Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More dancing

Father/Daughter dance

Elizabeth and me dancing

Elizabeth and Duncan dancing
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Ian and Joni embarassed mom (GrandMary) by announcing that she made the cake, punch, and mints and thanking her for everything

The first dance by the newly weds...

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Music, cake & punch

Zach Franklin and his dad Billy played the music for the wedding

Mom and Holly explaining to Joni how to cut the cake with Ian

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Wedding cake by GrandMary

My mom, Joni's GrandMary, made the BEAUTIFUL wedding cake

Elizabeth dancing with Uncle Gary

Playing at the kids table

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Ian Johnston at the Reception
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Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Ian Johnston

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Uh Oh...what's going on with the get-away car???

What are you doing with those tin cans Uncle Gary?

The culprits are caught on camera!

Matt and Duncan (Ian's brothers), Randy and Gary (Joni's Uncles) had a lot of fun decorating Lisa's van for Ian and Joni to drive away in :-)

Duncan gets in the last word!Posted by Picasa

Waiting for the bride and groom

The wedding is over and we are outside waiting for the bride and groom so we can shower them with bubbles!! The sun popped out and it has turned out to be a beautiful day!!! Uncle Gary is holding Elizabeth in this top picture

Daddy and Elizabeth
The kids wait on the old carriage steps
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BEAUTIFUL bride and a BEAUTIFUL dress...

What should we do while waiting for the wedding....take pictures!!!
Silly girl...pretending to be asleep, ha! Crazy kids....making faces!
The kids of the bridal party play together while waiting for their debut

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Elizabeth as a "Flower Girl"

Elizabeth was one of the flower girls and here Susan, Joni's sister, is fixing her hair for the wedding. Susan was the perfect 'big sister' and helped Joni by making all the flower arrangements, helping Joni pick out her dress, fixing make-up, preparing food for the wedding, etc. You know...all those wonderful things that have to be done behind the scenes.

This is Elizabeth's hair after Susan worked her magic (and applied a lot of hairspray :-)

This is the butterfly Elizabeth had in her hair...

Ring bearer - Nick (Ian's cousin), Flower girl - Lataya (Ian's cousin) & Elizabeth; Ring bearer - Kristian (Joni's nephew)
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Outside the church after the rehersal

I snapped these outside the church after the rehersal...Big Creek Presbyterian Church is an ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL church, both inside and out and it makes a perfect backdrop for pictures!!

Holly, Susan (Joni's sister + bridesmaid), Kara Overly and Dawn (Joni's friends and bridesmaids) and mom behind Kara Posted by Picasa