Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another sunny day in Kharkov.....9 days until we are outta here!!! (We hope!)

Hello everyone ~

We went to the orphanage early again this morning to see Elizabeth. She was dressed in a pink dress with her little pink tights. She was happy to see us (and her banana, of course, lol!). We played with toys and there was a balloon there that she really liked, too. Around 10am, about 12 little children around age 3 came in and they danced and sang to music. It was very cute and we got a lot on video. One cute little girl kept puckering her little cheeks out at Tom and he would pucker his back at her and she would laugh! I wonder why these children haven't been adopted? Most of them appeared healthy. Tamera heard that many of the children are so caught up in red tape they may never get to be adopted. That is so sad :-(

We enjoyed our lunch yesterday with Sue and Mark. They are a very nice couple in their late 40's. They are from St. Louis. Bryan and Tamera are from Kansas City, KS (Someone had asked about that a few days ago). We will all exchange e-mail addresses and phone numbers and hopefully keep in touch in the future. We were excited that Sue and Mark brought a bunch of DVDs and we traded some with them. So our treat yesterday was to watch a movie that was in ENGLISH!!! We hadn't had that since Kiev. They left 7 DVD's with us and since it gets dark here around 4:30 pm, we will have something to fill our evenings. Also, since we were able to stock our fridge with sandwich fixings, we don't have to go out for supper any more, either.

We're going to go walking around today, get some more diapers, and eat lunch at McDonald's (Tom has really became a fan of McDonald's, but I have a feeling that we may not eat at one in the US for a long, long time, ha!)

By the way, David Cheek (+ Lindsay, Bradley, and Halle), you are right that you will be the first people to see Elizabeth when we get off the airplane in St. Louis and we are honored that it is you all! Let me tell you....we CAN NOT WAIT!!! You will be a sight for sore eyes!! We are happy that we are getting our daughter from this country, but it has been an eye opening experience for us, and we are soooooooooooo blessed to live in the USA! Count your blessings, everyone at home!!

Our love to you all,

Tom, Valerie, and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

We have been following your story almost daily since we learned of your website. You have done a great job sharing your enperiences with all of us back home. We have truly enjoyed your adventure. Such a pretty little girl and she is soooo lucky that the two of you wanted a little one so much. Joe Ralph & Betty

Anonymous said...

Valerie & Tom
How sad that there are so many children needing good homes and they are tied up in red tape!
I pray that those children will know the love of
christian parents like Elizabeth will. God has truely blessed you all.
Thank you for sharing your adoption story with us.
Karen K.

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
What a great day! I bet she will jsut get happier each day you get to see her!
It is very sad that some of these little ones will not have a home. I know it is hard on you to see them and want to take them home too.
I am so glad that God has blessed you both with Miss Elizabeth and her with you!
We cant wait to meet her! It will be so fun!
God Bless you always!
Consetta & Family

Anonymous said...

Tom, Valerie & Elizabeth,
What beautiful pictures & what wonderful memories you are creating. Sounds like Elizabeth is getting very comfortable with you. It won't be long until you won't even remember the days that she was a little timid with you.
Tim & Nancy are leaving for Russia this Friday, so we will be sending prayers for their journey too.

Thoughts & prayers to you all & counting the days until you return to the good 'ol USA.
Donna, Phil, Megan & Lauren
"The Thompsons"

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
Just got to check out the pictures tonight and she is such a doll! I love seeing you guys playing with her! What an awesome site!
Trent Consetta & Girls

Anonymous said...

how exciting you're comming home SO SOON!!!! AHHH!!!! i cant wait to see elizabeth-she's SO adorable!!! you got a good kid :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie, Tom and Elizabeth,
I get home every night and check out your blog and the Elrich's also. I can tell in the pictures that Elizabeth is warming up to you more and more. I hope you get to spend longer times with her as the time to come home nears. That would be good if the Elrichs get on the same flight. It may comfort Elizabeth and C.J. both to be near each other. They look so cute together. Dustin and Valerie may have their baby by the time you get home. Don't think it will be much longer. Deer season opens up this weekend and don't think Gary will be home to go. Take care and I will tune in tomorrow for your next amazing stories and pictures.