Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, January 06, 2006

First day of Day Care

Today was Elizabeth's first day at Day Care and she did wonderfully! I dropped her off around 7:30am. Brenda called me around 8:30 to assure me Elizabeth was doing fine and she was playing with the other children. Brenda said at one point, when another mom came to drop off her child, Elizabeth ran to her like she wanted to go with her :-) Brenda said Elizabeth would get upset whenever other children were crying, but for the most part she felt Elizabeth did very well. She took a nap, and even slept on a cot! When I picked her up around 3pm she had just finished dancing to music with scarves and she was having fun. She was happy to see me and pointed to her shoes, once her shoes and coat were on, she wanted me to hold her (like she was saying 'you are not leaving without me this time' :-) Brenda and Bob did such a great job and it sure made it easier to be at work, knowing she was being well cared for and was having fun.

Elizabeth had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and she has gained over a pound and now weighs 25.5 pounds. She got 3 more shots and we found she has a small umbilical hernia. (Tom and I had noticed she had a bulge around her belly button sometimes). Dr. Wise wants to keep an eye on it (hopefully it will close on it's own, otherwise she may have to have surgery in the future). It doesn't bother her or hurt her.

I was beginning to think of stopping the blog, but I have had many people verbally tell me they really enjoy reading about her and keeping up with her progress, so I'll keep it going for a while longer. I started back to work today and have 2 classes I'm taking for my Master's Degree, so bear with me....I'll post as I can :-)

Elizabeth will be baptized on Sunday and our families are coming here afterwards for brunch. Looking forward to a special day :-)

Our love to you all, and thanks for continuing to watch!!

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