Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Kiev ~ Day 7....

We are still here in Kiev, Surprise, surprise! We have been doing a lot of walking and sightseeing. I studied the map of Kiev last night and had a route planned for us to walk to today, but it is a little rainy, so not sure if we'll venture that far. We were going to go to the large underground mall, yeah, more shopping. Tom was probably glad it's rainy.

We had the most wonderful surprise last night, our cell phone rang and it had a 735 number on it and it was Tom's parents, Joe and Judy! How wonderful to hear their voices and to speak American, too! They sounded like they were next door (which I wish they were). Joe was able to update Tom on the farming progress and the news around Monroe and Judy told us that many people in Monroe City are following our blog. That is very exciting to me, that we are able to share this wonderful (well sometimes not so wonderful) experience with everyone back home. Again it means the world to have all the prayers, encouragement, love, and words of wisdom shared with us!

We hope that our families are doing well. We have heard from most of them and this blog is the highlight of our day! Believe it or not, last night my digital camera quit working. It is a Kodak and is stuck in the on position (but is off) and we cannot get it to turn. Anyone have any suggestions? We saw a Kodak store yesterday and we are going to see if they can fix it. We have to be able to get it fixed before we see Elizabeth, right? If we can't get it fixed this weekend, Igor said he would help us on Monday.

I am very interested in going to the Museum of Folk Architecture, but it is about 30 minutes south of Kiev. We may see if Igor and Holly and Guy would like to do that on Monday. It is a 300 acre farm that we can walk through (another couple who recently traveled recommended it). Sounds like fun!

We are doing well, both physically and emotionally. We are really hoping that Tuesday will be the day! We miss home and our families. We miss speaking English. Some sounds are universal...dogs barking...people laughing...babies crying....traffic running on the streets.

The women here are beautiful. They dress very nicely, wear make-up and most will wear very high heeled boots. They walk everywhere in them, and still are able to walk very fast. If our daughter looks like these women, Tom said he would have to build a fence around her when she get older to keep the guys away :)

The men wear mostly dark colors (as do the women) and their shoes are long with pointed toes that curl up (reminds me of an elf's). That would be laughed at in America, but is very popular here.

Our love to each and everyone of you. Hope you are all fine and we love hearing from you!

Tom and Valerie

P.S.~ Joe Tiffany - please tell Becki I love her!!


Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
The love the two of you share MUST be addicting! So many others have posted our feelings also. I (Lora) find myself checking your site morning, noon, & night. See, it is addicting!
We, also, were very excited to see pictures. Sure hope you get that camera fixed. I'm sure Stephen will like that cement truck picture. He will be explaining this to Elizabeth in years to come. She might wonder why there is a cement truck in her baby book???? We can also see what you mean by the amount of gold. Those gold domes are beautiful.
Valerie, you are a very good writer. You make a dreary, rainy day sound exciting. The whole experience sounds exciting. Through your writings we feel like a part. Thank you for sharing.
Until next time...

Anonymous said...

Back from a day in St. Louis, wanted to check your update. I was telling mom and dad about the buildings with gold roofs, hope they can get here to see the pictures (or maybe I can print them). Really feels like fall here, Jerry's building a fire to take the chill off the house.

Your apartment pictures are great. The bathrooms do look a little funny though - can tell you are in a different country.

One day closer to Tuesday - we hope that is the day for you and glad Joe & Judy called.

What a profound statement you made, "some sounds are universal, dogs barking, babies crying", etc. I guess we all take those small things for granted daily. We know you miss them and will be glad to get home with Elizabeth.

We will check in again with you tomorrow, have a great day -

Our love and prayers to you,

Sue & Jerry