Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Getting a ride from Holly

Celebrating GranMary's birthday with Adam, Eric, Aunt Karen, Aunt Holly, and PaPa

GranMary and Papa got 2 new kittens...Wilbur and Timpleton

Elizabeth and cousin, Danielle (Danny and Machelle Pfanner's daughter) having fun :-)

My mom, Mary Hills, made these dresses and bonnets for us to wear on the float for the church during the Sesquicentennial Parade on June 2nd. Isn't she talented and aren't we blessed?

Christopher pushing Elizabeth on her new swing set

Elizabeth and cousin Seth (Mark and Carol Hagan's son) at PaPa Joe's shop sharing some of PaPa's chips
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More pictures...

Helping Daddy check the beans

Helping Daddy fill the planter with beans

Mommy and Elizabeth had a picnic at River View Park and watched the boats on the Mississippi River

Elizabeth loaded Daddy's lap and then she crawled up in his lap, too :-)
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Our family...

I LOVE this picture....Elizabeth, Christopher, and Kristina

The 4 graduates...Adam, Holly, Valerie, and Christopher

Christopher, Elizabeth, Valerie and Tom

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Planting garden at GranMary and PaPa's house and playing with a toad

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Petting Jim-Bob, the horse

Daddy and Elizabeth giving Jim Bob some pats. This horse belongs to Richard, Amy, Justin, and Lane Willard. You can see some of the chickens in the background.
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Riding the 4-wheeler with Daddy

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Taking the cat for a ride

Boots, the cat, gets a ride :-)Posted by Picasa

Planting flowers with Jeanne Cheek

Our last official graduation at HLG

My best friend and colleage, Traci Kline, and I attended our last graduation at HLG on May 5th.

A gift from one of my students

One of my students, Leah Turner, gave Elizabeth a bunch of bubble wands and she has LOVED playing with them (Thanks Leah!!). Here's a great picture of her blowing while a bunch of bubbles come out :-)

Looking at books...

PaPa Joe reads a story to Elizabeth and her cousin Danielle


Elizabeth and I went to the carnival in Paris, MO with Aunt Holly and she LOVED jumping (and falling) in the blow-up castle. They had so many fun games, a cake walk and supper, too. Elizabeth, Holly, and I had a blast!!!

We have a new neighbor :-)

Elizabeth and Valerie are holding Amy and Richard Willard's baby, Lane Thomas, who was born on April 13th -- isn't he a sweetie? She talks about Amy a lot and often she will style her dolls' hair, my hair, her GranMary's hair, etc. and say "I'm Amy!" She loves going over to their house and playing with Justin. They have a wide variety of animals, including turkeys, chickens, cats, dogs, and a horse.