Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

One tired girl and one tired kitty...

Boots and Elizabeth...Posted by Picasa

Giving the teddy bear a ride

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Daddy, Elizabeth and our snowman

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At the movies...

Katrina and Elizabeth were pretending to be at the movies while pretending to eat popcorn and drink soda. They were having a lot of fun!! Posted by Picasa

Cousins, Katrina and Elizabeth

We were all glad Katrina, Becki, Joe and Ryan came back from Whyoming for a visit in January, especially Elizabeth!! Here they are playing in PaPa's bed :-)Posted by Picasa

What a cute couple!!

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Lunch at mom's

Kristina, Katrina, Chris, Elizabeth, and Eric Posted by Picasa

She's a cheek pincher, lol!

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Now she's pinching Chris' cheek...

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Don't ya just LOVE this picture??Posted by Picasa

All lined up :-)

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Elizabeth and her honorary "Aunt" Traci

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These are my students

I have 16 students who will graduate in a few short months, May, 2007. Notice their mascot....Elizabeth, lol! Posted by Picasa

Listening to her heart

Another station was the "Heart and Lung Station" and she loved this! She has decided she wants to be a nurse! These are two of my students, Melissa and Jennifer. Posted by Picasa

Giving her bear a shot

One of the stations at the Teddy Bear Clinic is the "Injection Booth" where the children get to give their teddy bear a shot with a syrienge of air and then put a Band-Aid on it. Her bear still has the bandages on it :-) Posted by Picasa

More of the Teddy Bear Clinic

Elizabeth gets to see how tall she and her bear are by Krista, one of my students.Posted by Picasa

Check out these feet!!!

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Let the Party Begin! She's turning 3!!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday, March 3rd, we celebrated Elizabeth's 3rd Birthday. She will be 3 on Wednesday, March 7th. We had a great turn out of loads of family members show up to help us celebrate (probably around 25 people here). We had supper, presents, cake, ice cream and of course, lots and lots of fun!! Pictured are Aaliyah, GrandMary, Elizabeth, Adam, Eric, Christopher, and Kristina Posted by Picasa

Silly guys

My dad and brother are getting in the party spirit :-)Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and Danielle

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"Im rich!"

Elizabeth got a piggy bank from her Mommy and Daddy. It says "Thank heaven for little girls" Posted by Picasa

Dora, the Explorer

GrandMary and PaPa got her this cute outfit. It's a size 4T, but looks like it will fit her. Our baby is growing up :-)

Ohhh...too cute...

This cute outfit is from Aunt Karen and Uncle case you can't read it, it says "Adorable, need I say more?" Posted by Picasa

Opening presents....

She got play-dough from MaMa and PaPa. We've had fun playing with it :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with her birthday cake

Elizabeth with the cake made by her GrandMary. The theme of the party was "The Little Mermaid"Posted by Picasa

Blowing out her birthday candles

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