Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Monday, November 28, 2005

Elizabeth in her car seat that her Aunt Ruth bought. She has adjusted to her car seat very well and doesn't even fuss. Most of the time she falls asleep. The cute pink coat was Danielle's. She got a lot of compliments on it today. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth gives Anne, her mommy's close friend and co-worker, a souvenir key chain from the Ukraine.  Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth likes her mommy's friend and boss, Jan. I have a feeling all 8 of the women in the nursing department that I work with will become honorary 'aunts' :~) Posted by Picasa

Darla, my close friend, and the Hannibal LaGrange Nursing Division Secretary, with Elizabeth. The cute outfit that Elizabeth has on was given to her by Darla. It's very stylish!! Thanks Darla!! Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth shows my close friend and co-worker, Traci, where her eyes are.  Posted by Picasa

Cancer quilt at the Cary Cancer Center

As most of you know, I won my battle with breast cancer earlier this year (YEAH! Elizabeth was my inspiration...knew I needed to survive so we could go get our little girl :-) and I was asked to make a quilt block for a quilt that would be put the one in the lower left corner is the block that I made and now the quilt is complete. My mom helped by sewing on the pink ribbon. It has the names of all my co-workers and family members on it, as well as the words God, Family, Friends, and Faith (Those 4 things are also what got me through this!) It is also neat that it is hanging in the little room where they draw blood, so now all the patients will see it and they said many people already remarked about the ribbon on it. Posted by Picasa

Dillon tries the banana bribe too! (Also pictured are Chris, Kayla, and Jared) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth wearing the Care Bear slippers that neighbors Lora, Bobby, & Katie Pfanner. She loves them! She also loves the glow-worm that you got for her and it has helped with nap time :-) Thanks so much you guys!!!
 Posted by Picasa

Valerie reading a book to Danielle while Elizabeth looks on. This is the dress that she wore her first time to church....ahhhh! Too cute! Posted by Picasa

This girl loves bananas!!!

Elizabeth's cousin (Nicholas) has learned that she is easily bribed with a banana :-) Posted by Picasa Also pictured are Kayla, Dillon and Jared

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ahhhh!!!! Elizabeth with Aunt Holly :-) Posted by Picasa

Giving cousin Wendy a hug while cousin Randy watches :-) Posted by Picasa

Cousins Katrina, Christopher, and Elizabeth eating Thanksgiving dinner Posted by Picasa

Kids, kids, and more kids

All the kids playing....Elizabeth, Katrina, Kristian, Aaliyah, Christopher, Holly, and know Holly and Gary are the biggest kids of all, lol!! Posted by Picasa

We tried to get a family picture, but Elizabeth just wanted to run. She loves the outdoors. Pictured is Kayla (Chris' girlfriend) Chris, Tom, Elizabeth, and Valerie Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth's first American holiday at her GrandMary and Papa Hills' house. There were 30+ for lunch and it was delicious!!! Yeah...we really enjoyed the food! :-) Posted by Picasa

So....when I said my brother got Elizabeth a Harley Davidson outfit, did you have black leather pictured in your mind? you can see, the Harley outfit is a cute pink and white! She is riding on the horse that her Great Grandma Tillie got her (she's named after her grandma Judy Marie and also her great grandma Dora Marie, aka Tillie) Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 25, 2005


I could look at this beautiful little girl sleeping forever!!! We are sooooooo blessed!!! Sometimes I still can't believe that she is really ours! God must think we are special to allow us the honor of raising this beautiful creature.

Last night, we were visited by Aunt Machelle and cousin Danielle and she loved playing with them.

We had a great day today. First we were visited by Charlotte Baecker who came bearing numerous gifts (all of which Elizabeth loved!). Uncle Gary and Aunt Karen also visited this morning. Next we visited Aunt Carol and Uncle Mark. Elizabeth absolutely loved playing with her cousins Jared, Seth, and Anthothy. They had her laughing and squealing! Then we went to visit my friends, Traci, King, and Skyler at their brand new house near Palmyra. She had hugs for Traci, too. I can't believe how well she is adapting to her new life and to all the new people she has met. She truly is an amazing little girl! Posted by Picasa

Cousins Stephen and Jared with Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth giving her cousing Seth a hug :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with cousin Anthony  Posted by Picasa