Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fishing Fun

#1 ~ Fishing in the pond north of Mom and Dad's house...what a beautiful evening!
#2 ~ Beautiful picture of Mom and Dad's house
#3 ~ Look how tall those beans are!!!!
#4 ~ Me and my baby :-)
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More fishing fun...

#1 ~ I LOVE this picture of my mom and dad's house...where I grew up. So many memories!
#2 ~ Huge cat tail
#3 ~ Me and Elizabeth in the back of Tom's truck
#4 ~ GrandMary's kitty followed us to the pond :-)
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Summertime fun...

#1 ~ Playing in the mud
#2, 3, & 4 ~ At the Marion County Fair with Danielle
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jim & Donna Gottman's 50th Anniversary

#1 ~ Elizabeth and Nora Gottman
#2 ~ Elizabeth and Mya Gottman
#3 & #4 ~ Playing in the nursery at the Baptist Church
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Dance Class begins / Baby Andy...

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Curtains, Bicycles, and Babies

#1 ~ My wonderful mom made these curtains for my office windows. I'm so BLESSED to have such a great mom!
#2 ~ Elizabeth & Tom out for a bike ride
#3 & #4 ~ Keaton and Karlie Mudd....ahhh...I LOVE babies!!! I even got to feed Keaton his bottle while we were there :-)
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Chickens, babies, and friends...

#1 ~ Elizabeth with her new chickens
#2 & #3 ~ Baby Andy
#4 ~ Elizabeth and Carly Youngblood on the 1st day of 1st school.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Joni & Ian come home for a visit...

#1 & #2 ~ The family gets together to visit with Joni and Ian who are visiting from Washington (state). Joni is Tim and Lori's daughter
#3 ~ Gary & Tom sitting on the porch of mom's new shed
#4 ~ Elizabeth loves GrandMary's kittens!

Joni & Ian's visit

#1 ~ Susan, Joni, and Elizabeth writing with sidewalk chalk while Uncle Randy watches
#2 ~ We celebrated Dad's 79th BD and Joni's BD since we were all together
#3 ~ We have quite the artists in our family :-)
#4 ~ Grandpa Randy and Grammy Holly with Andy
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Playing with kittens and babies...

#1 ~ Elizabeth with GrandMary's newest kittens...Midnight and Calico
#2 ~ Grammie Holly with baby Andy
#3 ~ Me and Andy (I get the joy of watching Andy while his daddy (Adam) and Grammie Holly are working :-)
#4 ~ Elizabeth has decided little boys aren't so bad, lol!
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