Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, March 27, 2006

If you are interested

If you are interested in reading the article Hannibal LaGrange College did on our Adoption experience you can find it at click under 'NEWS AND INFO' the last item 'STUDENT NEWSPAPER' and click on 'NOVEMBER 2005' and it in on page #3. (NOTE: you will have to have Adobe to view it; if you don't have it, you can download it for free). There are a few errors, but I felt honored for them to publish it :-)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

What do hail stones and kidney stones have in common?

We had a hail storm on sunday night, the 12th. Elizabeth loved to eat the hail! Can you see her looking out the window? So....what do hail stones and kidney stones have in common? I had them both that week! I developed a 6mm kidney stone on the 9th (Ouch! They hurt!!) and finally had it surgically removed on March 16th). I'm glad to be rid of it!!

Elizabeth cough and running nose still lingers, but she is feeling much, much better. She is happy to be back in day care, and had missed the kids and Miss Courtney. My mom and Tom both got to see Day Care this week, since they drove me to/from work since my pain meds made me too sleepy to drive.

She did very well the night while I was in the hospital. My sister, Holly, and my brother, Gary, were nice enough to bring her to the hospital so I could see her and then she stayed with us until Tom left and he took her home. She hugged me and waved bye-bye and seemed happy and content to leave with daddy. On Friday morning, daddy took her to his sister, Machelles, and when he brought her home, she gave me the cold shoulder for about 5-10 minutes, but soon she was loving, hugging, and kissing me again and all was right with the world. I hope I don't have to spend another night away from her any time soon!!

I was reminded once again, how lucky we are with our families and friends looking in on us, taking care of Elizabeth, driving us around, the many calls received and many offers of help. Thanks to everyone. I really, really, REALLY hope this is the last time we need it for a long, long, LONG time!! ;-)

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We had a crazy hail storm Sunday night...before the tornado ripped through Monroe City. Posted by Picasa

More fun! Posted by Picasa

Getting some help from her cousin Dillon Posted by Picasa

She got to spend the morning playing with Danielle, Stephen, Dillon, and Aunt Machelle and she had a blast. They were nice enough to take pictures for us. Posted by Picasa

Still celebrating her birthday :-)

Opening a birthday present from 'aunt' Traci Posted by Picasa

She got the cutest cup that says 'Elizabeth' on it Posted by Picasa

Looking it all over Posted by Picasa

Pretending to drink out of her new cup Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth's shirt is covered with the stickers from Traci Posted by Picasa

Aaaahhhh! Elizabeth loving a Teddy Bear that used to belong to her Papa Joe Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What a week it has been....

Spring break....hasn't quite been what I had dreamed of....

We had a wonderful birthday party Sunday afternoon and Elizabeth got a lot of wonderful gifts and we enjoyed delicious cake that was decorated by my talented mother. On Monday Elizabeth woke up a sick little girl, running a high fever. We were lucky to get in to Dr. Wise and found out she had a bad ear infection. She prescribed antibiotics and ear drops. We spent all of Monday snuggling and cuddling together; she slept a lot and was rather listless. Now (Wednesday evening) she is feeling better, she still has a cough and running nose, but her ears are much better. Now Tom and I are getting the cold, ug!

So, as I said, not what I dreamed, but if she had to be sick, I'm glad I was able to be home with her. I'm just so glad she is better now! Wow...what a helpless feeling when she was feeling so miserable and there was little I could do to make her feel better.

Working on her tumbling, ha! Posted by Picasa

Just like a true cheerleader :-) Posted by Picasa

Look at this sweet little cheer leader!! Posted by Picasa

Here you can see the cute purple purse Aunt Karen got for Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

These girls like playing with their babies! Posted by Picasa

Playing with Katrina (they are wearing their Strawberry Shortcake sunglasses). In the background is GrandMary, Ryan, Becki, and Joe. Posted by Picasa

What a happy birthday girl!! Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth is getting tickled by Aaliyah (Also pictured from left to right...Katrina, Chris, Tom, Randy Hills, and GrandMary) Posted by Picasa

We had a good turn out for her birthday, almost 30 people  Posted by Picasa

GrandMary and Papa also got this cute little dress...can't wait for spring so I can put it on her :-) Posted by Picasa

Money, money, parents (GrandMary and Papa) give a dollar per year so she got 2 whole dollars! But hey for us older folks, that becomes quite a great gift....just ask my 'older' brother Gary, ha!! Posted by Picasa

Cousin Randy and Aaliyah got Elizabeth bath toys which she loves (one more reason for her to love her bath-time :-) Posted by Picasa

All of the girls liked to make music with this little piano from Aunt Machelle, Uncle Danny, Nicholas, Dillon, Stephen, and Danielle :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth's cousin Katrina was very good to help her open her present (see all her necklaces?) Posted by Picasa