Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wet and rainy here

Hi everyone!!

It is so awesome to hear from all of you through your comments. It really helps to hear from home and to hear that everyone is doing well!! Today was a 'free day' and we spent the day playing cards, reading, walking and shopping. Yes, Tom has been shopping with me 4 times in the past 3 days and you know he's loving every minute of it, lol!

It has been cold, rainy, and dreary here since we landed on Sunday. We haven't seen the sun since Germany so we aren't sure of our directions. Each day we venture out and walk around the area. We have found several restaruants and stores. Today our electricty was out for several hours, but since we don't watch TV it really didn't bother us. We had candles and played cards.

We are scheduled to go to the National Adoption Center again tomorrow morning, and hopefully we will get to see the first picture of our daughter. Everything here is subject to change, though, so we are just waiting to see. If we do see her, we will probably travel to her region by train tomorrow evening, so I'm not sure when we'll find internet again. If you don't hear from us, don't'll mean good things are happening.

We have not seen any farmers here yet. Kiev is a town with a population of about 3 million and the streets are packed with houses and buildings. Very little room for yards, let alone fields. We have neither one been sick (knock on wood) and we are getting used to the time change. I did get Tom's tennis shoes packed, Machelle, but he's like Stephen, gotta wear the work boots :-) Tom did see a cement mixer the other day, too!

Keep making the comments and we'll check back as soon as we can. Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Glad to here your doing OK. Are their any English newspapers there? Also, have you found the U.S. Embassy yet, just in case you need anything they are there to help you. It's 4:00pm your time there so that means it's 8:00am here got to get back to work. We miss you and love you guys, take care.

Anonymous said...

Valerie and Tom,
So glad you are there and things are progressing. I am praying for you and your daughter. May God bless you and keep you. We love you and miss you. Karen K.

Anonymous said...

It's Tuesday, 9:25 am. So glad you're doing okay. Tell Tom to put those tennis shoes on and quit being so hard headed. Stephen wants to know if the cement mixer is a front end discharge?? Sounds like you thought of everything, even cards! I pray you know when you see the picture if this is your Elizabeth! Where will you stay once you get to her region?? I hope it is not too far to travel. Stay safe and healthy!!
Love Ya, Machelle and gang

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie,
So excited for you both. Enjoy every minute. Just think, some day you'll be retelling this story to Elizabeth so she'll know more about her original country. Can't hardly wait to see pictures.
Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

hey guys!!! sounds like you're having a ton of fun and everything seems to be going great so far! im so excited, and im only her cousin-i cant imagine how excited you guys must be. elizabeth is going to have the best parents ever :^D

praying for you guys, and all my friends are too! hope everything keeps going great!

Anonymous said...

ah one more thing, my friend had a great idea, when you are done print this off and save all your posts for elizabeth to read when she's older! she will appreciate that soooo much! :)

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie,
We wish you the best of luck and pray that your stay there will be successful and everything works out ok.
Anthony & Nancy Yates

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
This is so exciting!! I have never communicated like this before so it is a first for me. I know the two of you are going through so many 'firsts' right now and I'm sure they are all exciting. I saw Machelle and her little children tonight. She gave me the web site. I just had to hurry home and send something.
Please know we are thinking of you and praying all goes well. We'll be anxiously awaiting the arrival of Elizabeth in the neighborhood. Hope you are taking lots of pictures.
Bobby & Lora

Anonymous said...

Hey!!!!! It is sooooooo awesome to hear from you! I hope you & Tom are doing great! I wish you the best of luck with Elizabeth! I can't wait to see her! All 3 of you are in my thoughts and prayers every day! I miss ya and Love ya! take care.

Anonymous said...

Weds. no up date today so that must mean you are on your way to meet our new Granddaughter. We are so excited! Our Love and Prayers are with you each step of your way. Love You Two (3) Dad and Mom

Valerie Hagan said...

Yes, Randy we found 1 English newspaper. It is from October 13, but we can't wait to read it tonight! Please keep us informed on anything going on in the US we need to know. Like the Cards, Traci, thanks for the update! Tom and I were wondering :)
Machelle ~ we will probably stay in an apartment when we get to her region.
Aunt Debbie ~ I'm glad you are following the blog. We have the name and number of Tom who is a pastor here in Kiev. If we are still here on Sunday (hopefully we won't be, lol!) we plan to get in touch with him to attend his church.