1. On our way to the Bison Ranch ~ It worked out great that we were all able to fit in one vehicle everytime we went anywhere. Us 3 sisters could talk and visit and talk and yak and talk . Elizabeth and Katrina sang and giggled and laughed and talked, etc. (I'm sure Joe and Ryan really enjoyed it...lol!)
2.Eating supper at the Bison Ranch

3. Waiting for supper at the Bision Ranch (none of us tried the Bison burger)

4. We rode a bus right out into the buffalo pasture and they came up and we got to feed them, one rubbed the bus and shook the entire bus!

(His name was Harvey Wallbanger), the largest one's head was estimated to weigh 450 pounds!! (His name was twinkletoes), and they even had a Yak, and a beefalo (A cross between a buffalo and a cow). They had camels, llamas, ostrichs, and other animals.
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