Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Her first dance class

Today she had her first dance class with Rhonda Woods. Ever since I first asked her a few weeks ago if she wanted to go to dance class, she has been so EXCITED about it. Last week when we went in just to register, she was very disappointed when she found out she didn't get to dance than night. She LOVES wearing her tap shoes because of the noise she can make with them :-)

Tonight before we got there, I explained she would need to be a big girl and do what Miss Rhonda told her to do and Mommy probably wouldn't be able to stay with her. She said, "It's okay, mommy, I'm not scared, I'm going to dance!" All the way to town she had a smile pasted on her face. As soon as class was over, she kept saying, "That was fun!"

These beautiful girls are Danielle Pfanner (Danny and Machelle's daughter), Mia, Nora, and Ava Gottman (Jamie and Megan Gottman's daughters) and Elizabeth ~ we had a get-together at Mark and Carol Hagan's and the girls stopped playing long enough to pose for a picture.Posted by Picasa

More progress on the grain bins...

1. This picture was taken on Sunday...
2. This picture was taken on Monday you can tell the bins are coming along. They are each 48 feet in diameter.

3. PaPa Joe shows Elizabeth the bins (we stopped by after dance class and she still has her leotard/tights on)

4. Daddy and Elizabeth
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Alisa Paris and Christopher Willingham's Wedding

1. Elizabeth and Mackenzie Hays (Chad and Kim Hays' daughter) ~ Mackenzie was the flower girl

2. Elizabeth LOVED dancing (should I say jumping, lol!) during the reception , with the other girls

Elizabeth and DaniellePosted by Picasa

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fun! Fun! Fun!

1. Singing in the Rain with Mollie, Elizabeth's new Puppy

2. Playing with cousins Dillion, Danielle, and Stephen

3. Visiting with the newest Gottman baby...Trista Rene...

4.Mikalea and Alaina Gottman persuade Daisy (the dog) to pull Elizabeth in the wagon...too cute :-)

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Fun at the Palmyra Fair

1. Elizabeth's 1st Roller Coaster ride ~ The dragon...she's in the 3rd car from the front...holding on tight, looking none too happy, but afterwards she said she enjoyed the ride (but didn't want to do it again, lol!)

3. Mollie, the newest member of our family. She's 11 weeks old and already weighs 24 pounds. She's a typical puppy...chewing up everything in sight, but bringing lots of joy :-)

4. Elizabeth had went to the dentist earlier in the day, and now she is playing dentist with PaPa Joe..."Open wide PaPa!!"

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Bible School, Dentist visits, and shopping

1. Vacation Bible School ~ Elizabeth is the little cowgirl 3rd from the right. Aunt Holly and I helped during the week.

2.Elizabeth during her "Happy Visit" at the Dentist Office

3. Shopping can be so tiring!!

4. Showing off the new hat Aunt Holly bought while we were shopping :-)
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Working on concrete pads for grain bins

Elizabeth calls this "Elizabeth's Mountain"...see her and her Daddy on top of it?
Pouring concrete pads for future grain bins...Uncle Danny, PaPa Joe, Aunt Machelle, Danielle, Uncle Mark

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Wyoming Trip to see my sister Becki and her family

North Platt Archway over the Interstate at Kearney, Nebraska

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More Wyoming Trip Pictures

2. The escalator up to the archway over the interstate

3. This was at the Holiday Inn at Kearney, Octopus is attacking a yellow Submarine...Elizabeth is on the left side (which is stairs to the top leading to a slide down the other side)

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Our Wyoming Trip continues

These cowboy boots were all over Cheyenne, Wyoming, which is where Becki, her husband Joe and their children Katrina and Ryan live. As Elizabeth and Katrina were posing for this picture, a photographer from the local newspaper snapped their picture as well, and their picture was in the Cheyenne Paper the next day :-)

2. This boot was one of my favorites, it had a Christian theme...even the spur was made of crosses...Pictured are me, Joe, Becki, Katrina, Elizabeth, and Ryan is on the toe

3. These 2 girls had so much fun everywhere we went

4. We played on a lot of playgrounds
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Rocky Mountain National Park

1. Can you see the elk in this beautiful picture?

2. We stopped for a rest break

3. Becki prepared us a wonderful meal in her John Deere kitchen

4. Holly gives Katrina a piggy-back ride on the way back from the park
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