Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Baseball and Rainbows....

Pictures 1-3 ~ Elizabeth played on Matt Hays' coach pitch team. She doesn't really get real 'excited' about playing, but she does have a lot of fun socializing while in the outfield, ha!
Last picture ~ It has been such a wet and rainy spring!!! Can you spot the beautiful rainbow in this picture behind Elizabeth


Ahhh...GrandMary's cat had 4 of the cutest kittens! Elizabeth (and all of us) loves to play with them!

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We have a NEW NEIGHBOR!!!!

Tucker Joel Willard joins the neighborhood and he came by for a visit with Amy, Richard and brother Lain. They are in Elizabeth's new bedroom :-)

Elizabeth was playing dress-up and found her "Harley Davidson" hat that Uncle Gary and Aunt Karen gave to her with a cute pink and white Harley outfit when she was a baby. As you can see the hat still fits...cute as ever!!!

She loves to dress-up
Elizabeth eating a snack at the island in our new kitchen

Elizabeth had a 'party' with her animals...she sat them all around the table and the bar and served them cake (pretend, of course :-)

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Elizabeth's new room

1. This was a fun, fun, fun room to decorate! Elizabeth has a closet on each side of her window with a toy box under the window with a lift-up lid (She is sitting on it in the top picture)

2. This is her ceiling fan...the pastel colors match the cute!

3. Standing by her other closet and her dresser

4. Her 'Ducky' bathroom :-)

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Our new home

The family room - Our entertainment center - made by Dennis Carson - which matches our kitchen cabinets. I love these, they are BEAUTIFUL and Dennis did an awesome job!

David and Michelle Wilson installed granite in the kitchen, on the island and in the back entrance. It also is BEAUTIFUL!!! These pictures does not do it justice!

I got a new dining room set from Brown's, but the china hutch was Tillie's (Osbourne, Tom's grandma) and I am so glad to have something that belonged to her and it looks so great along my accent wall. It also has her Bible sitting on it, which is also very special to have.

I snapped these pictures while we were still moving and we still don't have all of our pictures on the wall, or everything completely unpacked. Wow! Who know moving could be such a long, on-going process - even when you are only moving 200 yards away, ha!
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Farmin' and Dancin'

This is Tom planting beans next to our new home. Elizabeth is riding with him...helping Daddy

Tom, Elizabeth, and Mollie checking the beans

Elizabeth with her hair fixed for the dance recital

For the dance recital this year she was dressed like a little farmer girl and danced/sang to "A Buschel and a Peck"
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Easter at the Hagan's

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Elizabeth, MaMa, and Danielle (I love this picture :-)

Elizabeth and Danielle with the sheep MaMa and PaPa got them for Easter

Getting tickled by Uncle Mark!

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PJ's and the Zoo

"PJ Day" at Pre-School

A Day at the Zoo

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More Zoo Pix

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