Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

More pictures......

Well...was going to add more pictures, but seem to be having some problems. Will add more as I can.

Elizabeth is doing great! She seems to be adjusting well. She has met both sets of grandparents, her big brother, Chris, and his girlfriend, Kayla, 3 aunts (Holly, Machelle, and Becki), 2 uncles (Randy and Joe), cousins (Ryan, Adam, and Katrina) and family friend Kent Cheek. She mostly just stares quietly at people when they visit as she's not used to new faces or being the center of attention. Yesterday I laid her down at 1pm and she cried for a few minutes before she fell asleep. Around 4p Chris and Kayla started waking her up. In the Ukraine it would have been night time so we woke her up to try to get her on US time. She is still a little scared of all these new people and mostly clings to her mommy. At 8pm she was eating supper in her highchair, visiting with her Aunt Shell, when she fell asleep in the highchair...soooooo cute!

She slept until 4:30am and we played until 6:30am (can't think of one thing I would rather be doing in the middle of the night :-) and then she slept until 8:30am. I think she did very well for her first full night. For breakfast she ate scrambled eggs, a banana (of course) and some pear. For her second bath, she couldn't wait to get into the water. She loved it and didn't want to get out! It helped that aunt Machelle brought some bath toys for her (her aunts are really spoiling her!).

We have decided to take Clayton up on his offer of an 'excused absence' for church tomorrow. I miss everyone so much and miss church so much, but really feel that we need to just relax at home and let Elizabeth continue to adjust to homelife for a while longer.

Our love to all of you!

Tom, Valerie, Elizabeth and Chris


Anonymous said...

Valerie, Tom, Chris and Elizabeth,
I am so glad you are home again safe and sound.
I am sure that you will need the break from Church to recover and I am sure no one will mind.
It sounds like Elizabeth is adjusting well. I am so glad for your family.
What a blessing.
I can't wait to meet Elizabeth.
I was asked at work on Thursday if you could create a wish list of the things Elizabeth needs so when we have a shower the HLG family will know what to get for her.
I can't wait to spoil her a little my self.
Have a great week end.
Happy Thanksgiving! I know you really have so much to be thankful for.
God Bless you all,
Karen K.

CJ's News said...

Tom & Valerie,
I agree with the post that you put on our blog. It was great to be able to share our adoption journey with you. It made the whole process easier. Elizabeth & CJ seem to be on similar schedules. Since he didn't get to bed until about midnight on Thursday you would have thought that he would have slept in - no. Last night he crashed about 6:30. He was very happy and ready to go about 4:00 AM this morning. By 8:30, he was ready for a nap. Anyway, good luck on the adjustment process.

Anonymous said...

Valerie and Tom: I am so happy to hear that you are home safe and sound with your beautiful daughter. Best wishes to your family.

Christy Bozic

Anonymous said...

Hi, You don't know me my name is Shelley. I was Just surfing the net & came along your lovely site here. I think what you have done here is fantastic & I wish you guys & little Elizabeth all the best. God Bless!!