Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Greetings from Kharkov.....Only one more week!! YEAH!!

Hi everyone! We had another great visit with Elizabeth this morning. She is such a happy girl in the morning and now loves to be hugged, held, tickled, and chased. It is sooooooooo much fun. Every day it is harder and harder to leave her there and we Tuesday cannot come soon enough for us! I used to worry that she was be too afraid of us when it was time to bring her home, but now we know she’ll be o.k.

Picture #1 ~ Eating supper at the Ukrainian Restaurant with the other American couples last night…Mark & Sue, Tony & Chris, Slava (our driver taking a picture of Misha, our translator, taking a picture of him, silly!), Tom & I, Bryan & Tamera, and Misha’s girlfriend.

Picture #2 ~ An intersection in Kharkov…very busy with traffic and pedestrians, notice the rails in the street, these are what the tram runs on (right down the center of the streets). Notice the wires overhead…these are what the numerous electric buses run on.

Picture #3 ~ Bryan was nice enough to take a picture of the three of us...even caught Tom smiling :-)

Picture #4 ~ Look Aunt Carol...Elizabeth likes books too!! :-)

We really enjoyed our evening out last night with the other couples! I already told you about Mark and Sue adopting a daughter names Natalie Victoria (19 months old) and they have also started a blog you can view if you want at
Chris and Tony are adopting a son, Brian, and they are from Minnesota. It was so nice to get together with them and share our stories and experiences. Both of these couples went to court this morning so they are running about 1 week behind our schedule and we’re all hoping they make it home for Thanksgiving. The food was excellent again and the atmosphere was comfortable. We have the borsch (beet soup) again. I had chicken filet in mushroom sauce with fried cauliflower, Tom had pork filet smothered in cheese with French fries. We were too full to try any dessert. We left at 6 and got back to the hotel around 9:30.

This morning after visiting the children, Tamera and Bryan took us to a Mexican restaurant and I didn’t realize how much I had missed Mexican food. It wasn’t like the US, but it was good. We all have fajitas. Yum! Yum!

It’s cool and cloudy here today. The sky looks like it could snow.

We miss you all very much! Can’t wait til next week when we’ll get back home!

Love, Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth

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