Dynepr River with Guy & Holly (American couple), Tom and Olga overlooking the catacombs and Cathedrals.
Welcome to our adoption story, which officially begins when we jet off to the Ukraine to meet our daughter, Elizabeth Marie, on Oct. 15th 2005. We hope to keep our family and friends up to date with our daily activities through this blog (stands for web log). We are very blessed to have wonderful support systems...our loving family, friends, and our church family. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns since we began this process in August, 2004 and as we continue our journey.
wow it looks beautiful there! the buildings look so pretty! i love reading your updates, its awesome to be able to know what all you guys are doing over there. i hope everything continues to go well and you have good luck at your appointment!! you said there were 'profiles' to look at, so does that mean there will be multiple children to choose from?? i wouldnt be able to choose if i were you-i'd want all of them! haha.
i'm SO excited for you guys ive been telling EVERYONE i think this whole thing is so cool. you guys rock!! :)
*still praying*
Tom & Valerie, just want you to know that Phil & I have been keeping you close to our hearts & prayers. Phil was so excited to tell me about your news when your journey was in the first stages & since that time we have been kept informed from all sort of sources. One of which is Machelle, who keeps us all on pins & needles at school :) What an awesome story you all are weaving through this tehnology of the internet. I feel as though we are traveling with you. It has not been that long ago that my nephew, Tim & his wife Nancy went to Russia to get their little Aaron. They too, will be returning to have another "gift from God" placed in their arms. So it is with great joy, love & prayers that we treasure this journey with you. May God hold you all in the plam of His hands.
Continually keeping you in prayer,
Donna & Phil Thompson
Hello, Tom and Valerie;
Becki asked me to pass on to you that she is feeling fine now and that we're praying for you. Let me know if there's anything you want me to pass on to her and I can print it off here at work and take home to her. Take care!
Tom & Valerie - just checking with you today...Wow!! the weather there sounds the same as here!!! The pictures you are sending are terrific - I did not know the buildings there were so beautiful, not what I was expecting. Even your apartment building looks nicer than what I thought it would be - guess I just didn't have any idea.
Sorry you have to wait until Tuesday for your next appointment, praying that will be your special day!
In the meantime, sounds like you are keeping busy, but I don't know if I would travel as far as you did for a bag of Mickey D's fries! (Let us know if heartburn feels any different across the world haha)
Love to both of you,
Sue & Jerry
So glad you figured out how to send picures. It helps me feel a little closer to you guys. I hope you can enjoy the next four days. I know you are wishing the time to go quickly, but remember, there's nothing you can do to hurry it up, so enjoy. I'm hoping to take Stephen and Danielle to Totten's Pumpkin Patch this weekend. We had a beautiful day today after a rainy and cold Thursday. I hope tomorrow will be nice too! This morning when I opened your blog site, Stephen heard me say "We got pictures", he said, "Of a cememt truck?" He is eagerly awaiting pictures of a cement truck. Mom and Dad stopped by the office so I could show them the pictures this morning, and mom checked in again at noon to see if there were any more updates. Hang in there you guys. Know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers!!! Love, Machelle
Hi Tom and Valerie! I love that you are keeping us posted, and just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you! I can't wait to see a picture of Elizabeth!!!! Prayers, Jana Van Donselaar
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