Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter morning

In the top picture she is all dressed for church on a chilly Easter morning, except the shoes...she slipped her shoes off and put Mommy's shoes on instead. Couldn't pass up the photo op.
In the next picture she is checking out what the Easter Bunny left for her...she got a DVD (Milo and Otis), a chick that chirped, a coloring book, etc. and of course candy :-)
I took the bottom picture today...she found a swim suit that Danielle gave her and next thing I knew she had her clothes stripped off and was trying to put it on. She was pretending to 'swim' in the top of her toy box :-)Posted by Picasa

The Big Easter Egg Hunt!

Hunting for Easter Eggs at GrandMary and PaPa's house on the Saturday before Easter.
We had lots and lots of eggs and only 3 kids hunting for eggs, so each child found plenty. See the bottom picture with her basket full, lol!
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Whoo Hoo!!

Going down her new slide and trying out her new glider!! Cousins Danielle and Stephen help her break in her new swing set too while Dillon watches.

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I don't think they could have managed without Elizabeth's help...

Kent Cheek stopped by to help Tom put Elizabeth's slide together, but little did they know the biggest helped of all would be Elizabeth. She handed them tools and nuts, she got in their way, helped screw in the bolts, and measured up the situation :-)

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What's in the bag?????

What is Kristina holding in the bag??
Silly Elizabeth went and got her pillow case and crawled into and was very entertaining :-) Posted by Picasa

Check out these fingernails...

Made with playdough...she was so proud of her pretty fingernailsPosted by Picasa

Decorating Easter Eggs...

Top picture...You never know what her creative little mind is going to come up with next and one day she came in with a 7up box on her head, silly girl! One day she had the top of her toy box turned upside down and was in it signing "Row, row, row your boat" pretending she was in a boat. Often she has her little bears lined up and will be reading to them, much like her teacher, Miss Missy at Day Care must read to her.

Chris, Kristina, Eric and Adam came out to help us decorate Easter Eggs one day. I'm not sure who had more fun...Elizabeth or these big kids

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Wearing her new Dora outfit

Elizabeth and Aunt Holly after church...she is wearing her new Dora the Explorer outfit GrandMary and Papa got her for her birthday. The other 2 pictures were taken at the North Park where Holly, Elizabeth and Mommy played on the play area
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A girls day out!!

Elizabeth enjoyed a "Girls Day Out" with GrandMary (who she now calls GrandMiMi), Aunt Holly and Mommy on a Saturday. We visited Aunt Holly's in-laws Harold and Dorothy Parn who have recently moved to Quincy. It was great to see them and Elizabeth enjoyed playing with their Teddy Bear and eating Harold's peanuts, lol!

We shopped and ate at TGIFridays (Yummy!!) and then shopped some more. Elizabeth really has this shopping thing down and can outlast us all :-)

Her actual birthday!!

This was on her actual birthay ~ March 7th ~ the 3 of us celebrated at home with supper and another birthday cake and yes...a few more birthday presents :-) She got a Magna Doodle which she thought was a lot of fun