2. Elizabeth pays attention to Mrs. Parn


Welcome to our adoption story, which officially begins when we jet off to the Ukraine to meet our daughter, Elizabeth Marie, on Oct. 15th 2005. We hope to keep our family and friends up to date with our daily activities through this blog (stands for web log). We are very blessed to have wonderful support systems...our loving family, friends, and our church family. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns since we began this process in August, 2004 and as we continue our journey.
Happy Halloween Everyone!!
1. Elizabeth and I carved pumpkins, then colored the eyes, lips, hair, etc. She named one "Elizabeth" and the other "Daddy." Can't you see the similiarity? Chad, Kim, and Makenzie Hays were nice enough to give us the pumpkins.
2. This is "Spooky ~ The Kitty" (aka Elizabeth). She loved being a kitty and talked about it for weeks before Halloween. Funny though, while we were driving around trick-or-treating, she was already thinking about Christmas because we were listening to Christmas CD's in the van :-)
3. Spooky the Kitty and Princess Danielle
4. Elizabeth with Kent and Jeanne Cheek