Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Another day in Kiev...Day 4

Well, since we are posting you can probably guess that we did not find Elizabeth today. We were at the National Adoption Center around 8:30 and we were told there were twins available, but they didn't know the age or the sex, so we waited, and we waited, and finally about 11 we found out that it was not twins after all. Instead the only children available were older than we felt we were able to handle. I was hoping twin girls, that would have been fun :-) So, since that was all that they had, we called it a day there and our facilitators took us for pizza for lunch. We got to spend the day with another American couple from Virginia who is using the same adoption company as us. It was awesome to speak with other Americans!!!

After our pizza (which is not like Pizza Hut :) we went sight seeing. We first went to St. Sophia Cathedral. It was built in the 11th century. Wow! How awesome to be in a building that old. It was beautiful!!! We got lots of pictures. Then we by St. Andrew Church which was built in 1744-1767. It was interesting because our facilitator helped to paint the roof of it. These are the really big churchs with the gold pear shaped domes. We found out that they are covered with real gold! Too cool!

After that we went to the monastary with catacombs (mom, you read about this in that blog). Anyway, these catacombs are famous because monks that were buried there became mummified naturally. We used candles as we made our way through the caves and we saw 185 deceased monks. They were all covered but one hand was sticking out. It looked like dark leather. Some of them had slippers on their feet and legend has it that sometimes the slippers will become worn out on the underneath side. Sounds like something out of a horror story, huh. Anyway it is a common belief that these monks and this place was very special and religious. Scientists, of course, have their own theory. Either way, the grounds and buildings were very beautiful.

We have taken pictures and we have them saved on our computer. Last night I saved some to a CD and tried to download it here at the internet cafe using their computer, but I couldn't get it to work. Don't worry, we'll get it figured out in time to post the pictures of Elizabeth :~)

We were glad to have a busy and exciting day of sightseeing. It took our minds off the adoption. We will get a call from our facilitator this evening and tomorrow will be another day. We miss all of you and absolutely love to hear from each of you! Please keep posting, it is the highlight of our day!

To answer some of your, Stephen it was a rear discharge cement mixer. We will try to get some pictures of the trucks here. We have seen a few small tractors and wagons running around the city that we think belong to the street department. Wendy...that is a great idea...we will print the blog at the end of our journey and add it to Elizabeth's adoption story. I'm glad to hear from you and thanks so much for your prayers! Carol and Anthony...that is too funny that we were in the airport at the same time, too bad we didn't run into each other. David, Bradley, and Haley were kind enough to drop us at the front door. said it made you teary to read our blog...I originally started this to keep everyone at home informed about our progress, but it is so awesome to be able to hear from you all each day (makes me a little teary, too :) Karen K., Jessica, mom and dad, Traci & Skyler, Bobby & Lora, Nancy and Anthony, and everyone else....thanks for the prayers and well wishes! You all are awesome!

We found a great restaraunt last night! It was the first real food we had since we got here. There was an American there and we enjoyed talking with him. You don't realize how much you like to communicate until you realize you can't.

This is all for now...we are going for supper now. We worked up an appetite with all the sight seeing we did today. We will post more next chance we get. Right now the adoption process is unpredictable, so we are hoping for the best tomorrow.

We love you all!!!! T & V


Anonymous said...

Always great to see you post and keep us updated! I love reading and sharing your stories. Sorry to hear your meeting this morning didn't work out, but it obviously wasn't meant to be. I'm glad you have found a couple to share your experiences with and to talk to. Sounds like there are some really beautiful places to visit. Can't wait to see pictures! Tom you missed out on some really good peanut butter cookies and lemonade in the field last night. Don't worry, PaPa ate your share. We'll make plenty more for you when you get back. Love to you both. Machelle and gang

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valarie,
It is truly amazing being able to read your story about Elizabeth. If 2 people ever deserved such a special blessing in there life it is you. I just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. May God bless you and keep you safe, healthy & happy.
Love & Prayers David & Terry & Family

Anonymous said...

Wow, twins would have been great. huh? I know the right girl will be coming up soon. It's pouring rain here in Missouri as I write. Some trees are getting very pretty. Are leaves turning colors there? Have you used any public transportation? Hope you took plenty of books to read. Sounds like you're making the most of your time. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom and Valerie. Keep your chins up, this just adds to the great details in Elizabeth's story to become your daughter. When the time is right and you have that picture to look at you'll just know that "this is her". Meredith and I keep you in our prayers each night. Good luck Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Well the Cardinals lost 5-1 last night, it's a shame that the best team in baseball won't be in the World Series. Another Hurricane is turning in the Gulf, Hurricane Wilma. Heading toward the Florida Keys, this is supposed to be the strongest storm on record. It's a cold and rainy day, kind of like Kiev ha. That's all I know right now. Take care.

Love you guys,

Valerie Hagan said...

Where are the guys combining, Machelle? Thanks for the update, Randy, on the cards (your right, that is a bummer!) and the hurricane. One couple was here during Hurrican Katrina and didn't know anything about it until they got home. Hi David and Terry, Brenda and Meredith, thanks for the prayers. Great to hear from you! Holly, our TV is all in Russian, but we have watched Oprah, The Simpsons, and the A-team, but still hard to follow. We have watched several DVDs on our laptop that Karen loaned us (which was great!)We have seen one McDonalds, but too far to walk from here. Aunt Deb, the trees are turning color here and along the river they are beautiful! We haven't been brave enough to try public transportation, it's pretty hard to figure out how to communicate or to tell where to go. So far we are hoofing it and venturing out farther every day.