Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The progress continues...

Our visit with Elizabeth today went well. She cried for a bit when she first got to the play room (starting to sound like a pattern??) but soon she calmed down and we played and played and read and ate Cheerios. She is always hungry and thirsty. She and her daddy played with blocks today. He would build a tower and she would knock them down. We had a fun time. The 2 hours seems to fly by quickly. We are anxious to get to bring her home with us. We feel the bonding will move much quicker when we are in our environment.

We still haven't heard about the court date, we'll let you know when we do. Hopefully it'll be sometime this week. We met another American couple today from the east coast, Mike and Tammy. They are adopting a boy and a girl. They are going to court on Thursday. They are staying in the same hotel as us. It's always great to see more Americans!!

Today we walked a lot. It was a beautiful, sunshiny day in the upper 40s. We went shopping (of course!) and had pizza for lunch. We bought some diapers and another toy for Elizabeth. We are trying to have enough to keep her occupied both during our visits and for the ride home.

We are sorry if some of you worried when we didn't post yesterday. There may be more days like that when we just can't get to the computer, so please don't worry about us and consider no news is good news. We love hearing from all of you and it amazes us how many people from home are following our blog! Awesome!!

Joe Hagan....what about the credit cards???? Tom wants you make sure there is a buddy seat in HIS new tractor for Elizabeth.

Love, Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures. It just makes my heart soar when I see all these beautiful pictures of you all. What wonderful parents you will make. You positively glow in these pictures. I saw Nancy, Tim & Aaron last night & it just makes me get more anxious to have a new little baby join our family. Aaron has certainly enriched all our lives. He had us in stiches last night with his cooking stories. Nancy & Tim are such great parents. Aaron has come such a long way from that timid little boy that we jokingly referred to as "Little Smirnoff". It's amazing how quickly they become comfortable with new surroundings. They are so resillent. Thank the Lord for that. Thanks for keeping us posted. It is such a wonderful experience to travel this road with you. We will continually keep you close to our hearts & in our prayers.
Love & Prayers,
Phil, Donna, Megan & Lauren
PS The girls are enjoying following your story.

Anonymous said...

Tom, it is great to see she is warming up to you!!!!!!! It's great to see a picture of you two together.
Staying tuned!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey this is your newphew Randy Hills here. Just went through Aaliyah's drawers and cleaned out all the clothes that are too small and all the summer clothes that are going to be too small by next summer. So there's a bag of girl's clothes waiting for you that look like they will fit Elizabeth before too long.

Other than that just saying hi, and that I've been reading this along with everybody else. Elizabeth looks very pretty and it will be great seeing the three of you at Thankgiving.


The other Randy

Anonymous said...

I am just so happy for you and Tom! So happy, I just can't tell you! She is adorable, and it looks like she already loves you, too! I can't wait for you to bring her home!!!


Anonymous said...

Just read your entire web site and I think "kleenex" should sponsor your site. I can't read this without crying! She's beautiful & looks like Tom.--how wonderful! I am so happy for you. Keeping all three of you in my thoughts & prayers.

Sandy Davis

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
It is such a great sight seeing Tom down on the floor playing with Miss Elizabeth. What an awesome sight!i once again have a lump in my throat looking at the pics. She is going to be so much fun for you both! Valerie you are beaming with joy. It is such a wonderful thing you are doing!

Trent liked seeing the new pics too! We are both very happy for you! We will have to plan some nights to let the girls play!
Alaina wants to see her so bad, she asks about "Tom's Baby" all the time.

From the sounds of all the blogs, I think she will be everyone's baby!

You will have to keep the blog going after Elizabeth gets home and get pictures of all your family members and friends greeting her! I know it will be so nice! There will be more tears I am sure! And another round of cheeks that hurt for days! lol

Hopefully you will get your court date soon and things will get rolling!
Can't wait to see you guys back home!!!!!!!!
Love Trent Consetta Micha and Alaina

Anonymous said...

I will definitely give Kathy the blog address. She was working the day I brought up your pictures on the floor so she has at least seen her. I will make sure she gets the more recent ones too. I think I am keeping several updated at the hospital--I keep showing my officemates the newest pictures every day. I feel like she is my family too as giddy as I am about you guys! :-)
Our visas/passports arrived yesterday. I am very excited but getting a little nervous like I am forgetting to do a bunch of stuff before we leave...
Aaron dressed up as a chef last night--it "fit" him perfectly. He even carried a stock pot for his bucket to collect candy. His absolute favorite pasttime is cooking...
I've continue praying for you guys. Keep the pictures coming so I have something to show off at work! (ha!)
Nancy and boys

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you via e-mail that I had enlarged a picture of Elizabeth and accidently made 2 so I gave Chris one. As he went out the door he dropped it and said, "Now George, don't step on my sister." I ordered and received 2 bottles of black and 2 bottles of colored ink as I am printing up the blog each day and didn't want to run out. Already we have quite a book to save and enjoy as she grows. Love You, Dad and Mom

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie & Elizabeth,
I am enjoying keeping up with you all on the adoption venture. Seeing pictures of Tom on the floor brings back great memories of earlier years. Of course Val, seeing you is great also. I love the comment about the buddy seat on Tom tractor. I nearly cracked up. Would't be surprised if one is made by Grandpa!!
How about that Grandpa??!!
My prayers are with you all. By the way, my grandson made it home yesterday even though he is still 3 weeks premature.
Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie & Elizabeth,
I'm not sure if you will remember who I am, but I am Kim Hays(Chad) mother. I also have been keeping up with your articles and experiences. I just wanted to write and few lines to say hello and that the 3 of you make a great looking family. Can't wait till you all get back.

God Bless & Take Care!

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie,
Thanks again so much for taking the time to share your expeience with all of us. I bet it is difficult trying to decide which pictures to post. My favorite of Valerie is the one under Victoria Elizabeth Marie Hagan. Valerie, you are just glowing in those. My favorite of Elizabeth is on Day 15, what a beautiful smile. She is truly a beautiful little girl. Tom, I don't have a favorite of you yet because we haven't seen that many of you; however, like your Dad, I'm glad to see you down on the floor playing with her. Not only is she getting a very special Mommy, she also has a very special Daddy. Hope you both can feel our love, hugs, and prayers. Don't know how long your return travel time will be, but it will be helpful, and certainly a less exhausting trip home, if she is feeling comfortable with both of you. When I traveled with my Mom and David overseas just as he had turned two, he screamed for the entire 12 hr. flight from Chicago to Tokyo and wouldn't have anything to do with my Mom or anyone else. I was a frazzled mess by the time we landed. The whole plane's passengers, flight attendants etc. were busy trying to find something to quiet him and nothing worked. So I guess what I'm saying is hopefully, Elizabeth will feel comfortable with both of you by the time you travel, so you can share the responsibility that comes with traveling with a young child. We anxiously await your postings and are happy that things are all going well. Hope that court date comes soon for you.
Jeanne and Kent