Hello everyone!
We are making progress with Elizabeth. Today as soon as she saw us, she immediately puckered up her little lips and started to cry, but the care giver sat her on the floor and we sat with her, keeping ourselves a safe distance at first. It didn't take too long for her to quit crying and we were able to entertain her with a new book and the same angel of Machelle's that we used yesterday. The book had little flaps that lifted up to reveal a picture underneath and she spent about 15 mintues just opening and closing the flaps (you can see the leaf she is holding in one of the pictures). She would look at us both and not cry, again as long as we kept our distance. Eventually I was able to sit very close to her, but she's still a little shy with Tom. They say that most children haven't even seen men before, or if they have it was a doctor that was poking and prodding them. Tom sat in a chair and was able to take some great pictures and video of our little angel. She is just so beautiful. Even when she was crying yesterday....she was just beautiful!
She is very bright and was able to pick up how the book worked very quickly and I also had a toy that linked together and she was able to figure that out also. She was able to turn the pages in the book. She did really well for about an hour and then I think she was getting sleepy. As soon as she started to fuss the care giver rushed over to try to calm her. You can tell that she is loved by the care givers and I'm sure they will miss her after spending the last 19 months with her and watching her grown into this cute toddler.
All too soon, at 6:15, they came to take her to supper. We are supposed to get to see her from 5p-7p, but unfortunately, they take her early every evening. So far our translators have not came with us during the visits, so we aren't able to figure out why they take them early. We will look into this because of course we want to spend as many seconds with her as we possibly can.
She is very interested in what is going on around her. Tonight there were three other couples there visiting their children and she liked to look and see what they were doing. There is a wall with mirrors there, too, and she likes to look at herself.
We are very happy about the progess we made and will continue to take it one day at a time (like we have a choice, huh?). We look forward to each visit with her and can't wait to go back to the hotel and watch the video of her.
Today, instead of sightseeing with our translator (which costs money) we decided to walk around the town. It was a beautiful sunny day, still cool, but no snow, Yeah! We looked for a toy store since the orphanage director said that Elizabeth likes to play with blocks, but so far we haven't found one. We'll keep looking for them.
The other American couple that we are traveling with have been able to bond very well with their son, CJ. He is also a cutie and he has also warmed up to us so we enjoy playing with him, too. When I told them (Brian and Tamara) that I brought only 18 month size clothes, she said, "Boy you were optimistic, weren't you?" I guess that I knew God would give us exactly what we were hoping for. The only thing we didn't bring was a winter coat, so as soon as we are able to figure out her size, we'll go coat shopping. That'll be fun!
We also want to find some baby juice, as she seems to always be thirsty when we get there. The drink that they give her smells like tea. Hope it doesn't have caffiene in it! We will go to see her again tomorrow from 5p-hopefully 7p. Tomorrow is Sunday and we will miss going to church. Too bad we don't know of an English speaking one here like we found in Kiev.
We hope everyone in Monroe City and surrounding areas are doing great. We can't wait to get back to the good old US of A and see everyone. Thanks for the posts to the blog and forgive us if we aren't able to respond to each person. Hope you understand. It's 8:45pm and as soon as we are finished here, we'll head out to find some supper.
Some interesting facts about this experience...they say that the Ukraine is not for the meek or the weak. I agree fully as the stress of traveling, the confusion of trying to communicate, trying to buy or order food, not having American speaking television, figuring out the foreign money (by the way, Ryan, we are saving you some coins for your coin collection), riding around in a small cab (it's a 1971 Lada about the size of a go-cart and we have the driver + 4 people crammed in it all with the heat on high and the radio blaring while the driver is smoking a cigarette, trying to shift and talk on the cell phone while trying to dodge the numerous potholes...do you get the picture?). Another thing I would add is that this is the 15 day since we left the US and Tom and I have not been more than 20 feet from each other...so I would add that Ukraine is not only for the strong, but also for those couples who are truly in love and enjoy each other's company. Now if you were to pull Tom aside and ask him, he would tell you that he'd much rather be driving a tractor, lol!
Since we are killing time here, waiting for the beautiful pictures of Elizabeth to download, I will tell you that the other day I was wondering what was happening on Survivor (I'm rooting for Stephanie!) and the Amazing Race, and I just had to laugh when I thought "What? I am living survivor...I'm stuck in a foreign country for close to 39 days, I'm having to work for everything we eat (just trying to order can be a challenge sometimes), and I've had to live in some horrific conditions. " I can also relate to living the Amazing Race with all the planes, trains, and taxi cabs we have taken, and because every time we are in a taxi we are racing here or there. The biggest difference, though, instead of winning the million...we are getting the best prize of all...our daughter!
We love you all very much. Keep up the posts...we love hearing from you!!!! God bless!
Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth
Hello, We just got your update, reading along with Becki and Holly. We are so glad you got to get closer to Elizabeth today, and tomorrow will be even better. We all agree that she is very smart learning how to do the book so quickly. We all think she is a keeper!, Loves you heaps, Dad, Mom, Holly and Becki
What a beautiful picture of the two of you, and so close too! You're making such progress! Maybe they will let you go earlier and see her since they seem to be taking her earlier than your allotted time.
Oh, by the way, Danielle loves her colorful dotted shoes!
She sounds like such a bright girl, maybe tomorrow, Tom will be able to move to the floor!
I know there wouldn't be enough Dramamine available for me to make the commutes that you all do. How long of a ride is it to the orphanage from your motel?
I'm so glad you all figured out about this blog site, I sure enjoy sharing in your special moments with you.
We are all praying for you all! Love to each of you!
Machelle and the gang
Dear Tom & valerie,
Miss Elizabeth is so beautiful! She makes everyone who sees her pictures smile! We can not wait to meet her in person and shower her with gifts as well!
I was wondering, how big of a toy box do you think Tom will need to build? LOl
It is wonderful that she is getting more used to you, and before long she wont want you guys to leave!
Let Tom know that this morning I was in our laundry room folding clothes when I heard a truck out the window, Alaina ran to the window and gasped and yelled, "It's Tom Mommy! It's Tom's red truck and he is at our old house!" She was so excited! It took a while to convince her that it wasn't Tom this time but pretty soon Tom would probably come see Daddy. It was so funny!
She keeps asking when we can come see your baby.
I think Elizabeth is going to have LOTS of friends!
God Bless you and your new family!
Trent, Consetta, Micha and Alaina
wow-this is SO exciting!!! she's ADORABLE, i think tom will need to build that fence to keep the boys out!!! haha.
you guys seem like you're making a lot of progress, and it seems like she's VERY smart!
cant wait for all 3 of you to come home :)
Valerie and Tom,
HI!!! I've spent most of this afternoon reading from the beginning of this wonderful journey you two have been on for a little over a year now! I have laughed...and cried... reading about your experiences and adventures in making your way to the Ukraine and......to Elizabeth! The pictures you've posted are fabulous! Not to sound redundant, but your daughter is absolutely beautiful! {Like you'd ever get tired of hearing THAT, right?!?!}It's just uncanny that she resembles you all so much! So reminds me of Meredith and Brenda and Jim!
Carol and Machelle both had Elizabeth's pictures at school the other day and they were so excited to show them off! They are such proud aunts of little Elizabeth! I have enjoyed reading everything on your site...the ups and downs you have encountered along the way and the comments from your family and friends. What a terrific way to record the events that bring a lovely daughter to you two and a sweet little sister to Chris!
We continue to keep you in thoughts and prayers for all good things to come your way as you move closer and closer to bringing Elizabeth home to MC and all who eagerly await your return!
Much love to all,
Jim, JoAnn, Jordan & Jaime
Hey World Travelers,
Glad things are improving, Knew they would. On the possitive side of not getting to see her as much as you like, If you were around her longer that big smile on your face might stretch your facial muscles out to much (haha). Does seem like a real bummer you can't see her your full time. I thought you were supposed to get to see her twice a day too? We got what was probably the last Harley ride of the year in today. Beautiful sunny day but could have been about 10 degrees warmer. Not many crops left in the fields. Talk to you later.
Gary and Karen
We continue to enjoy your stories and look forward to reading about your journey. I would talk to the translators/facilitators about your visits with Elizabeth, because it doesn't seem like they've given you a very good time for her. If it's close to dinner time AND bedtime, what little toddler would be happy??!! I bet they can find a different time for your visits that will allow you the full 2 hours and will be when she is in better spirits. And will make for sweet bonding with her. She is a cutie!
Jill and Mike Sanders :-)
Hi Guys,
It sounds like a wonderful time you are having! We also love loggin into your Blog and checking out all the new pics and your wonderful stories! You are keeping us up on everything so well! It is really nice!
Hopefully you will get a different time slot and a better one. I know my girls are not in a very good mood when they are hungry. Did you try giving her the juice like you talked about?
I bet you cant wait to have her home!
Take care and keep warm!
Love The Warren Gottmans LOL
To give Tom an idea of how the crops are, Tuley's up here in Warren made 80 bushel beans!!!
Just kidding, how about 32. Trent wanted them to be that! ha ha
Didn't know if you were serious about wanting to know how things were going on Survivor and Amazing Race but here is the latest.
Yes, Stephenie is still on Survivor and the tribes have merged.
Amazing RAce- The Paolo family is in first by using a fast forward. They are the father mother & 2 sons team where the mother and oldest son disagree all the time. They are getting along better now after the bungee jumped together.
The Gaghan family with the young children are still going also but are in fifth place with only six families still competing.
Hope this updates you some. But you were right... your race is a much better reward!!! You are already winners!
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