To add to the grief, you actually have to pay to use 'the hole' (About 10 cents) and they don't supply toilet paper either. Crazy, huh?
Welcome to our adoption story, which officially begins when we jet off to the Ukraine to meet our daughter, Elizabeth Marie, on Oct. 15th 2005. We hope to keep our family and friends up to date with our daily activities through this blog (stands for web log). We are very blessed to have wonderful support systems...our loving family, friends, and our church family. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns since we began this process in August, 2004 and as we continue our journey.
haha we saw some of those in France! crazy...Praise God for American toilets! lol. that's awesome about the church-i go to youth group at aunt debbie's church, and tonite at our youth service we have a russian guy comming to preach, he's going to be speaking russian and his son wil be translating! ill be thinking of you while i hear russian! i couldnt deal with other people not speaking english-ahh i would go crazy. im glad you got your camera working again! i was scared for a while lol.
oh i had a question-McDonalds is doing Monopoly this month, do they have it at the ones over there?? curious....
im going to win the 100 million dollars! ill share :) hehe
Hi Tom and Valerie,
Still excited everyday to check out all your adventures. Sure does seem to be a lot of interesting things to do there. I didn't thnk you would have much free time and should have sent more DVD's with you. I also didn't know how much room you would have in your suitcase for them. We are hoping for good news on Elizabeth on Tuesday. Gary is always excited with all your news also. Took a drive with the neighbor Beth today. The colors are nice but I think they will be better in a few days. Her son is a Missionary in Belarus. It is getting colder here now and I am hooking up a heat lamp for my animals. Gary would rather pay higher utilities than have them in the house. He is not the pet lover I am. If there is anything you need done at your house just let me know. We had a few days of the Asian Beetles back. I think this cold spell has sent them back hiding. Your apartment does look better than I thought. Just not sure about that tolet. Is it flat on the floor or up a step? The picture makes it look like it is flat on the floor. You have your Mothers writing skills. Good work. I didn't realize you had a phone. We will try and get the number and give you a call. We have a bunch of calling card that need used up and can't think of a better way than talking to you all in person. We have our web cam also. Is there anything like that around there? Well take care and rest up for your next adventure.
Gary and Karen
WOW! I sure would hate to have to go to the bathroom in something like that! I mean... WOW! I guess I would only go if I REALLLLLLY had to go if it cost. but i guess 10 cents isn't that bad. that's just.. wow.. they could make a lot of money if someone just constantly had to go all the time..hahaha..
(different subject)
I'm glad you all still can eat at McDonalds! I sure would love to go to a McDonalds clear over on the other side of the world That would just be ohhh soo awesome! -but it would still bring those good ol' Memories with Chris and the rest of the youth group LOL if ya know what I'm talking about! Well I hope you all are having GREAT FUN! Can't wait to see Elizabeth and I know you and Tom can't wait either! I'm soo excited! (u all are probably way more excited hehehe considering it's gonna be YOUR DAUGHTER!) :P Well you all take care and i'm still thinkin' about all 3 of you! Love ya
Whoweee!!! what a terrible looking contraption! My sister, Nancy, said they had those in Germany - only they had "feet" painted on the floor (I guess that was a visual aid).
You two are having quite an adventure, glad Tom got the camera fixed, love the pictures.
Rainy and cold here - you sound like you got the better weather.
Glad you got somewhere where there's some good old english being spoken, I know how homesick you are, but being brave too.
Praying for good fortune on Tuesday and your safe return home,
Sue & Jerry
Hey, the yard tractor quit today, could you bring us a souvenier Russian tractor????? hahahaha
Wendy was asking about Monopoly game at Mickey D's...if they have that in the Ukraine, what's the grand prize? A "hole" of your own?
Tacky Cousin Sue
Tom & Valerie,
Just a few questions. Are these just the public use restrooms? I noticed the pic of the restroom in your apartment with a REAL stool. Glad for that!!! Also are the internet cafe's busy? Do you have to wait to use a computer and is it as cheap to use a computer as it is to use the hole? LOL
It doesn't take long for your comments to come through. Machelle told me there was 8 hours difference in our times but I was checking the blogs this morning about 9:00a.m. when you posted todays comments. That is quick!
We were also talking about the two of you at church today. Sounds like you are in many peoples thoughts and prayers.
Looking forward to Tuesday!
Hello Tom and Valerie,
"The Hole" is a very appropriate term. Thought it was funny that the toilet brush was located in the stall--maybe I should enact the pay and clean method here at home! Your pictures are beautiful and glad to hear the camera is fixed. Don't you marvel at building, museums, etc. that are older than our country.I especially like the picture of Tom--all kicked back and relaxed. Your apartment looks very nice and modern--I was holding my breath as the picture of your bathroom was downloading--whew--no "hole". What an uplifting worship service you experienced--just goes to show that some things are larger than life. Tuesday is getting closer!!!! I know you are very anxious--so are lots of other people. Mark was glad your Mom and Dad talked to you--really raised their spirits. Valerie you mentioned the beautiful Russian women and it reminded me of a recent article about a Russian woman who owns a dress shop in Hannibal--she said the very same thing that you did--they never dress down--they are always dressed up--they may only have a few garments/clothes--but they are nice and always leave their homes dressed up. I'll dig the article out of the recycling and save it for you--You and Elizabeth may want to visit her shop--she makes custom clothes as well. Tom get your building materials ready. Mark and I had an usual Saturday night--Anthony and Jared went on a double date with their girlfriends--So Seth was our date--which he enjoyed the special attention--and said he was glad he wasn't on the "other" date. Can you tell I have a little free time--it's 6:30 on Sunday night--Anthony is back in St. Louis--making trips to the airport to pick up all his friends as their fall break ends--and making some money on the side. Mark, Jared and Seth have spent the afternoon in their penthouse--I bet they are freezing--it's very cold here. Last Sunday Mark let Jared have a little time off from farm work to hunt-Jared shot a deer with his bow--Kent was nice to help him try to find it--but he didn't. Jared and Seth did go back and find his arrow. I am stalling--I have about 2 hours of homework for my class. But I am enjoying your blog site more! Continued prayers for safety and the chance to meet Elizabeth.
Tom & Valerie,
I think the word WOW is a good way to put that "hole", I guess it is better than between the duals of tractor though! ;), lol
So what do people do? Carry around thier own toilet paper?
The pictures are really nice, the city looks so huge looking out at it in your pics.
I know you are axiously awaiting the first sight of Miss Elizabeth, we are praying for you and rooting for you!
It is so excititng to hear all the fun things you guys are doing. How interesting! Lots of neat stories you can tell your Grandchildren some day.
Take care and know that we are thinking of you always!
Love Trent, Consetta, Micha and Alaina
Rebecca and I encountered "the hole" when we went to Turkey in 2003. And yes, we did carry around our own toilet paper, just in case. Fortunately they also had the regular "sit-down" toilets in most places with paper provided.
On another note, I'm so glad to hear things are going well for the two of you. As Holly mentioned, we prayed for you in church today, especially about your upcoming appointment on Tuesday. All of us will be looking forward to hearing some good news soon!
God Bless,
Clayton Peak
I had to laugh at "the hole". When I went on my pilgrimage to Medugorje I had one of these little jewells also :) I took a picture to show everyone so they would realize how fortunate we are in the good 'ol' USA. Very interesting to use one of these too !!! I see where Tim & Nancy sent you a note. I hope they do this blog thing when they get their new little arrival. Sounds like your getting very close to getting Elizabeth. Just letting you all know that we are continuing to keep you all in are prayers. May God surround you on your journey.
Love & Prayers
Phil & Donna Thompson
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