Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Our best day yet......Day 22

Hi everyone ~

We have had a busy, but great day. We left for the orphanage at 8:15 and got there by 8:50. We got to see Elizabeth until 11:00 and it was our best visit yet! She came into the play room and she was a little reluctant to come to us, but as soon as I held up her banana, she came running! She was wearing a cute little dress that had ladybugs on it and she had on pink tights. We played and laughed. She let me lift her into the air and she laughed and laughed! She let her daddy tickle her (you can see it in the picture....too cute!) and she has the cutest laugh. At one point I was tickling Tom’s feet, so she wanted her shoes off, too, so we could tickle her feet. It was so much fun! I really think it had to do with getting there in the early morning instead of late evening. We have asked to get our visits changed to 9a-11a everyday. They are checking into this and will let us know.

We had to stop and buy pampers on the way to orphanage, so I also bought a little brush and comb set. It was a hit! She likes to brush her daddy’s hair. There were 4 other couples there this morning visiting their children.

After we got back, we went out to lunch with Bryan and Tamera and then we went shopping for souvenirs at a park about a mile away. They had a lot of neat stuff and bought a lot for only $40. Tom was glad that I had someone else to shop with for a change and he sat on a bench. It was a beautiful sunny day.

Tonight we went to the circus with Misha. It was very neat. It is in a permanent building and they even had a live band. We saw a variety of animals including monkeys, llamas, bears, dogs, goats, and a porcupine. The performers were awesome! We got back to the hotel a few minutes ago and will go for supper as soon as we are finished here.

Still love hearing from everyone from home, it helps to decrease our homesickness. We are so anxious to get home and see everyone and just get settled in at home. Tom swears he will never leave the country again once he gets home!

Holly, when the phone rang last night at 9:30 (our time) I accidentally turned it off and Tom had to run up to Bryan’s hotel room to call Igor to get the pin number to turn it back on. I hate that I missed your call. Try again sometime if you want. Great to hear from Eric, too!

Randy Hills ~ It is great that you are saving Aaliyah’s clothes for Elizabeth. I think between you, Machelle, and Becki, Elizabeth will be the best dressed girl in town, lol!

We love you and miss you all very much. Keep the notes from home coming, we really enjoy hearing from each of you!!

Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Pictures are cute---her face looks so sweet and lit up with laughter. Like Holly noted--you will need to try to bring bananas for the trip home. The circus sounded interesting and very entertaining. We're glad you got your visitation time changed to the morning slot, sounds like it went much better. Not much going on of interest today. The past few days the farm has looked like a used farm lot with everything being washed up-returned to the sheds, etc. Mark started ripping yesterday--had to quit early around 6:30--for an approaching storm that really never materialized. As we went to Mya's baptism in Palmyra early this morning it looked like a dreary day--but in the middle of church the sun came out and it's been cooler but sunny. Hope you find something yummy for supper--must be fun exploring new food options--but then you may be ready for some familiar looking leftovers. Have a good week. Carol

Anonymous said...

That is great that she is playing with you guys. She looks like she really enjoys having time with you there.
What a wonderful time in your lives!
She is such a doll and We love hearing from you also.
We prayed for you all in church today. We are eagerly awaiting your return!
Love, The Gottman's (Trent)
p.s. the circus sounded fun!
How cool!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to look at the sight for a couple days and really missed out! Congratulations on court. Even though a formality, it is so relieving to have it behind you and to know she is yours FOREVER.
She is so beautiful. It is so amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time. She absolutely glows in the pictures now.
You may beat us home now (and I am VERY glad for you guys). I am starting to fret over what we need to pack, how much to take, etc. We looked up the weather, and it is supposed to be a low of -20 Thursday where we are going, with a high in the 20's/30's. Siberia, here we come! :-)
God's blessings to you three!

Nancy and boys

Anonymous said...

Valerie, Tom and baby Elizabeth,
I am Tom's cousin,(Uncle Matt's and A. Lorene's daughter). We have been following your journal closely and enjoying meeting your new daughter. My first stop each morning is at the computer to see new updates and pictures. She is beautiful and I love the smile on your becomes broader and more relaxed each day. What a beautiful gift that God has entrusted you with, and I am sure as she grows up, she will appreciate your gift of love and acceptance even more than it is possible for her to realize at this time. She is so beautiful and so easy to love and I only see her on the computer. We have 4 children and 11 grandchildren, so know that the love only multiplies with each one. Again, thank you for sharing this beautiful baby and your story. We look forward to reading more and pray for your safe return to the states.
With love and prayers of thanksgiving,
Howard and Pat Simmons