Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Hi...Day 13

Hi everyone ~
Thanks for the e-mails and posts to the blog. She is a beautiful little angel and we are counting the minutes until we get to see her again. We are doing well and enjoying our nice hotel. It comes with a 'free' breakfast that was very delicious. We found many vendors down the street from our hotel last night selling anything from hot dogs to chicken. We ate supper for $2. We figure the only meal we'll eat out for will be lunch. Anyway, we'll save money on food. Our room has a fridge so we'll go to the store later and get water, yogurt, etc.
Chris called last night. He was happy about his little sister and said 'she's awfully pretty.' It was great to hear from him and hear his voice. We had a much better connection this time. Joe and Judy called at 7am this morning (11pm their time) and Judy said they just couldn't wait any longer. I'm beginning to think the town of Monroe is crying over our little girl more than we are :-)

We have to go to get a statement notarized stating that we want to adopt Elizabeth. We'll get to visit her from 5p-7p. I felt like such a bad mother yesterday, I completely forgot to take any toys or snacks for her. Guess in the excitiment, I didn't remember. Today I am ready with a baby doll, an Angel that plays music and a book (all thanks to Machelle). Also got some Cheerios.

We'll get to spend more time today, but we both know that it will take awhile for her to warm up to us. We will cherish every second getting to know her.

Yesterday the other couple was waiting in the office outside and they could see the caregiver getting her all ready and making sure that her bow in her hair was perfect. It is very obvious that they want the very best for these children.

We will blog more later and hopefully send more pictures.
We love you all so very much and we love hearing your posts and e-mails.

Love, Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I have been following your blog after Jill Sanders sent it to me. We were in the Ukraine with SWAF at the same time Jill and Mike were and adopted a little boy that was 17 months old at the time. I feel like I'm reliving the experience all over again reading your blog. We were there 13 days before getting our referral. Your daughter look's beautiful and look forward to continuing to follow your story.
Jody Richardson

Anonymous said...

I do believe that most of Monroe shares our excitement about Elizabeth! I'm sure that most of them know! Glad that you have a more comfortable place to call home for now.

Enjoy your day sightseeing, sure your mind will only be on one thing, and that is your time with Elizabeth again! Can't wait to hear how your time went.

Take care of yourselves, stay healthy, and return home quickly and safely!

And did I mention she is
B E A U T I F U L !! ! ! ! !

Love Machelle and the gang

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
Day 13 is one day closer to your Homecoming!
We are so happy for you both!
I showed Trent and the girls the pictures last night and everyone was so happy!
Micha's eyes lit up and she had lots of questions! Alaina said she was going to give Tom's baby stuff! it was so cute!
She asked if we could go see your baby right then, it was funny!
MIcha and Alaina both said she looks like Danielle! What a doll!
We are still praying for you and thinking of you all the time!
Love Trent Consetta Micha and Alaina