing your GIANT smile too.

Mom printed the first pictures of her and gave them to Joe and Ryan last Friday. I called him three times on the cell phone before he got home and told him to hurry up!

I was so happy to see ya all together finally after all you have been through this year!!

I am at Holly's house today just hanging out.

Please send more pictures.

Love, Jo