Picture #1 this is the area above the underground mall that we went to yesterday. If you notice the glass domes, that is the roof of the mall below. Picture #2 is Valerie with the Brothers (one Russian, one Ukrainian). Picture #3 is the arch I told you about yesterday. #4 is us with Pastor Tom Ragsdale. #5 is the hot water pipes in our bathrrom at the apartment that we use to dry our clothes on. Also we put some on the rack in the bathroom and we have a fan that also helps them to dry better. They are usually dry within 24 hours.
Today started out very exciting. I was still asleep when the phone rang at 8:45am. It was Igor saying that they had a profile for us to see and to be ready in 10 minutes!!! I jumped out of bed, threw on my clothes and we were downstairs waiting before Igor pulled in. We flew (and I mean flew because they drive soooooooooooo fast) to the NAC (National Adoption Center). As we walked in the door we learned that the beautiful little 2 year girl had just been given to another family. Guess it wasn't meant to be. I was disappointed momentarily, but then remember that God has had his hand on this entire process. He knows what is right and we have complete faith that He will lead us to our little girl. So back home we went (or flew, hehe!) We ate some lunch, played some cards (in which I beat Tom really bad! Ha!)
So....we wait....we are getting very good at waiting....I guess we don't have a choice, ha! We have explored this town, we have as far East as we could (to the river), we went north yesterday to the Arch, we went as far West to get to McDonald's (which we guess to be a mile), and we have went as far south to the Monastery. We have decided that we are ready to get the heck out of this city and go see our little girl. God willing, tomorrow may be the day!
We had another exciting phone call last night....Christopher called and it was so great to hear his voice. I know everyone in good old Monroe City is watching out for my son, but it was great to hear with my own ears that he is doing well. He has a job interview today so we are praying that goes well. I hear that he has very short hair now, so Kayla....please take a picture of him for me...this I have to see :-)
My sister, Holly, gave us a great idea to buy little gifts for Elizabeth and give one to her each year for her birthday or Gotcha Day so guess what...we are going shopping this afternoon...Tom's favorite pastime, ha! We are going to go to the area close to here that is underneath the intersection. Then we are heading for the grocery store (maybe for the last time in this city :-) and then to the barber. Tom needs a trim so this could be interesting since we won't be able to communicate with them. You know his hair is only about 1/2" long now, so he may come out bald. I'll get a picture if he does. We wouldn't want anyone at home to miss that! LOL!
We are going to go to "The Terrace" for supper. This is the only place (besides McDonald's) that we have found really good American food and it beats McDonald's hands down! It cost about $30 last time, but was worth every cent. Mostly we eat at the apartment, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or ham and cheese sandwiches. We have a stove, but the oven doesn't work, or we would eat frozen pizza.
We are becoming experts at hand washing our laundry and playing rummy. We have even made up some of our own card games.
How is the weather in Missouri? It was beautiful yesterday and today. Don't even need a coat outside. The leaves are falling everywhere (very pretty) and everyday we see many people outside raking and sweeping up the leaves. Seems they are fighting a never ending battle, but they really keep the streets, sidewalks, and yards looking nice. We notice that everyone here smokes, but there is never cigarette butts on the ground either.
To answer a few questions you asked....Wendy~ we have not seen Monopoly at McDonald's, but I will remember that you said you are going to share the million with your favorite aunt, lol! Sue ~ we would love to hear what your dad has to say about 'the hole.' Glad you are keeping him posted on our progress. Karen ~ 'the hole' is up on a small step and we do have to carry TP everywhere we go. But as Jessica said, we only use this if absolutely necessary. 'The hole' is in public bathrooms only, thank the Lord that we have a sit down toilet in the apartment. Lora ~ the internet cafe has always been very slow when we are here. There are about 12 computers here. Today it is full, but we are here earilier than we usually come. It only cost 6 krivna/hour (which is about $1.20 so makes for very cheap entertainment. It truly is a godsend to be able to talk to loved ones from home. Carol ~ the Russian lady in Hannibal sounds awesome, we'll have to look her up when we get back home. Thanks Clayton and the Monroe City UMC for the prayers! Consetta ~ Tell Trent that Tom prefers between the duals (because that would mean he would be back in Missouri) :~) Thanks Tim and Nancy for the prayers and we are keeping your soon to be adventure in our prayers as well!
Please know that we love you all and are thrilled that people in Monroe City are following our story and keeping us in your prayers. God bless you all!
Love, Tom and Valerie
Dad says the hole looks much better than the trench used in the army in Korea! 10 guys in a row. Ha. Your Daddy
Your right, Dad! At least 'the hole' is separated with stalls :-)
I'm glad you posted to the blog finally. I enjoy your e-mails everyday!
It was awesome to talk to mom on the phone tonight! We were on our way to supper and the street was noisy so I couldn't hear real well, but I sure recognized that voice! Love ya!
Loved the pictures! Hope you had an enjoyable evening out at "The Terrace" since your day started out on such a roller coaster. We are all praying for you back here more than you'll ever know. Keep your chins up. Anything good, is worth waiting for. God will guide you to Elizabeth. Love and prayers to you all!
Love Machelle
okay so we had a russian pastor come to speak to us last nite at youth group. it was truly an amazing night, this man had been in jail in Russia for being a Christian!!! he had a lot to share with us. but my point-his son was there to translate, he's from russia as well, and he was wearing pointy boots like you talked about the men over there wearing! haha...they looked very funny!
sad about the little girl-but you'll find the right child soon enough!!! -wendy-
Watch out for haircuts in foreign countries! When we were in Turkey, one of the pastors in our group got his hair cut in Istanbul. Not only did the barber stick scissors up the man's nostrils to cut nose hairs, but he also set some cotton on fire to singe away ear hairs! What a spectacle. Fortunately, everything turned out all right. I hope your haircut was "uneventful" compared to what my friend experienced in Instanbul.
God Bless,
Clayton Peak
Hello, Tom and Valerie. I am Joe's Mom (Becki's MIL)and I just wanted to congratulate you on adopting little Elizabeth. We know she will bring much joy into your hearts and lives. As you may know, we have a treasured adopted granddaughter from Romania, and saw our son Eric and his wife Melinda go thru much the same process as you are going thru right now! It will be worth it all when you head home with your new daughter in tow!
God bless you all,
Jeanne Tiffany
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