Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

She talks.....Day 19

Our visit with Elizabeth tonight was the best ever!! We got there around 4:30 and by 4:45 she came walking into the play room. She looked soooooooo cute! She had on a little dress with a white sweater, pink tights and her little shoes had cherries on them (I figure Danielle and Katrina will like her little outfit). First time we had seen her with a dress on. The care giver walked her over to where we were sitting on the floor and she only whimpered for about a second and then it was into the diaper bag to see what toys she could find. It didn’t take her long for find the banana. She is so cute the way she eats it….like there’s no tomorrow. Tamera said she heard they don’t get fruit much in the orphanages.

Tonight we hid the Cheerios and she seemed very content to play with us. Tom was able to sit right down by her and play and she did not act scared of either one of us. It was so awesome! At one point Tom held out his arms and she ran to him. Wish I would have gotten it on video. This was the first night we were so wrapped up in playing that we didn’t get as many pictures or video. We were able to get her to laugh (she hadn’t laughed since Sunday night) when we tickled her. She has the sweetest laugh! When she was stacking some blocks, we said “Da!” (which means ‘yes’ in Russian) and she looked at us…and finally we were able to communicate with her a word that she recognized. She said, “Da” and nodded her head. From then on, if we said ‘da’ she would smile and say ‘da’ too. Once when we were playing with a ball, she said ‘ba’ several times. We really felt like we were able to break the ice with her tonight. We got to play with her until 6:30 (so almost the entire 2 hours) and she only whimpered a few times, but never cried the entire time. Whoo Hoo! We went to McDonald’s for supper to celebrate our great day!

Tom and I are having this argument over what to call him. In Russian they call their father’s ‘papa’ and I want her to call him ‘daddy’ but Tom thinks that will confuse her, so he wants her to just call him ‘papa’ for now. Well, we were having this discussion in front of Elizabeth and she was just watching us with her mouth open. It’s hard to explain, but the look on her face was cute!

Love, Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Aww, how cute! I am so glad that your visit went so well. It sounds like she is very smart. I bet she thought, hmmm these people can say yes, lol! how cute!
Cant wait to get to meet her in person! Sounds like Tom might get his way, lol
Do you mean Pa Pa like what everyone calls Joey or do you mean papa like Papa Bear on the Bearenstein Bears? lol Too funny, either way it will be so cute!
I bet it doesnt take long for her to learn English. I will have to get out some of our baby books that show different farm animals and such and you can teach her that way maybe also.
How fun!
Take care and enjoy your time there even though it seems like forever!
Love Consetta Trent Micha and Alaina

Anonymous said...

How quickly you are all getting acquainted and it seems like she is responding more and more each day. This is great. Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie and Tom,
We really enjoy the pictures and it is a great feeling to be sharing your experience. Your making great progress with Elizabeth and knew she would realize what great people you two are. Maybe you can package up some of your stuff and mail it back home just before you leave. I hope you can learn some more Russian words and the book Machelle talked about sounds like what you need. I know Elizabeth will pick up the English language quickly. Hope you hear something soon on a court date and be able to spend more time with Elizabeth. People at work ask about how things are going for you and it is the talk of the town. Everyone is really happy for you. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Val & little Elizabeth,

We're having summer like weather over here - in the high 70's yesterday. Weather like this is always a prelude for a big weather change soon to come.

Tom, harvest is over. We finished up last night on the Robey farm. And I guess as it should be, we did the best last. The yield monitor showed your beans did as well as some of the corn did this time, that shot of "honey" really helped out this time. Two weeks ago the beans were green and testing 20% - yesterday they ran great and tested 11%. No pod shatter at all. The same variety at your house shattered bad, so I guess the timing of the "honey" made all the difference.

Mark and I will work on getting the "heads" put away today. I'll try and run to the FSA office today and see about getting some terrace work done on the "Dimmitt" farm. We've gotten some of our soil tests back so we'll be starting to spread fertilizer soon. I think "Gards" have spread fertilize on Coleman country so I'll be chiseling that in soon. We want to rip Farm #1 and faster on account of last years mudding.

The pictures of you holding your daughter make this year all worth while. I know you have waited a long time for this moment. Be sure and give her hugs and kisses for PaPa and give that wife of yours a big hug for me!

Friday, 11/4/05

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth,
Just read Holly's post about your court date and that now it is official. Congratulations on your new daughter, and new little sister, Chris! We are anxiously awaiting to have you guys back and to welcome little Elizabeth.

As to what to call Tom, I imagine, she will figure that one out on her own, regardless of your direction.

How wonderful that everything is working out according to your hopes and dreams. Will see you soon.
Love, Jeanne and Kent

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
How great! We are so happy for you all! I have already called Trent and let him know.
They are still in the field, hopefully will be done tonight or tomorrow.
Cant wait for you guys to get back home!
Trent Consetta Michaela & Alaina

Anonymous said...

Hi~ I'm a student at HLG and the assistant editor for Horizons, the campus newspaper. We would like to do a feature on you guys and your adoption story because it is definitely news-worthy! I was just wondering if I had permission to use the information in your blog to put in the article and/or ask you a few questions if I had any. God bless in all your efforts and may reach me at Thanks ever so much!
Phil 4:8

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Dede Yager and I want to tell you both how very happy we are for your wonderful family. Tom, that beautiful little girl looks just like her daddy! How neat! I sent Darin and Fema this website, and if they check their computer, I know they will enjoy it. God bless all of you and may you have a safe journey home soon. Dede

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie & Elizabeth,
Thanks Holly for letting us know.
More tears but they are tears of joy!!! I just can't help myself!!

I read the Elrich's blog and it sounds like it was a very stressful day. Sure glad Tom is a farm guy who knows how to change flats tires quick! So Thankful everything turned out for the best.
Enjoy the next two weeks,

Anonymous said...

Congradulations Tom,Valerie &Elizabeth
God has blessed you with a beautiful daughter. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.Debbie, Destry and Katy

Anonymous said...

Valerie, Tom, & Elizabeth,

Have finally had time to go back and read all your notes from the past week. Was off to Atlanta with Mandy last week and just been trying to "catch up" with everything this week.
We have enjoyed seeing the pictures of your new family. Lindy has had her whole class praying for you everyday. Some of the kids wanted to know when they could see pictures of Elizabeth, so we printed out some of the pictures for her to take to school next week. I don't think the kids realized that Judy(aka Mrs. Hagan) is Tom's Mom!! She will share that bit of information with her class next week when she takes Elizabeth's pictures.
So glad to know everything is official now and that you will soon be home!
Lindy says Hi! Mandy was thrilled to see the pictures, but is off and running again, but I'm sure she is praying for you.

Love and Prayers!!
Brian, Tonya
Mandy and Lindy

Anonymous said...

Just a thought: Grandma Eaton called her parents Mama and Papa.

Anonymous said...

HI. I am at the library. I am so happy the court date is over. I can't wait to see you all. I am glad you will be home for Thanksgiving. Katrina can't wait to hold her!
Please take a picture of the old lady "guard"! We want to see what she looks like.
We have really enjoyed Tom's dad's comments.
Love, Becki