Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Elizabeth is 20 months old today......Day ?? (Who know's...we lost count, lol!)

Hi everyone ~

We got to see Elizabeth this morning again. We think that we will get to go in the mornings from now on, which works out much better since she's in a better mood and doesn't make us out so late in the evening. We celebrated her 20 month birthday with.....a banana!! LOL! We went to the markets close to here last night and we couldn't find any bananas, so thank goodness that Bryan and Tamera let us have one of theirs. All of the kids there really like bananas. Elizabeth was in a good mood again today and she seems to enjoy spending time with us and we haven't heard her cry for a few days (Yeah!) She had on size 12 month jeans (cute, with flowers) but they were pretty tight on her. She is just as beautiful as ever. Tom tells me that our blog says the same thing over and over...she is beautiful. I have to tell you that it is hard to explain it, and her pictures don't do her justice. You will get to see for yourselves as soon as we get home :-) Today she let Tom lift her in the air and she loves that. We played peek-a-boo and she liked that, too. Today her and CJ just started playing with each others toys and Tom even tossed CJ into the air too. I really am glad that we are here with Bryan and Tamera and it looks like we may even get flights all the way to Chicago together (maybe they'll share toys on the plane, too).

We are hoping to find out soon about our final travel plans back to the USA. Today was day 3 of our 10 days, so each day we are a step closer to home and to our families. We are paid up at the hotel until next Monday, but will probably be there Tuesday evening also.

I was telling Tom earlier today that I was beginning to have Wal-Mart withdrawal (all you ladies will understand this since I haven't been there for over 3 weeks!). We have done a lot of shopping here (seems like all we do some days) but it just isn't the same as the US, since the stores are very small and most only have a limited supply of items. I got my fix...Bryan and Tamera found a huge Supermarket about 1 mile from our hotel and we went there with them. It had shopping carts, nice wide aisles, it was clean and it had just about everything as far as groceries were concerned. It took us 1 and 1/2 hours to grocery shop. We were able to find some jelly (for pb&j) and some meat, cheese and bread. You all know that I hate to cook, but I'm really missing home cooked food. They have pretty good food here, but nothing that tastes like home (so far McDonald's is the closest thing we've found since we got to Kharkov).

We had pizza for lunch. It was good (not like Pizza Hut, though) and we were able to get 2 pizzas and 2 sodas for 38 khrivna which is only about $ at least the food is cheap :-) Tomorrow we are going to have lunch with Bryan and Tamera and the other American couple that is here from the same adoption agency. Their names are Sue and Mark (they are the ones who are adopting the other 19 month old named Victoria, she was born on 4-4-04, cool, huh?)

We got to talk to Chris and Kayla on the phone last night. It's always a treat to hear from my baby. Yes, I'll always consider Chris my baby, too :-) Sounds like they are both getting along fine.

We love you all and miss you all greatly!!
Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie.
I think it is so cute that she loves bananas. I bet Tom loved going grocery shopping for 1 1/2 hours! lol
So do The Elrichs live close enough that you can keep in touch once you come back home?
It is so great you get to spend time with other people you can actually talk to!(and understand)

Anonymous said...

Don't be concerned when everyone calls Elizabeth 'beautiful' ( and she is!!), just be PROUD. In a few years when all the young men are saying she is beautiful THEN you need to be concerned!!!! Figuring out a way to keep those boys away!!! LOL!

Counting how many days you have been there is not near as important as counting the days until the three of you are home.
Keep count of the days until your safe return to the US of A!!

Best Wishes,
Lora P

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Sounds like everything is falling into place. Praise God :)
It has been a few days since I last checked the website. Such heartwarming pictures. It was such a blessing to see them all. Sounds like you are getting wonderful news & hopefully you'll be able bring her home soon.
May God hold you in the palm of His hands.
Love & Prayers,
Phil, Donna, Megan & Lauren Thompson

Anonymous said...

Well guys, your time for homecoming is drawing sooner. Know that it can't come too soon. David, Lindsay and the kids were here this weekend. They had fun playing in the leaves etc. David and Brad will be back this coming weekend for the inauguration of the infamous deer stand. Think we may have decided to call it "Papa's Place."
I subbed at school today and talked with Carol. She told me that Jared and Seth had been out looking for deer last night and Jared's instructions to Seth were that he had to be quiet and stay in his tree, and as Seth predicted, it was Jared who had difficulty staying put. They only saw does.

Lindsay and I measured Halle and she is 31 inches tall, so I think I'm getting a better idea of Elizabeth's size. Sometimes it is difficult to imagine how large or small she is, (we're all anticipating meeting her in person) although the only thing that really matters is the size of her smile and the size of your smiles.

Just wanted also to let you know how impressed I am with your writing and particularly how you speak SO much more of the wonderful aspects of the Ukraine, as opposed to the downsides. As proud and thankful Americans, I think we often are so caught up in the many wonderful things about our own country, that we fail to see the beauty in other countries. I guess the teacher in me is coming out, plus my own appreciation for diversity, but I have always felt that it takes nothing away from one's own culture to be able to appreciate and realize the beauty of another culture. And in this case, you will be bringing with you one of another country and culture's greatest gifts, the gift of a child, namely Miss Elizabeth.

How about that, Tom, I haven't mentioned the word "beautiful" once until now. But, just so you can keep that observation true, I will say now, "Wow, what a beautiful child and two beautiful parents and a beautiful big brother too!"

Enough for now, have to go to my night job soon. We'll count the days for you, I think it is 23!

See you soon. Love, Jeanne and Kent

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Hagans!! I've been out of town and just logged on to your Blog to see if you had a court date and I scrolled down to see that you did!! YAHOO!! Wow - you should be home by Thanksgiving!! I too wanted to call Mike "DaDa", but we kept calling him Papa in Ukraine. Everyone at the orphanage kept saying to Reagan, "Where's your mama?" "Where's your papa?", so we didn't feel we could change up on her then. She is now dada-ing all the time with no problems of who is that guy?!! And the love of the banana continues -- she has one every morning for breakfast - I call it her appetizer, something to keep her going while I get the rest of her food ready. And she makes yum yum sounds the whole time she gobbles it up!!

Love reading your tale...

Jill (and Mike) Sanders

Anonymous said...

So up untill now I've communicated with Tom and Valerie using her personal e-mail address. I just want to clear something up with all you well wishers in MC. I WILL BE THE FIRST PERSON TO PERSONALLY MEET LITTLE MISS ELIZABETH WHEN THEY GET OFF THE PLANE(after Tom kisses the ground of course) :) Hehe. Like I've said to Tom and Valerie before, I feel honored to be the first person to meet their new daughter. Things are going good here in the "big city". Like mom said we were in MC this past weekend visiting and hanging out. We did of course have to go out to "Papas Place" to inspect things. Brad and I are coming back for the semi-religious holiday that I like to call Opening Weekend. Great pics of Tom SMILING. Wow I didn't know his face muscles could do that. He must be exhausted from all those facial workouts.

Oh and for all of you Monroe Citians we're kinda sorta starting to look for a job back home so if you know anybody who might give us one we'd love to know. Hehe!

Prayers, hugs, love, kisses and all that mushy crap

David and Lindsay