Elizabeth is facinated with shoes (which she prounces coos). She LOVES to put daddy's boots on and try to walk around. Here she is putting shoes on daddy

Elizabeth continues to bring joy to our lives and to those around her. After sleeping all night (which she has done from day one since we've brought her home) she wakes up in a great mood, all smiles and giggles! Her daddy dresses her while I get ready for work. On the drive to work we listen to the CD that Anne Riggs (my co-worker) got for her that is loaded with numerous children's songs that I either hadn't heard for years or had never heard before (for example "Alice, the camel has 5 humps" cute song where eventually she has no humps and becomes a horse, LOL!). When we get to day care, I ask her if she's ready to play with the kids and to go see Miss Courtney and she smiles real big, nods her head, and says 'yes.' She absolutely LOVES day care and many days when I pick her up she would just as soon stay.
Thursday is her special day that she gets to go stay with her GrandMary and Papa (my mom and dad) while I go to class at Mizzou. She really gets excited when we talk about going to see them and really enjoys spending that time there and making those memories.
We usually get home around 4:30-5pm and she HAS to go see Cocoa (our chocolate lab) and she loves to sit in the straw with her and pet her. If it's warm she loves to play outside and it's hard to get her to come inside on those days. I have a feeling this summer we'll be spending a majority of our time outside....which will suit me just fine, LOL!
She continues to love bath time and would play for hours if we let her. She loves her stuffed animals and has to hug and kiss them all. She loves to read and look at books. She looks at farm magazines with her daddy. If she sees a dog or a cat on the TV or in a book or magazine, she MUST kiss it. She loves to play with her babies and cover them up, carry them around, talk to them, push them in their stroller, et.
Papa Joe introduced her to writing with a pen, so now that is one of her favorite things to do and she can hold a pen very good. She also likes to color. We tried the washable markers, but it was a disaster and even though they are washable...it was still too messy....we put them up until she's older.
Speaking of older....she will be 2 years old on Tuesday, March 7th! Her first American birthday! Yikes, my baby is already growing up! We are celebrating with the family on Sunday. I get to celebrate all week long since it is spring break and I get the whole week off! We plan to play, play and play. We are working on potty training, fun, fun! On Tuesday she is going to get her first hair cut, so say tuned for pictures of that next week :-)
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