Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

We played outside today!....10 days until we come home! (hopefully!)

Greetings from sunny Kharkov!!

We left for the orphanage around 7:50am and we were able to translate (using our Russian translation book) to Max (our driver) that we wanted to take the children outside to play and he was able to ask the babushka for us. (This is the same babushka that was always there in the evenings...she puts in a lot of hours...we have caught her napping a few times, lol. One day she was able to convey to Tom that she is 78 years old...not sure when retirement begins here, or if there is such a thing). Elizabeth came dressed in a different snowsuit and hat and she held her hands out to me and we took her outside (no crying this time). She was mostly interested in finding some food at first, but then she walked around and played in a sandbox. She feel down several times (all Tom's fault!!! LOL!) and she never cried at all. She and CJ teetertottered (?SP) together for about 2 minutes until it was on to something else. It was a little cool but the sun was shining and we were all happy to play outside for awhile. She loves it when Tom or I toss her in the air, she giggles and smiles!

The only time she fussed today was when we brought her in, but she soon was digging in the diaper bag and she even sat on my lap and cuddled for quite a while today (I loved every second of that!!!). We left there around 10 am, so we have found that the internet cafe is much slower in the morning, but the computers seem to run faster. Yahoo!!

We are going for lunch soon with the other American couple and Bryan and Tamera. We have found a place here that looks like a fancy log cabin and has a nice atmosphere inside. Since it looked so American, we were hoping for cheeseburgers the first time we ate there...but nyet (no). So far McDonald's is the only place with cheeseburgers.

It is awesome hearing from everyone from home, and even family we haven't seen for awhile :) Keep them coming, it's our lifeline to home and we look forward to getting to 'blog' everyday!

We love you all very, very much!!

Tom, Valerie, and BEAUTIFUL Elizabeth (Tom loves that, ha!)

By the way, our game of Rummy....we've passed the 7,000 mark on our way to 30,000. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Valerie and Tom,
I am so happy your court date is over and to be comming home soon.
I is so great that Elizabeth is bonding with you and you with her.

Enjoy your lunch today, I hope you find a big juicy hamburger and crisp fries!

May God continue to bless you all!
Kare K.

Anonymous said...

I love that little fluff ball on the top of her hat. In every picture Elizabeth looks more and more comfortable with you. Remember when you get home you will be the only thing familiar to her so she'll really run to you then. Enjoy the sunny weather.