Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Our view off our balcony...

#1 ~ Elizabeth is standing on the balcony of our motel room which over looks two of the in-door pools. We had a great time, especially since we had the pools to ourselves. One of the pools had a tiki bar, one pool was a children's pool and the other was set up with slides. This is a perfect place for people of all ages :-)

#3 ~ Decorating the Christmas tree

#4 Eating candy canes and coloring :-)
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