Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

We are coming home in 5 days!!!!

Hello everyone at home!

Picture #1 ~ Elizabeth absolutely loves it when her daddy throws her into the air! (You know when I say ‘throw’ ….he never lets go of her :-)

Picture #2 ~ Not a good picture of me…but it’s proof that she now RUNS into my arms every morning and I don’t even have to bribe her with a banana anymore :-)

Picture #3 ~ A group picture of us three couples with our little angels (we all used the same agency)… Tom, me, and Elizabeth; Tamera, CJ, and Bryan; Sue, Natalie, and Mark

Picture #4 ~ Weddings, weddings, weddings everywhere! It appears to be common to go to popular sights around town for pictures on your wedding day here. This shows three different couples at the Mirrored Fountain (I told you about this earlier…this is the legend where you can make a wish on any sunny weekend day and your wish will come true). They also decorate all of the cars with ribbons and flowers and drive around and honk horns…no cans tied behind the cars that we’ve seen yet. We have seen weddings on Fridays and on Saturdays. When we were souvenir shopping in the park (imagine that…shopping again!) with Bryan and Tamera, we saw wedding 2 other couples there taking pictures with the cathedral in the background. Today was cold and cloudy, but it didn’t seem to slow down the festivities.

This morning our visit went great! She is such a joy and everyday now she seems so happy to see us. She likes to tease her daddy by pretending to hand him a toy and then when he holds his hand out, she takes it back and laughs! She teases me by acting like she is ignoring me when I call her and then she turns around and runs into my arms and gives me a great big hug! It was such a slow process when we first met her over 2 weeks ago, but not we are bonding by leaps and bounds and absolutely love every precious second of it. The two hours fly by all too quickly!

After we left the orphanage, we went to the notary to do more paperwork to finalize their passport. Vadim bundled all four children (Elizabeth, CJ, Natalie and Brian) up last night and he went with 3 caregivers and the taxi driver to get all of their pictures taken for their passports. We got to see them this morning and Elizabeth and CJ’s both turned out really good. Vadim said they all cried before and after the pictures, but they didn’t while the picture was being taken. He said they all got a sucker when they were finished. I really had hoped we would have been able to go too, since that was probably Elizabeth’s first car ride…but, at least her next car ride will be with us on her way home to the great US of A!!!

Speaking of going home…now for the great news!!!!!!!!!! We are coming home for sure on Thursday, only 5 more days!!!!! We will go to court on Tuesday (just a formality) and then more paperwork to finalize the birthday certificate. Then….finally…the long awaited time…..we will get to go to the orphanage to pick up Elizabeth. That will be a glorious day!!! This is the day that we will call “Gotcha Day” and we will celebrate Gotcha Day on November 15th every year from now on! We will come back to the hotel until that evening when we will catch the overnight train back to Kiev (10 ride, but we get our own compartment with beds). That morning we will arrive around 7am (I think) and Igor will meet us at the train station in Kiev. We will go to the American Embassy at 9am and then we’ll get settled into our apartment or hotel for the night. The next morning (Thursday) we’ll head out early (around 4:30 am) for the Kiev airport to catch the 6:50am flight. We will fly Kiev to Munich, Germany to Chicago to St. Louis. We will gain 8 hours on the way home and should arrive in St. Louis around 5:05pm Thursday evening. (David Cheek ~ we are still waiting the final confirmation on the flights, which we won’t get until Monday, so if any of that changes we’ll let you know ASAP).

We are soooooooooooo excited and we are counting down the days. We have enjoyed seeing Kharkov and getting to know the history and experience the culture that our daughter came from…but quite frankly….we just want to get our daughter and come home!!!! (Like you didn’t already know that, lol!)

Last night at 8pm we heard a lot of commotion outside our hotel window…when we looked out there was a massive display of fireworks….beautiful…appears to be coming from the park the next block over. Today we ask Vadim what they were for, and he said now that they are a democracy, if you have money and desire, you can shoot fireworks whenever you want. He said it may have been to celebrate a wedding, too. After that we ate supper with Mark and Sue in the 8th floor cafeteria. They had their court date yesterday and will end up flying home on Thanksgiving Day, exactly one week after us.

Well, I’ve talked too long! We love you all and we will SEE YOU SOON!!

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Yipeeeeee!!!!!!!! The Hagan's and Hills'will have the fridge stocked so you can just get in your van and head non-stop home. Are we ever happy to hear you will be home soon. Love You 3 heaps, Dad and Mom

Anonymous said...

Now the countdown for the day you have been waiting for.
We are thinking of you and wishing you safe travels home!

Nancy and Tim

Anonymous said...

Every morning I am anxious to see what you all have to say and to see your pictures. How exciting!! Can't wait to see her in person. You guys are truly blessed with a beautiful little girl.
God Bless
Wes, Tanya, Keegan and Makenzie

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful, I am so very happy for you all. Have you been preparing Elizabeth for her trip to her new home? I can not imagine all of those sudden changes in her daily confusing they will be for her. She will need your constant assurance that all is well. Drawing pictures about what will be happening & then showing her step by step as you go along may help. What do you think?
Lovingly, Beth

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Hagan, I have so enjoyed staying in touch with your story, it is the first thing I read every morning...I have to admit, I've put the textbooks second! I'm sure it has been full of mixed emotions, so exciting to see your darling little girl but also being so far away from home. It sure has felt like you were still here as you have kept us so well informed, I almost feel like I have been in Karkhov too! I hope you will keep up this blog once you get home, at least somewhat, as I will truly miss it! I will keep you in my prayers as you begin this leg of your journey and pray for a safe and happy travel experience. (I remember a train trip with my 2 year old daughter!!!) Take care, thanks for the textbook diversion, but I must get back to Smeltzer & Bare! Your care bear (oops, I mean plan)student, Laura

Anonymous said...

Great News!!!!! Elizabeth Marie is coming home to the USA to be your daughter forever!

Love all your pictures. Katrina said, "Hey, That's my First Words book." We got those from Carmen.

I miss you! I bet you are ready for mom's turkey, dressing, mash potatoes and pumpkin pie!

Elizabeth will have alot of people to study on Thanksgiving.

Love, Joe, Becki, Ryan and Katrina