I'll tell you that Elizabeth is so smart that when they were bringing her toward the play room where we've met the last 2 nights, she was already crying because she knew we were there. Broke our hearts, but it wasn't long before she stopped crying and I was able to play and interact with her. We found some nesting blocks at the toy store today and she was entertained with them for over 20 minutes. We looked at books again, played with some stacking blocks (we found some today from a street vendor), and of course Machelles' angel that plays music. She really loves that angel! For the first hour she was playing and not crying, yet not smiling. But then....she smiled at me! What a precious moment that was. Then....she laughed! She has the cutest, most adorable little laugh! I would tickle her belly and she would laugh and laugh! It was such a touching moment. Finally we are feeling so great about our bond we are developing. Tom stayed behind the camera again today, but was much closer. She looks at her daddy, with her little wheels turning in her mind, and at one point she smiled at him too.
The caregiver and a babushka (old woman) were there and when I stacked up the blocks and motioned to Elizabeth to knock them over, she pushed them over with a big smile on her face and the caregiver and old woman laughed and clapped for her. The older woman is the 'guard' and no one enters or exits without going by her. She is very protective of the children and the first night we were there (which was the night Elizabeth cried and cried) she kept saying something in Russian to us (of course we couldn't understand her) and she appeared to be gruff with us, but tonight she was so pleased with our progress that she was giving us the thumbs up sign on our way out the door.
But the best part of the story....when they came to get Elizabeth around 6:45 the old woman had Elizabeth put her toys into the diaper bag and then when she realized it was time to leave...she cried like she didn't want to leave! The caregiver was starting to walk her away from us, when Elizabeth just plopped down on the floor like she did not want to leave (again another precious moment!). Then I held my arms out to see if Elizabeth wanted me to pick her up and she held her little arms up for me. So I picked her up and she started to cry again. I think she was too confused to know what she felt at that moment. Anyway...it was a great day! I was a little worried about the time change, that it may have thrown her off, but she did great! And we got to see her for almost 2 whole hours!!!
Tom's mom just called to check in on us. I didn't get to talk to her, but Tom loved hearing from his mom! We had another great day in the city, walking and shopping. It was fun, fun, fun shopping for toys for our little girl! I've been waiting ages to do that. Tom won't admit it, but I really think he enjoyed it, too!
Today as we were walking, we were talking about how neat it is that both of our families have really pitched in to help us out on this adventure. Judy and Joe played a huge role in furnishing most of the gifts that we brought over. Judy also gave us both a scapula (I hope I spelled it right) that was blessed by their priest and we wear them everyday. My mom and Holly also contributed to the gifts. Mom made a beautiful quilt for Elizabeth and also made a blanket which we will use on our trip home. Machelle and Becki both gave us clothes and toys from their daughters, Katrina and Danielle. Mark and Carol loaned us their very nice set of luggage. Gary and Karen loaned DVDs which were a lifesaver while we were waiting in Kiev. David & Lindsay are keeping our van and will pick us up at the airport. Mark and Joe have covered for Tom in the fields and on the farm. All of my co-workers who are covering for my absence. All of the numerous family and friends who have prayed us through. Lennie Gottman made a beautiful quilt (pink, of course). Wow! I could go on and on....We are blessed with a great support system!
We love each and everyone of you!!!!!
Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth