Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dobry Ootra (Good morning)....only 4 more days!!

Hello everyone!

On Monday I added the pictures...the one of Tom on a bench to show the leaves that they work so hard to rake up into big piles that later is hauled off with a tractor and wagon. The ground is bare, no grass under the leaves. It seems they are fighting a never ending battle.

We had another great visit with Elizabeth this morning. She ran to meet us and she ran into her daddy's arms. She was in such a great mood. She was talking baby talk and loves to look out the window. For a while she just sat and cuddled on my lap...loved every second of it!

We can't hardly believe that the day after tomorrow we get to pick her up forever! We cannot wait! 2 days seems soon (today is day 30 in the Ukraine), but yet 2 days seem like forever and can't get here soon enough! When we first got to Kharkov 19 days ago, the trees were turning and the leaves were most of the trees are bare. The leaves sure keep them busy here as they are always out sweeping the walks (with home-made brooms) and they keep the parks raked every day and have tractor/wagons to haul the leaves away. Bryan and Tom were joking about how much they would enjoy having a leaf blower here, lol! But they work hard here, and get very little pay.

I heard from Chris yesterday, he had been deer hunting, but hadn't gotten one yet. I heard that Becki's husband and son got one....anyone else out there get any deer?

When we get to finally pick her up for EVER on Tuesday, we will take clothes for her to wear home with us. We have a cute little one-piece pink and white outfit with white shoes that were Danielle's. We also have her new coat, hat, and mittens. I can't wait to see her all dressed and ready to go. I'm curious if she'll be scared or if she'll just be curious. Right now she likes to look at things and people and she studies them, so hopefully that's what she will do. Either way, I don't care. Tom told me that if she gets sick, it will be up to me to take care of that since he didn't think he could handle it...I told him it would be my pleasure....I've been waiting 11 years to get puked on :-)

We continued to be amazed at the number of people who are watching and reading our blog. After I get home I will sift through all of the comments again, and I plan to make a list of everyone who posted. It is very touching that there are so many interested in our Elizabeth :-)

To all the Hills and the! It is so great of all of you to stock the fridge for our homecoming. It was be relief to be able to drive straight home without making a banana run, lol! But, seriously...Tom, Elizabeth, Chris and I are the luckiest people in the world because we have the greatest families ever!!! YOU ALL ARE AWESOME AND WE LOVE YOU!! I even heard through the grapevine that my son is going to vacuum the house for our homecoming. How sweet is that!

Laura...great to hear from my nursing student!! Please tell all of your classmates hello and I miss each and every one of you! Do you think Mrs. Kline or Mrs. Hudson will accept the excuse..."I didn't get my homework done becasue I was reading the blog!" LOL!! I have been kept to date on your progress and I'm proud of each of just a few short months you all will be graduated and RNs.....make's my heart swell!! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to get back to work to grade care plans, ha!

Well, gotta run, people waiting to get til tomorrow!!!

We love you all!

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth,
Well, it is Sunday morning here and Brad and I should be at church, but I overslept this morning. Not a good excuse, but true. Babysitting can be exhausting. So I, as usual, went to your site, and can't believe, that I will be your first comment posting for today. Usually that 1st spot belongs to Holly or Machelle. You are so lucky to have family like that to communicate as regularly as they have.

I have new favorite pictures of you both. They are the ones posted yesterday with Tom holding Elizabeth laughing and the one where she is running to you, Valerie, that you said was a bad picture of you. How wonderful that must feel to you both that she has bonded with you so well in such a short time.

Yes, it is deer season here. Brad has been here with me at home while David has been hunting. I also had Phillip and Cyndi's Trey and Ashlin for the day. Sometimes it's easier with 2 or 3 than just one! Yesterday morning I was reading your site and Brad wanted to see more than just yesterday's pictures, so we scrolled through your pictorial history on this site and again I was amazed at the changes in Elizabeth's face and mannerisms in such a short time.

David and Meghan Kendrick (who was hunting with them) both got small button bucks last evening. Meghan will use the meat from hers for the Handicapped Deer Hunt meals and David will have sausage and jerky made, I imagine. Phillip was only able to hunt just a short time yesterday morning and then went in to work for about 4 hrs. My cousin Rocky from STL was here for his traditional weekend of hunting (which always consists of just enjoying nature and never taking a shot). He said that sitting 9 feet up in the air overlooking the green grasses blowing in the wind under beautiful blue skies, was almost like looking at waves at the ocean. Kent was in his glory as "Lord of the Manor" and never held a gun, but said it was one of the most marvelous days of his life to see his family together and enjoying nature and all it has to offer. Also said the eggs he cooked there and the coffee he drank were he best he had ever tasted. (Tom, there's a long story on the coffee pot thing, we'll share when you get back)

Last night I informed David of your tentative arrival time, and he was already aware of that, since Lindsay too had read your site and had called him on his cell.

Everyone eagerly awaits your arrival and the chance to see all 4 of you together as a family. I will be out of town at a conference on Thursday through Saturday, but maybe will get to see her at church on Sunday. Don't you know that will be a lengthy " Meet and greet your neighbor" time!!!! Perhaps, Clayton should adjust the length of his sermon accordingly in order to accommodate God's newest gift to your family and our community and congregation, namely Miss Elizabeth!

Hope your trip home is uneventful, but if not, then bring on the puke, 11 years is a long time to wait!! Seriously, you all remain in our prayers for a safe journey home. We eagerly await your arrival.


Perhaps as one last picture posting, you could show us what your internet cafe looks like.

Anonymous said...

Valerie, Tom and Elizabeth, Good Morning from Illinois. We just finished reading your latest entry and we continue to be "Hooked on Elizabeth" She gets more beautiful each day, and I love the way she runs to you and throws her arms around you. Aren't kids great? It is hard to imagine, that only a few weeks ago, that she was still just a dream of yours and that in such a short time she is the most beautiful baby in the world, and she belongs to YOU. Yes, our God is an awesome God, and we pray that He will continue to bless you and bring you home safely. Hopefully, as time permits you will be able to post some updates on your homecoming. Again, thank you for keeping us up to date, we have enjoyed the journey and being able to share in your joy.
Best wishes to all of you,
Howard and Pat Simmons

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth,

We're so excited for ALL of you. What a joyous and truly "thanks" giving you will have this year. We pray that your trip to Kiev and then to the USA will be safe and enjoyable. This trip home will the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. The dates of October 27th--the day you saw Elizabeth and her Gotcha Day will surely be dates to never forget and celebrate with joy and thanksgiving. Elizabeth seems to really be opening up and her face says it all--she's bonded very well with you. Your hearts must have soared as she ran to see you--without the reward of a banana. Since she like bananas I thought I might make a banana cake for her return--was wondering if she's ever had anything sweet--I could make a cake without the icing--but the icing is pretty good.

I tried to respond to your email the other day--however--my computer at school and email account there hasn't worked since October 26th--seems you've had access to more reliable internet/computer service than I have. Computer works well at home but you have to be home to access/use it-so that opportunity usually comes on the weekend.

Today(Sunday) Mark, Jared and Seth went to early church so they could move around equipment, grease up, etc and come home to have lunch with Anthony(he had to sing at 9:30 church) before he goes back to St. Louis. I have to tell you so far the highlight of Seth's day was watching PaPa Hagan peel out of the church parking lot--Jared and Seth are always wanting me to peel out, burn rubber, floor it etc. So they now feel if Papa can spin gravel out of the church parking lot I could at least perform some trick for them--not! Especially since the suburban just got out of the shop for repairs(one day I was driving under the influence of save a puppy--hit a truck)Mark will go back to work this afternoon, Jared and Seth will continue to deer hunt, and then go to Rodney's to cut up and process Jared's (and hopefully Seth's) deer tonight.
You talked about the trees turning--the trees here are rapidly loosing their leaves as well. Last Thursday I went to Kirksville--attending a Missouri Assessment Program Workshop--the drive to and from was gorgeous--the trees were at their peak of color--now everything is pretty bare and brown looking. The crazy persimon trees in our yard don't have any leaves--but thousands of ripe orange persimons--Jared and Seth need to rake them up and feed them to the deer--but are always mysteriously busy. Jared and Seth were very busy during the football season. Now Jared is going to focus on working out in the weight room and Seth want time to work on the computer,etc.They always find time to help dad and papa out when they are needed.

I never tire of seeing your pictures--so interesting and always great to see you with Elizabeth. Well better go--enjoy your time left--it will go quickly--don't forget some of the luggage is expandable--maybe room for toys, etc.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom & Valerie,
This morning in church(I noticed Jeanne wasn't there LOL) your mom said she was thinking of me when she thought about you waiting to bring Elizabeth home (how nice!). She also said she misses not having you both down the road. Your dad is just as excited. In Sunday School we talked about how that little Elizabeth will certainly be raised by a community. Of course Meredith said she's just glad she won't be the only kid who's adopted at our church. Like we make her and all the other adopted kids sit in the back in the corner LOL. What a crazy girl. Can't wait until you step foot on American soil, praying for you every day.

Anonymous said...

What doe LOL mean that is used so much?

Anonymous said...

LOL means "laugh out loud". Sort of the same as writing "ha". You should see all the abbreviations teenagers use these days when chatting with others on the computer. My favorites
TTYL -Talk to you later
G2G - Got to go
L8er - Later
there are lots more