Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The 3rd Annual Cookie Making Day at Holly and Randy's House

Who is having more fun...Uncle Gary or the kids (Aaliyah and Elizabeth)??Posted by Picasa

Don't this look fun??

Holly, Aaliyah, Karen, Elizabeth, and Gary working hard making lots and lots of cookies! We had a great day!Posted by Picasa

"Ook at my hands"

Holly and Elizabeth are showing off the flour on their hands. Elizabeth LOVED getting lots of flour on her hands and then would proudly say "Ook at my hands, GrandMary!"Posted by Picasa

On to the fun part...

Time for the frosting...Chris had fun helping his little sister decorate the cookies Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth, Mommy, and the Grinch :-)

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Aunt Holly, Elizabeth and the Grinch looking in the mirror Posted by Picasa

The fun continues

Kristina decorated some very creative cookies Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Holly

Elizabeth and Aaliyah help Aunt Holly blow out her candles (and no....she isn't 5 years old, lol!)Posted by Picasa

Eating ice cream and birthday cake

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Don't you want some peanut brittle, Chris?

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Wow! Look at all these cookies!

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Elizabeth loves to wear this hat. It is the that came with her 'Elizabeth' doll that GrandMary and PaPa got her for Christmas last year :-)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Playing with a Nativity Set

While I was doing my clinical rotation at the Shelbina Clinic, I worked with some awesome people, one of which was Kelly Saunders (Mark and Denise Saunders' sister-in-law) and she gave this Precious Moments Nativity Set to Elizabeth and she LOVES it and playing with Baby Jesus :-) (It is made especially for children and is unbreakable) Posted by Picasa

Decorating the Christmas tree

It's been un-decorated and re-decorated quite a few times, lol! Posted by Picasa

Eating SNOW

Here is Elizabeth is eating a cup of snow her Daddy brought in for her after we got about 12 inches of snow. We got so much snow, mommy got a snow day and we got to stay home and play! Posted by Picasa

Tom's Christmas present

Tom's Christmas present...a snow blade for the lawn mower and not a day too worked great to clean off the driveway and sidewalk! Posted by Picasa

Riding the 4-wheeler

Chris and Elizabeth had a blast riding around in the snow on the 4-wheeler. They only got stuck several times. Chris asked Elizabeth several times if she was ready to come in, but she would shake her head 'no' Fun, fun, fun! Posted by Picasa

Wrestling with Chris

Chris and Elizabeth had a lot of fun wrestling on the floor. Chris was teaching Elizabeth to make faces, she was a quick learner, just what we wanted her to learn, ha!Posted by Picasa

Aaaahhhh!!! My kids....

This picture of both my beautiful kids is so sweet....makes this mommy proud!! Posted by Picasa

Chris, Kristina, and Elizabeth

This picture of Chris, his girlfriend Kristina, and Elizabeth turned out very good (except that Elizabeth has a hot cocoa mustache) Posted by Picasa

All dressed up....

Elizabeth all dressed up with her winter coat on ready to go to her Christmas Program at Day Care Posted by Picasa

Christmas Program

Elizabeth dressed as an angel in the Christmas Program at Day Care Posted by Picasa

Say cheese....

When I tell her to say cheese...this is what she! Posted by Picasa

Her first visit with Santa

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Elizabeth and Santa

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The world's ugliest snowman...

We had such a fun time making this snowman, even though he turned out soooooooooo ugly! Elizabeth loved eating the snow and we had a snowball fight afterwards.
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