Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Settling into a routine!

I can't believe I forgot to add this picture is one of my favorites...Chris and Kayla watching Elizabeth sleeping in her crib :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth is adjusting to her new home and family so well. I'm proud of her, she's such a little trooper. Today was a big day.....her first American doctor visit. She had to get 5 shots! and get blood drawn! She cried (of course, who wouldn't? :-) We were lucky enough to have her Aunt Machelle go with us and she was a great big help! It's been a long time since I've had a toddler and I forgot about how much stuff you have to carry around, lol! I also forgot to premedicate her with Tylenol (bad mommy!), but the nurse was nice enough to give us some to give her. When we were all finished and she had been determined healthy...we celebrated with a trip to Wal-Mart. Machelle and I were pleased to see that she likes to shop as much as we do, lol! Tom said, "bad Elizabeth!" Ha!

All in all, after her day she had and the fact that she missed her nap, she did great! When I laid her in her crib at 8pm she went right to sleep without so much as a whimper. She's truly a joy and has completely stolen our hearts!

Tonight I called my mom, my sister, and my mother-in-law. How awesome it is to be able to just pick up the phone and call loved ones! How great to go shopping and be able to read the labels on everything. How wonderful it was to do laundry with a washer and dryer! And TV...we have English TV! (Yeah!) We have our comfortable bed back and it's so nice and quiet here in the country! Life is great and we are blessed!

Our love to you all!!!!!

Oh....I have to tell you what my brother Gary and his wife Karen got for her....he's a Harley fan and owns he got her the cutest little Harley outfit complete with a beret that says "Harley Davidson" Isn't that precious? She's going to wear it to Thanksgiving Dinner at my moms.

Our thoughts are with Sue and Mark who are on the train right now heading for Kiev and will be home in St. Louis on Thanksgiving!


CJ's News said...

Tom & Valerie,

You might want to check the distance between the top of the mattress & the top of the crib. CJ busted out after day 3. Ours was only 20 inches He didn't pull himself up, but lifted his leg over for leverage. He did the same thing on a play pen that was 24 inches high. Good luck, Bryan & Tamera

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that you guys are home safely. I love the pictures I'm so glad that she is doing so well.I know you all will have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. What a blessing!!!! Enjoy
Wes, Tanya, Keegan and Makenzie

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
I love that picture of Chris and Kayla as well. I can tell that Chris is so excited! What a great Big Brother!
Hope you all are doing well and that the jet lag is over.
Take care and know you are still in our prayers!
Trent Consetta Micha and Alaina