Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, October 17, 2005

We are here!!

Hello everyone ~

We arrived safely Sunday around 1pm our time (5am your time). After 3 different planes, 18 hours of traveling, a few minor glitches, and losing 8 hours, we are very tired, but all in all we are fine. We were met at the airport in Kiev by our facilitator and they drove us to our apartment. It is in a very old looking building, but inside the apartment is very nice. We have a queen size bed, a nice bathroom with a tub/shower, 2 recliners, a Russian speaking TV and a nice kitchen complete with a stove and fridge. After we got settled in we walked a few blocks to the 24 hour market and bought a few things, stopped for supper and then were bathed and in bed by 7pm. I slept off and on until 9am this morning.

This morning our facilitator took us out for a Ukrainian breakfast. It was a variety dumplings stuffed with anything from beans, to meat, to cheese. Very good! For dessert we had dumplings stuffed with poppy seeds and honey. Then we went to the National Adoption Center but we were unable to make a selection at this time (we were prepared in advance that this could happen). We will have another appointment later this week.

Over all we are tired and suffering from some culture shock. Our facilitator speaks some English, but is still difficult to understand. He is very nice and we feel he is really looking out for our best interests. They drive very crazy over here and we just hang on tightly. We will try to check our personal e-mail and this blog every day or so, so please feel free to leave us notes. We haven't been gone long but we are both homesick and can't wait to get back to the good old USA :-)

We miss you all!!


Anonymous said...

Sooo glad to hear from you. Sounds like your apartment will be nice, glad you have a kitchen, it will be nice to fix yourself a home cooked meal. Spoke with Mom and Dad already this am (Monday 8:30) and let them know you posted to your blog. Hopefully you can rest up and get situated and accustomed to your surrounding quickly. Did you get Tom's tennis shoes packed, and plenty of Dramamine?? Sounds like you might need plenty of both. Be safe. Love Ya. Keep us informed!

Anonymous said...

We love you and are thinking of you!

MaMa and PaPa

Anonymous said...

Tom and Val.
Glad you made it--funny story--Anthony was at the airport in St. Louis same day and time you were--he was taking friends to meet planes for the fall break--he of course got offered gas money to do this--he really had no way to look you up because of the security--did you feel like someone was thinking of you? He was. Hope you have a smooth day today. I copied the new info for Mark and boys. Glad to have the blog--don't have any time at work to respond--but will be glad to print out and read all the exciting news. CLH

Anonymous said...

So it turns out I was at Lambert the same time that you were on Saturday!!! I was dropping my college friends off to fly back home for break... I hope everything is going well for you and I hope the flight wasn't to awefully long. I have never flown accorss the ocean, but I'm sure its no picnic. Everything is going well in the fields and I think Jared has been a pretty good stand in for you Tom. I can't wait to see Elizabeth!!! I hope that you find the Ukraine to be a new and liberating experience and that you have plenty of stories to tell when you get back.

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie,
We are so happy for you both! What an exciting time for you! We cant wait to see Miss Elizabeth. I know it must be hard to be away, but the time will fly by and soon you will be back home in MC with a new addition to your family.
Trent wants to know if Tom has found a farmer yet. lol
We are keeping you in our prayers!
Love Trent, Consetta, Micha and Alaina