Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Can't wait til tomorrow....only 3 more days!!

Hi everyone ~

The picture of the street is the view out of our 9th floor hotel room. This street is always busy with cars, buses, and people walking. Never a dull minute. We hear the traffic and horns all night long. We are really looking forward to getting back to the country away from this city life!

We had our final visit with Elizabeth this morning (YEAH!!) and she was smiling before she ever got to the door of the play room and she came running to see us as fast as her little feet would carry her. She was in such a great mood and she has the cutest little personality. She likes her daddy to tease her...but she also likes to tease him back. She loves him to tickle her (see picture) It is so fun to watch!

Tomorrow....Gotta Day!!...FINALLY! and we can hardly wait! It will be such a great day to get to bring her with us forever! Every day it is so hard to leave her there, and finally tomorrow we won't have to leave her, Whoo Hoo!!! We have her little outfit all picked out to take her home in, but we got to thinking that the material isn't very thick and the babushka may not think it is warm enough, ha! so we went and got her a pair of pink tights that have a butterfly on the backside...too cute!! Can't wait to see her dressed in her own clothes with her own little coat, mittens, and hat!!

We just got finished having a nice, long lunch with Sue & Mark, and Bryan & Tamera. We tried to post to the blog earlier this morning,'t happen. As soon as I finish here, it's off to pack up everything! Some of you wondered if we need another bag for Elizabeth's toys, but really we didn't buy too many. We gave some things we brought to the orphanage (like bottles, wet wipes, baby toys, etc. that Elizabeth is too old for). We also cleared a lot of space when we gave the gifts out and we had to bring a lot of paperwork with us that we were able to hand over our second day in really we have plenty of room in our bags....well...except all those souvieners (?sp) we bought...that's taking up some room...but I'm so glad we were able to get things for Elizabeth and our family while we were here so that Elizabeth will always know that her heritage was important to us. We plan to check in all of our bags except the diaper bag and one small carry on. That will make it much easier to get through the airports.

I will try to upload the picture from yesterday while I'm here today since the computer seems to be working fairly well, so be sure to check them out! Brenda mentioned that Elizabeth would be raised by a community, you are so right!! We are so, so blessed to have such loving families, friends, co-workers, and church families. YOU ALL ARE GREAT! I also liked Jeanne's comment about Clayton altering his sermon...hum...could be interesting to see what he has to say about that, lol!

In all seriousness, though, I'm sure you all realize that all of this will be very overwhelming for Elizabeth...all of the sudden she will be out of her comfort zone, in a country where she doesn't understand the language (and I can personally tell you, that is very frustrating!), hearing all kinds of sounds she's never heard, smelling new smells, seeing lots of new people, etc. so please be patient with her (and us) and we try to slowly introduce her into the community :-)

We will go do paperwork in the morning...probably won't get to pick Elizabeth up until around 5pm. Check out time at the hotel is 2pm, but we found out that we could pay for 1/2 day and stay until we meet the we are going to do that and share with Bryan, Tamera, and CJ. Sure beats hanging out at the train station or McDonalds for 4 hours, huh?

Well, gotta get to that packing! Will post again tomorrow if time allows!

Love you all very much!

Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Greetings to all of you and prayers for a safe and uneventful journey back to the States! I have enjoyed reading about your journey to get Elizabeth and appreciate you sharing with everyone. Although I am extending family (Granddaughter of Matt and Lorene Hays, --- Patsy's daughter)...the sense of joy and happiness I feel for you is overwhleming. Please know that we share your joy and pray for a lifetime of love, peace and happiness for you...Debbie (Simmons) Trau, East Peoria, IL

Anonymous said...

Hi Hagan Family,
It will be so good to have you all back home and to be bringing your precious daughter into the family. I can see the joy in her smile and also in you two also. You have a safe trip home and it will be hard to be only down the road from you and have to wait to see everyone but I know you need to rest and Elizabeth ajust to all the changes. Gary will be home tonight until Wednesday morning and probably won't be home again until Thanksgiving so he will have to wait to see all of you. I will try and make him not be so silly with Elizabeth. Katrina still doesn't know what to think of him and his funny faces and noises. Have a wonderful 3 days and we are so happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie, & Elizabeth

Rest up as much as you can!! Thursday will be the longest (but most exciting) day of your lives. Literally, it will be a 32 hour day! You will all need plenty of rest when you reach 'the country'(M.C.). You will have to ask if you need help. I know you have plenty of family that are willing and jumping at the chance to help but if you need something that we can do for you....just call.

I check your blog every morning as so many others have commented about doing. I find it is difficult to explain the tears when I check it at work. I am a very soft-hearted person and I cry at every little thing. Your writings are so touching that I just can't help myself. I cry..... tears of joy for you!!

Several others have also mentioned you posting things to the blog later, after you get home and get settled. One thing I would like to see is the article from H-LG. I feel this is quite an honor to you and your family to have your story published.

You are coming home to some cooler weather. Sleeting for several minutes this morning but just rain now. I have a feeling it won't make a difference what the weather is like, just to step foot at home will be wonderful.

Now, you can start counting hours until your arrival!

Safe travels,
Bobby, Lora, & Katie

Anonymous said...

I am soooo excited for you guys! I've been following your journey, and its amazing to see how God is at work in your lives. Elizabeth is a very blessed and beautiful little girl-I can't wait to meet her. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and thoughts!
Love and God Bless,
Alyssa Rose

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie & Elizabeth,

Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how awesome it is that Gods plans for you and your wonderful family are coming together so wonderfully. I hope you know as everyone else we will be praying for your safe return to MC.
GOD BLESS & Keep you safe and HAPPY!!!
David & Terry & Family

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is so beautiful and I'm so excited for you to come home and get settled. Good thing you bought those warmer tights, or it might have extended your Praying for a quick court appointment and a safe flight back...
Jana Van Donselar

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie and Miss Elizabeth,
We are sooooo happy for you all! It is a great day for you. How great it will feel to have her in your arms with no one taking her away until you next visit. i am sure it will be a hard day for the care givers who have taken care of her this far. She is such a doll i think anyone would have a hard time leaving her.
We will be praying for you on your safe return and easy adjsutment on Elizabeth. I know it will be such a change for her, but babies are so resilient, I am sure it will not take her long to warm up to everything.
Speaking of warm, I have some warm baby sleepers that are fleece and Alaina has out grown, would love to share with you.
Tom, I am pretty sure Mr. Trent is going to want to talk when you get home. I think he is having Tom withdrawls!lol
God Bless you all!
Trent, Consetta, Micha and Alaina
P.s. I got a 10 point Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,Tom & Elizabeth,
So cool you're getting Elizabeth for good and heading this way. Know you may not have time to read this but wanted to drop you a line and let you know I'm thinking of you (as if didn't know it).Karen's note said she'd keep me from being silly? Me? She must be thinkin' of someone else. ha. Know you can't wait to get home to the Show Me.Better go for now,have a safe journey home.

Anonymous said...

Me again Sis,
Been reading and looking at all the pictures. Evertbody else gets to see them every day but I'm a couple weeks behind.Karen keeps me posted every day but I don't get to see the pictures.Liked the part about them parking on the sidewalks.Sounds like downtown New York. Reminds me of the old trucker saying "If you don't like the way I drive,Stay off the sidewalk!"ha. Maybe everybody else will get to see her before I get home so I won't be to much of a shock to her,ha Hurry Home,

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
I was sitting in the computer lab reading your blog(computer problems). I told the 2nd year students your comments from Monday. They are excited to hear from you also.
I am praying for travel mercy and that no one is sick comming home.
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to experience this "incredible journey" with you through this blog.
NO deer yet at the Keim houshold!
David said he has been in the wrong deer stand. So he moved and the deer was at the stand he had been in! He just can't win.:-) The weather is colder and we may get some sleet or snow today.
God Bless you all,
Karen K.

Anonymous said...

Wow !!! How very exciting :)
I can't imagine how "antsy" you are getting. It will be so nice to get Elizabeth back to the states & in your own home. It has been such a blessing to experience this journey with you. Thanks for letting us come along. You know the saying, "it takes a village" & I feel all of us that have been following your story are the village. May God Bless you & hold you in the palm of His hand as you travel home.
It sounds like Tim & Nancy have met their new little Angel so now we get to follow their joyous event as it unfolds.
May God Bless you all.
Love & Prayers,
Phil, Donna, Megan & Lauren

Anonymous said...

To the People of Monroe City U.M.C.:
Sunday's sermon will be the normal length, regardless of whether Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth are there! (LOL) I realize that with jet-lag, unpacking, and getting Elizabeth settled in to her new home, the Hagan family may not feel up to attending this Sunday. I perfectly understand and will count that as an "excused absence" LOL! When Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth do attend church for the first time together as a family, I hope we will use the time *after* the service to "ooh" & "aah" over Elizabeth.
God bless,
Clayton Peak

Anonymous said...

UPDATE BY VALERIE'S MOM We received a call at noon today, Wednesday, and Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth were in Kiev in an apartment and Elizabeth was already asleep. Paper work all done. They had 3 minutes left on their card and at $6.00 a minute they were going to use it. According to Elizabeth's Mommy she was doing wonderfully. They dressed her at the orphanage and she puckered up a little in the car but soon just looked out at all the lights. Did cry some on the train but soon went to sleep with Valerie laying beside her and slept until about time to get off the train. All seem to be going well and on schedule and since it was 8 PM there and they were to leave for the airport around 4 AM were ready for bed. GrandMary Hills

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I have just about worn this web site out today checking for some news. I finally called Machelle and she let me know what was happening.
And it sounds GREAT!!

Valerie has kept us so well informed that I feel I am spoiled and needed an 'Elizabeth News Update' to satisfy my craving. Funny how we have become so attached from such a long distance. A distance which is getting smaller every minute!
Enjoy your new addition, GrandMary!

The 'Other' Pfanner Family (Lora)

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie and Elizabeth,
By the tiem you get this you will be back home safe and sound!
We can't wait to spend some time with you.
Congratualtions on your new family and all the wonderful memories you get to make!
Trent Consetta Michaela and Alaina Gottman

Anonymous said...