Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Go fly a kite!!!

These are the gifts we brought back from Colorado for Elizabeth. Betty Boop lip gloss, a turtle from the Denver Aquarium and a new bath robe. (She needs a bath robe for the Holy Rosary Talent Show so we got this - it's really a cover for a bathing suit - but it will do the job)

Beautiful day to fly a kite :-)

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We LOVE spring!!!

Boots wanted to help fly a kite

We went for a walk and everytime she saw a patch of clover, she would lay down in it, silly girl!
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Heading to Colorado....

FINALLY made it to the motel after one long day (12 hours = 800 miles)
At a reststop in Kansas. Tom had to put his hat on backwards so it wouldn't blow off...40-50 mph winds....
The Cathedral on the plains... Beautiful church :-)
Kansas dirt storm. We saw a lot of tumbleweeds, too

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Red Rocks of Denver

This picture doesn't do the rocks justice - they were really red...and really big!

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Red Rocks Ampitheater

Views from the Ampitheater....absolutely beautiful!

This is a model of what the ampitheater looks like....amazing!
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Red Rocks, Mountains, Deer

See the mountains? (On Hwy 70 facing west)
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Views from Red Rocks

Looking east toward Denver

Willie Nelson is one of the MANY muscians who has performed at Red Rocks

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The Denver Aquarium with Becki's family....

Looks A LOT bigger from the inside

We all agree the otters were the best. They were so happy and lively. Swimming in circles and splashing us
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More aquarium pictures

Katrina talking to Elizabeth on the phone

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More fish, stingrays, etc.

The stingrays are so graceful!

The scuba divers were cleaning the tank but the fish liked to feel their bubbles

It was really neat to watch the scuba divers interact with the fish

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This place is totally awesome!!!!

Levi and Katrina in a tunnel

Jacob had to try the tunnel too :-)

These red fish were a little freaky looking

Katrina was amazed that we got to see the sharks...can you see it?
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