Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, December 30, 2005

A Visit to Aunt Debbie's house

Today we went with GrandMary, Aunt Holly and Aunt Karen to visit my Aunt Debbie and her kids Jessie and Joe, in Columbia. We had a great visit and enjoyed a wonderful meal :-) Posted by Picasa

All dressed up and looking so cute!!! This outfit and shoes were given to Elizabeth by (aunt) Traci...too sweet!!! Posted by Picasa

When the cat got tired of Elizabeth, she knew exactly where to hide so Elizabeth couldn't get's funny because if you look closely at the cat, she is sticking her tongue out at Elizabeth, ha! Posted by Picasa

This is a cute cat toy that is remote control and Elizabeth loved to play with I going to have to start looking in the pet section when looking for toys for her? LOL! Posted by Picasa

Karen and Elizabeth playing with the cats' toy, while Jessie and her cat watch :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and Jessie with Jessie's cat. Jessie's cat was very tolerant of Elizabeth, while she chased her around the house, lol! Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with cousin Joe and their cat...she just loves cats!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

For Christmas GrandMary and Papa got Elizabeth a doll that looks like her...the "Elizabeth" doll...isn't that sweet? She just loves her doll! Her head, hands and feet are made of porcelain so we have to be careful with her. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth pointing to her new "Elizabeth" dolls' eyes (She can say 'eye' now, :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth taking care of her doll in the new stroller she got for Christmas from Santa Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth in the stroller wearing the Elizabeth dolls' hat and blanket Posted by Picasa

Mama and Papa Joe got Elizabeth a Fisher Price tape recorder and the softest, cutest blanket and pillow set....all of which she loves :-) Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas at the Hagan's

Machelle and Dillon try to rock Elizabeth to sleep while PaPa, Grandma, and Seth watch (She was really getting tired by the end of the evening, but she really enjoyed her first American Christmas and is becoming a pro at opening presents :) Posted by Picasa

Look who got talked into pushing the clothes basket...Aunt Machelle!! LOL! Posted by Picasa

Daddy reading Elizabeth her new farm book Stephen got for her Posted by Picasa

Grandma Judy and Papa opening their presents Posted by Picasa

Stephen opening his presents Posted by Picasa

Chris and Kayla like their new gifts! Posted by Picasa

She loves the new blanket and pillow Grandma Judy and PaPa got her! Posted by Picasa

Amanda (Anthony's girlfriend) helps Elizabeth open presents. Also pictured are Anthony and Nicholas Posted by Picasa

Time for presents! Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth playing with cousin Seth Posted by Picasa

Chris and Kayla are worn out from all the food, presents, and fun! Posted by Picasa

Time to eat...Yummy! Posted by Picasa

Chris and Kayla are digging into the delicious food! Posted by Picasa