Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

About Day 16...

Every evening after we get back from the orphanage, we go up to our hotel room on the 9th floor and download the pictures onto the computer. We try to narrow them down to 2-3, but believe me...with her beautiful face, it's hard to narrow it down. Even Tom will say "That's a good one, we'll have to keep it" to just about every picture, lol!

Anyway, last night we copied the pictures to the CD and then walked down the street to the internet cafe and we had spent about 30 minutes typing up the blog and almost had all the pictures downloaded....when....the electricity went out! It was only for a couple of seconds, but long enough to lose everything we had done! Very frustrating! By that time it was after 9pm and we were tired and hungry and the computer wasn't working very well, so we decided to wait until this morning. Hope you all understand and hope no one was worried.

Yesterday we went to the zoo which is within walking distance of the hotel. We went with Brian and Tamera. It is really nice to have another American couple here to visit with and share the experience with. After the zoo, we enjoyed a late lunch at a nice place and was already time to see Elizabeth!

When she came into the play room she only cried briefly and soon we had her interested in books, toys, and Cheerios. She liked to dig all the toys out of the diaper bag (see picture ~ do you recognize that diaper bag, Machelle?) and then put them back in again...too cute! She likes to eat! I had taken quite a few Cheerios and a few animal crackers and she finished them off pretty quickly. I took some water in a sippy cup and some in a bottle, but she doesn't seem to care much for it. The tea they usually give her is warm and the water was cool. Anyway, we had a good evening and played and played. She sat on my lap which was awesome! She stood up a few times, but then would sit right back down on my lap. Tom stayed behind the cameras, but each day he moves a little closer. We are trying to move at her pace. If we were going at our pace, we'd be on the first plane out of here!!

Just want you all to know that the e-mail here sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. We are always able to read what you write, but sometimes (more often than not) it won't let us reply or send new ones. Please keep sending them, as we LOVE to read them, just understand if we don't always reply.

Nancy ~ Could you share our blog address with Kathy Marshall at HRH. I know she would love to see Elizabeth. I know you all are getting excited...only 11 more days until you are on your way to Russia!!! We are praying for both you and Tim!

We got a great phone call from my brother, Gary, the other night. I can't explain how awesome it is to hear familiar voices. Sorry the phone call didn't work the other night, Machelle. After it went dead, I told Tom that it sounded like your voice. Try again another night.

Today, we are shopping for a winter coat and diapers. Fun, fun! It is a sunny day here. Cool, but nice and crisp and perfect for walking around the city. We have greatly enjoyed the bantering between the Gottmans and the Hagans. We cannot wait to see how many bushels the beans are making today! Tom says you may want to hold off on the tractor, though, lol!

Hope everyone there enjoyed Halloween. No trick or treating here, other than another reason to celebrate. They do lots of drinking here. Every market has 2 aisles devoted entirely to booze. One aisle for chocolate and then 2-3 for everything else. We have been to most markets within walking distance here and have yet to find baby apple juice. Not much of anything for babies, just a few clothing stores and one toy store. Many, many pet stores. Interesting, huh?

I thought my brother Tim would be interested to know that we have seen 2 street sweepers here. One was underneath a small Belarus cab tractor and the other looked like a smaller, older version of what he drives for MODot. They keep the streets and sidewalks very, very clean here. Everyday they are out sweeping with their homemade brooms.

We are all warming up to the babushka and she is warming up to us, too. Last night she let Brian take a picture of her. You can see it on their blog at as well as their beautiful son CJ.

In one picture above you'll see 2 other little girls in the background. They are also being visited in the play room by their soon to be mothers. They are also very cute, blonde hair and blue eyes.

We love you lots. Hopefully the electricity won't go out tonight and we'll be able to let you know how the next visit goes!!

Love you all, Valerie and Tom and Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
I think Elizabeth will be a 'fashion dresser!' She is always in bright colors, frills, and ruffles. They are so cute on her ,NO I'm sure it is... she is so cute in them!

Yes, I was very worried last night. Nicholas was here and we were visiting about the three of you. He had checked the blog yesterday also and knew there was not a new posting. Glad you have us up to date today.
Tom, Bobby and I have been enjoying the rival of beans per bushels also but we are very aware of the conditions for this farming season and are somewhat reluctant to believe all of these stories. Maybe you should not believe until you reach home and see the weight tickets for yourself. Just a suggestion! LOL!!!
Have a good day! Lora

Anonymous said...

Tom and Sis,
It was really good to hear your voice the other day. We read this and know you're O.K. but to actually hear you is lots better. Like Holly we were hoping you had got a court date and a better idea of how much longer before you guys get back to the U.S. of A.
Well its back to work for me today,heading to South Carolina. Had supper at Mom & Dads last night, Chris was there and had been working on his car. He's doing fine. Karen will keep me updated while I'm on the road. You may be home before I get back. We'll see you then.
Gary & Karen

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was worried when you didn't post. Even Jacob and Nickolas were in their computer drafting class and checked it out and found not post. Jacob said he and Nick wondered what was going on over there. All ages, all generations are looking out for you. Enjoy your visits with Elizabeth. Meredith checks out her pictures every day. Today she had Hannah Harrison looking at them. Have a great visit tonight.

Anonymous said...

Tom & Valerie,
That is cool that you got to go to the zoo.
I figured it might get late after visiting with Elizabeth and I can see how you may not get posted before bed. We are all glad you are ok though!
It seems strange that there are no places to buy apple juice. I wonder if they make thier own apple cider and such instead of buying in a store??? Maybe a street vender will have some.
I can't see the pictures at work, but I am sure they are really cute! We will have to check them out tonight when we get home. It is wonderful that you have another couple to visit with and hang out with, I am sure it makes your days of waiting go by faster.
Not much new news on the Harvest side. It has rained a little the last couple days and I think the Gottman Boys and the Hagan Boys got to visit a little yesterday... Youknow catch up on all the Harvest Horrors so Trent called them. lol
I know Tom can't wait to be back in MO and visit witht he guys. I think he may have to buy some waiders though before he comes home! (It is getting pretty deep around here!)
I am so glad that the three of you are getting to know each other better! It must be wonderful to have her sitting on your lap! What a nice feeling!
Before long she will be a Daddy's Girl too!
Cant wait to read your next blog!
Trent Consetta Micha and Alaina

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Val, and Elizabeth!

Dad stopped by my office Monday to check out the site, and he left this message, so remember, he is writing this Monday, 10/31/05.

Light showers here today so no combining will be going on. The weather man promises sunshine tomorrow with temperatures in the 60's or 70's so hope to get started again (weather man did come through, today is beautiful!).

We took the "30" into Meyers this morning, Phil thought it was just a leaky seal around the front cover, so it can be easily fixed.

Mark test drove the "235" but since your beans on the "Robey" farm are so bad, we had the crop insurance adjuster come take an appraisal of them to see if they were worth cutting or not. He estimated 138 bushels per acre! Thats not much better than some of our WORST corn! So I think we will just take the insurance check and get two "235"'s with a complete line of equipment! Called the "banker" and he said "Go for it!"

Mark and I are doing repairs and bank work today. I am really enjoying writing checks out of your check book. Val, you and I need to have a talk about these credit card bills!lol

Give Elizabeth a big hug and kiss for me and tell her PaPa is much easier to say than "Uncle Gary or Aunt Shell".

Love and Prayers

Anonymous said...

Tom and Valerie- Just read your updates. We were out late last nite making Halloween visits.Toby is real happy with his bucket full of candy.
It sounds like you three are getting along great. Your pictures are great too. Elizabeth is a cutie!
I'm happy you like the quilt! Thanks for all the compliments on it.
Our guys have had a couple days out of the field with rain. Today they're moving equipment. I think they have under 300 acres of beans left.
It's so good to hear your doing well. I know your enjoying all time spent with Elizabeth! We're happy for you. Take care and watch out for the babushka!
(That's just funny she's gruff - happy to hear she's warming up. It's cute.)Love- Lennie & family

Anonymous said...

We just wanted to say HI. We have been following you all on blog. Elizabeth is so cute and I have to agree that she does look like Tom. We are so happy for you all. Makenzie thinks that it so awesome that Elizabeth's birthday is the same month as hers. You all are in our prayers. Can't want till you all get home. Chad,Kim and Makenzie