Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Day 5...another day of doing nothing...

There were no children to see at the National Adoption Center today. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday or Tuesday. We walked around Kiev by ourselves today and saw the Dynepr (pronounced Nipper) River which was beautiful with the trees turning colors. The river is as wide as the Mississippi and runs right through the center of town. Our apartment is about 5-6 blocks from it. We also walked through the Botanical Gardens where they have the WW II Memorial. We got more good pictures today. It was in the 40s yesterday and today. The sun was out yesterday (it was great to see it!) and today it was cloudy, but no rain.

They have underground malls and stores here. Last night as we were venturing out to find something to eat, we were going to have to cross a very busy street (Yikes! Scary because they drive so crazy!) when we noticed that there were stairs going under the street and back up on the other side. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we entered the doors into a large shopping area with at least 30 vendors and a large eating area. All of this was underground, beneath a busy intersection. We were able to go to a fast food place and fumble our way to order chicken nuggets and French fries. The fries were awesome!

We did get a picture of a tractor, dump trucks and a semi today. I know that Tom's nephew, Stephen, has been very interested in that! Tom is anxious to see some farm land and maybe drive a tractor, LOL! We are doing great and keeping busy by walking a lot, shopping, and just hanging around the apartment. I forgot to tell you yesterday that the monastery we visited with the catacombs were 1 km beneath the Cathedral so we are getting lots of exercise. We know that is why they are all very slim over here, because they walk everywhere. Tom says they walk like they drive...very fast.

Gas prices here are the same as the US....around $3, but their average monthly salary is about $500/month. That's probably another reason they walk so much. Most of the cars are small and our facilatator said they are not required to have car insurance, only about 30% does. Amazingly enough, we have not seen any wrecks or noticed many dents on the vehicles yet.

We miss everyone, and appreciate all of your responses on the blogs and through our e-mail. Spaseeba (which means Thank You) for all of your prayers. It is a truly awesome feeling to know that there are so many people back home praying us through this! We love you all!

Tom and Valerie


Anonymous said...

Hi guys - Sorry I am so long about posting an update. I'm really enjoying reading your site and sharing your ups and downs with you. You continue to have our love and prayers. Glad David, Brad and Halle delivered you safely to airport and that you arrived in Kiev safely. Don't know where the guys are combining now, they have not called Kent for help. I stopped by your house on Tuesday afternoon and picked what I think were probably the last of the peppers. Had been out that way taking my Dad out for a ride. Also took him to the deer stand, house, condo or whatever. I got him up there and down, although coming down was a little precarious, since Kent doesn't have the hand rail mounted yet on the stairs. Kent went out last night (Wed) and disked up the garden spot. Also did the same for Harold and Mary's garden. Going in to sub in 4th grade this afternoon. Had Korbyn all day yesterday, it was my regular Wednesday with MaMa day. He is so delightful. Hoping that you all will soon be blessed with your new child. Refresh me again on the time status of how long you have to stay after actually finding your child. Cherish your time together as a couple while you await your child. We love you and again keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Valerie and Tom,
It is so nice to read about your events each day in Kiev. I am praying that you will get to see your daughter soon. All in God's time. I pray you continue to enjoy the sites and keep your mind on God and His good, pleasing and perfect plan.
God Bless you,
Karen K.

Anonymous said...

Tom and Val, Wondering if the couple you met from Virginia live close to you? Remember....Patience...all in HIS time. We finished the seed beans and Shepherd farm while we were there. We quit because there are no more dry beans. We did the small field at Robey farm, but back field tested 20% so we quit. Finished all the chisel plowing and now are waiting for a frost. 600 acres left to go!! We had .7 of rain through the night so we are spending the day today doing odd jobs. Its cloudy and temps are in the lower 50's. Love to you both. MaMa and PaPa

Anonymous said...

I've downloaded Google Earth off the Internet and it shows satellite pictures of Kiev, pretty good resolution too. I seen the river you're talking about. It goes all the way through the city. North of Kiev is a huge lake or resevoir the connects to the River. I can see alot of round buildings and a square in the city that looks beautiful.
Take care guys.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie and Tom,
Sorry I haven't sent you our blessings earlier but our computer was down and I had to have Mary tell me how to send a message. Sounds like you all are keeping busy and we know your daughter will be with you soon. Gary calls everyday and I keep him up on all the news. He hopes to be home next weekend and they announced at work that we will be working weekends at least until the end of the year. Yuk. The colors are changing here fast and hope to go for a color drive this weekend. Will probably take Beth again. She really enjoyed our drive last year. Gary and I were hoping for a motorcyle ride down Hwy 79, but the colors may be gone by the time he gets home and right now it is just to cold. May load up in the motorhome and go. Anxiously awaiting pictures and the news when you get to see Elizabeth. Stay safe and we are thinking of you always.
Karen and Gary

Anonymous said...

Tom, I sure hope you have given in to your stubbornness, and put on those tennis shoes. Sounds like you're doing alot of sight seeing. Probably by now you'll need to start some of your laundry. Have you located a laundry mat? Can you get to Target by walking so you can pick up more English reading materials and supplies to occupy your time. Have you found out much about your new Virginian couple. What kind of occupations are they in?? You're in our prayers and thoughts. Love Ya! Machelle

Anonymous said...

Valerie, I keep logging in to check on your progress. I am the person you talked to just before leaving. I am sure you will find your daughter soon. It sounds like you are missing wide open spaces...ask the facilitators to take you (or give you directions) to the Museum of Folk Architecture and Folkways. It is an open air museum (about 300 acres) and has historic houses and churches from each region of Ukraine represented. It makes for a long hiking day, but well worth the trip. There is a wonderfull restaraunt there as well that serves Ukrainian comfort type food. We really enjoyed the day there.
Good luck to you on Friday and we will be thinking of you. I know you are in good hands there. I know it is hard to be patient, but it is worth it in the end. Belive me I have been where you are now!

Christy Bozic

PS. Try the Varenyky. They are delicious!

Anonymous said...

Valerie & Tom,
Very interesting and exciting reading (but a little scary too). Know it is frustrating waiting for that little girl, but hang in there - all in God's time, you know. Tom, talked to your dad today, I was at mom's when he called there. Sounds like everyone there is OK, as is here. I know you both miss home, but I think you two are very brave to do what you're doing. Jerry and my prayers and thoughts are with you and God Speed home with that little one.



Anonymous said...

Hi guys! I've been reading your postings every day. It sounds like you're having quite the adventure over in the Ukraine. It's good to hear that you're doing well and staying safe. I am sure that God will bring Elizabeth to you soon, maybe he didn't want you to miss the experiences you are having over there prior to finding her! :-) I know it's hard to be patient, but you're doing great! David has tried to get in to read about your journey a few times, but I think the blog websites are blocked at his office. (How dare them...don't they know this is important stuff?!?! :) But I've told him about some of your experiences. He'll have some time tonight to check in and read your postings himself I think. Anyway, good luck! Maybe tomorrow will be your day! :) You're in our prayers... Lindsay, David, Brad, & Halle

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking that you're going to have another very special day besides your daughters birthday - the day you first see her maybe a "discovery day" or something! Another reason to celebrate each year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie and Tom! Was just getting a chance to read your blog for the 1st time since you left. What an exciting adventure! Hope you will soon find little Lizzie! Can't wait to see her pictures. The girls say Hi.
Take care!!
Love and Prayers,

Valerie Hagan said...

Thanks for the post, Jeanne, the process is really unpredictable, but once we finally meet Elizabeth, we will go to court sometime around a week later, then we wait for 10 days, but will get to visit her daily, and then we go pick her up, finalize the paperwork (birth certificate ~ with her new name :) ~ passport, etc.) go to the American Embassy for her physical and then will get to return home. Quite a process, huh?
Karen K. ~ Thanks for the encouragement. You are so right...all in God's time and His plan for us will be perfect! I keep reminding myself of that daily (sometimes hourly, lol!)
Joe and Judy ~ The couple from Virginia, unfortunately, are in an apartment quite a ways from here and we didn't think to exchange phone numbers or e-mails with them. Thanks for the update on the crops. Tom wishes he was there farming with you and every day when I ask him where he wants to go, he says, 'home to farm with dad and Mark.' We are being patient and making the most of our time here.
Randy ~ the pictures of Kiev were awesome. This city is absolutely beautiful with many parks and handsome old buildings. Other parts of the city are run down, just like any town I guess. THanks again for the pictures.
Gary and Karen ~ Thanks for the well wishes. The trees here are colorful, too. Tell Gary and the rest of the Hills Clan "hello!"
Machelle ~ No, Tom is still wearing his boots, but he says they are more comfortable for him. We have been hand washing our laundry with Woolite every evening. There hot water pipes are on the outside of the walls, so we hang the clothes there to dry. We have a washer in the apartment, but it doesn't work :(
Christy ~ Thanks for the information, we'll look into that museum, sounds interesting! Thanks! What are the varenyky?
Sue ~ Thanks for the post and well wishes! Tell your parents hello!
Holly ~ I am feeling great physically and all of this walking has been wonderful. It's great to be outside and to be able to enjoy the city. Tom and I are both hoping to lose a little weight :)
David and Lindsay and family ~ Thanks for the post, glad you are following along with this great (but crazy) adventure.
Aunt Debbie ~ you are right, I have heard that children celebrate the day they were adopted every year. Some call it the "Gotcha Day" and they may celebrate by eating Ukrainian food, listening to that music, or sharing the culture in some way. I'm sure she'll enjoy getting to have 2 special days each year :)
Tonya ~ thanks for following along, tell the girls 'hi'

Anonymous said...

Hello Tom and Valerie,
What awesome pictures--truly an adventure. Glad that you have found an American couple and some American food. Hope your next few days of waiting pass quickly as you anxiously await your next trip to the adoption center. Several people have asked about you and your trip--will be glad to let people know when they can view a picture of Elizabeth. I think I read about Tim and Nancy Hays in Donna's blog--Regina Hays told me last night how nice it would have been if they were there at the same time as you--and she wanted an update on your adoption. Seth says-my football team is playing 3rd place in the Hannibal league and dad is hauling beans. Jared is playing with the varsity team in Clark Co. In our daily thoughts and prayers. Mark Carol and Boys