Hello family and friends!
We found out last night that our next appointment will be on Tuesday, so we have 4 whole days to wait. We are trying to be paitent and we are using the time to see and enjoy the city as much as we can. Tom is my rock and he is more patient than I am. It seems silly to me to be here just waiting, but they did assure me that there would be children profiles to view on Tuesday. So....we wait....
Today is a kraseevy (means beautiful) day in Kiev. The sun is shining and the temp is in the 50s. We plan to do more walking and sightseeing. Each night we do laundry by hand and watch TV in Russian. We have enjoyed the DVDs that Karen loaned us, and wish now we had brought more. We have plenty of books, crossword puzzles, cards, etc. to keep us entertained. Tom found an Auto guide that sold farm machinery, trucks, cars, and cement trucks, etc. very cheap.
Last night we were eager for some American food so we decided to walk to McDonald's. It was probably around a mile (took 20 minutes of fast walking), but boy was it worth it! I love McDonald's French fries! I even took pictures of the menu board, since it was all in Russian. Too funny!
Every morning we have been getting up and dressed by 7:30, ready to go at a moments notice, never knowing for sure if we will get the call, so it was nice to sleep in this morning. We are adjusted to the time change and we both are feeling great! The exercise has been good for us.
We are starting to figure out how to post pictures, we'll be pros by the time we get Elizabeth, lol!
We love you all and thanks again for the power of prayer!!!
Tom and Valerie
Hi Tom & Valerie,
I am your second cousin (by marriage) and I heard from Aunt Sue that you were doing this adoption. My prayers are with you. I hope all goes smooth and that you will be home safe with your new family member. Keep up with the pics they are great! Best wishes, santina
Tom and Valerie,
We are so happy that you are having a good time. It looks so pretty there with all the awesome buildings.
Trent wanted to let Tom know that it rained an inch on Thursday. Trent also wanted Tom to know that he looks good in dress pants, he said he didnt know he ever wore any. lol If you want Tom i can slap him! lol
Have a great time and soon you will have your new baby girl.
We are praying for you all the time!
Love The Gottman's
Yes, Consetta, Tom would like you to slap Trent (really hard, lol!) He does clean up rather nicely, doesn't he?
Thanks for the post Santina!
Darla ~ I know you love McDonalds as much as I do :-)
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