Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Our home...

The shingles are on...most of the windows are in..most of the doors are ordered.... It's really coming along!!

Christmas at the Hagan's ~ 2008

Christmas at the Hagan's ~ 2008

We spent the day after Christmas at Joe and Judy's and had a great time as these pictures show.
1. Callie (Nicholas' girlfriend) has a lap full -- Danielle and Elizabeth)
2. The whole crew (except Christopher -- he left for Kansas City with his dad that day)
Elizabeth is in front, 2nd row: Stephen, Nicholas, Callie, Danielle, Dillon, Allie (Dillon's girlfriend), Jared, Acacia (Jared's girlfriend); 3rd row: Anthony and Seth
3. Danielle and Elizabeth, Nicholas and Callie
4. Yummy!!
5. Aaaaahhh! Two cute cousins!!

Men and women in aprons...huh?

As mom was preparing her Christmas letter this year, she realized she had many more pictures of her daughters/granddaughters than she did of her son/grandson. Mom made all the women of the family aprons to wear on Christmas day last year and we took a picture last year and she wanted another picture this year. Wendy mentioned we should get one of all the men so mom would have a picture of them too, and beleive it or not -- they all were pretty agreeable AND they wore aprons!!!! :-)
1st row Elizabeth and Aaliyah
2nd row: Wendy
3rd row: Holly, Bethany (Adam's girlfriend), Karen, Valerie, Joni (my brother Tim's daughter), Mom
1st row: Nick (my brother Tim's son), Adam Parn, Ian Johnston (Joni's boyfriend), Dad, G.W. Hills (Gary oldest son)
2nd row: Randy Parn, Randy Hills (Gary youngest son, Christopher, Eric Parn, Gary Hills, Tom, Tim Hills
Unfortunately Becki's family and Dustin's family wasn't here at Christmas so they didn't get to be part of the picture :-(

Time to eat ~ Christmas 2008

When Mom and Dad built this garage a few years ago, one of the things they had in mind was not only where they would part the van, but also a place to feed their ever growing family :-) Sometimes we number 30+ so mom has 4 large tables, many chairs, and even a gas heater. The pictures on the wall everyone is looking at is arial pictures of the farm. Sometimes when we are all there, we still have to put some of the teenagers in the sunroom because we still can't fit around the 4 tables. It's a great problem to have such a large family, lol! A family that is still growing!!
The last picture shows Adam and Bethany's hands -- he proposed to her in front of everyone as we were opening presents on Christmas day!!! She's a wonderful person and we are glad to welcome her to the family!!! (Oh, and she LOVES kids, just like Adam...that is her playing with Elizabeth in the other picture -- and Elizabeth loves her!) The only problem is she and Adam live in Texas so we don't get to see them very often :-(

Christmas at Mom and Dad's ~ 2008

1. Mom with the new piano bench from the Hagan's
2. Randy Parn trying to figure out what Mom got him for Christmas...she finally clued him looks like a golf club, but you fill it with your iced drink and it keeps it, huh?
3. Chris opens his gift from GrandMary and Papa
4. Bethany and Adam get a griddle from GrandMary and Papa
5. Aaliyah got a game "25 questions" (or something like that) and Randy, Wendy and Gary all try to stump the game

Santa came!!!

Elizabeth woke us up Christmas morning around 5:40 saying "Mom, Santa came! Santa came! He left me presents under the tree!!" Daddy wanted her to go back to sleep until the sun came up, ha! That didn't happen :-)
The last picture she is holding a calendar she got from Adam and his girlfriend, Bethany =)

Aaaahhhh...My kids!!!

Annual Cookie Making Day ~ 2008

We made cookies at Aunt Holly's house for the 5th (I think) year. Mom, Holly, Gary, Karen, Chris, Eric, Elizabeth, and I added our touches to the cookies. Well...truthfully Chris and Eric mostly ate and watched TV but they gave input :-) Holly made her traditional Taco Soup for lunch and it was a great day!

More progress on our house :-)

12-8-08 Christmas Progam at Pre-K

Pre-K Christmas Program at Paris with Mrs. Parn (Aunt Holly). GrandMary took us out for supper afterwards :-)

Sittin' on Santa's Lap

1. Christopher, Elizabeth, and Boots.

After we braved the cold and went to see the Christmas parade we went to see Santa. At first Elizabeth just looked him over and seemed to be at a loss for words. She had been talking for weeks and weeks about what she wanted and what she was going to ask for. Everytime a comercial came on the TV she would say "I want that!" but all of the sudden, she couldn't seem to think of anything to say. Santa asked if she wanted a doll and she said finally said "Yes," and then she also said she wanted a barbie.

Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's

We had a great Thanksgiving this year. We celebrated at Joe and Judy's the evening before Thanksgiving and I forgot my camera (which I have to admit doesn't happen very often!!). Consetta Gottman came over and we were able to get a great picture of our family.

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to my mom and dad's for a great day and I had so much fun, I forgot to take very many pictures (I posted every picture I took). Maybe I'm slipping now that I've turned 40, ha!

The new house...

1. Work on our house continues...It is amazing how fast Jeff and Glen Kendrick are building our home when most days it is just the two of them. Occasionally one of their brothers may help them. They are doing an amazing job!2. Elizabeth on the trampoline...I don't know if you can tell or not...but her hair is sticking out all over from the static electricity
3. Elizabeth petting GrandMary's kittys on the same steps I used to pet cats on for so many years :-)