One whole year has passed since this wonderful, beautiful, happy, silly, smart, little girl has entered our lives. We celebrated our first
"Gotcha Day' on November 15, 2006 and Tom and I reflected by watching the video from last year. In ways it seems like a life time ago, yet in other ways it seems like yesterday... Elizabeth has changes soooo much. She now weighs almost 30 pounds and has grown 5 inches. We got Elizabeth a doll house to celebrate Gotcha Day and we also got a wonderful card in the mail from CJ (do you all remember CJ...the little boy Tamera and Brian adopted from the Ukraine?) with some stickers for Elizabeth. I aksed Elizabeth if she remembered CJ, and she said, "I want to play with CJ." I wish we could play with CJ, too and I would love a good visit with Brian and Tamera. It was great of them to remember Elizabeth on Gotcha Day (Wish I was that organized!!).
You remember how we bribed her with all those bananas? Well...she doesn't really like bananas anymore (I think we burnt her out on them, lol!). She loves grapes and apples, cheese, bread, eggs, oatmeal, cottage cheese, cheese, chilli, tacos (yeah, she likes the spicy stuff :-), crackers, but more than anything....desserts and especially
CHOCOLATE and ICE CREAM! She loves those sweets!! If she sees desserts around, she'll push her plate away and say "All done, I want cake." Sorry to say, she takes after her mother in this aspect.
She is still
a happy girl! Wakes up happy, goes to bed happy and is happy all day. I'm not saying she doesn't have her fits, because she's just like every 2 year old she has her little temper tantrums, but they are short lived and she is easily redirected and soon is laughing and having fun. She
LOVES playing with her daddy and is surely a
DADDY's LITTLE GIRL. Every evening they are playing on the floor, and she loves to be tickled and wrestled by her daddy. It is too cute to see the two of them playing and singing together. (YES! Tom Hagan can sing!!!).
She has gone to the Carpenter's Kids Day Care in Hannibal for the past year now and she
LOVES it and her main care provider is
MISS MISSY and she talks about MISS MISSY often and it is evident that she is very loved there. A few weels ago they provided a very nice Thanksgiving meal for all of the children and their families and it was delicious. She will have a Christmas Program coming up soon, too. They have been practicing for it since Halloween was over. Can't wait to see if she'll be brave enough to sing in front of everyone.
Speaking of singing...she
LOVES to sing....and she
LOVES to listen to music on the radio and on TV. Last Christmas MaMa and PaPa Joe got her a tape recorder and she loves to listen to the music and she tries to sing along (too cute). We listen to children's music in the van all the time too. She has really gotten into watching the Grinch on TV now and she realizes that he is "Baaaaddddd" at first and then at the end when he gets that big smile she will realize he is good and she will say "Happy Grinch" and clap. We have been talking a lot about Christmas and about Jesus being the reason for Christmas, so don't be surprised if you hear her singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus."
Potty training....urg!!!! I keep remembering what someone said once..."Have you ever met a 21 year old who wasn't potty trained?" That gives me hope, lol! She does very well as long as WE remember to take her, but if we don't remember, then SHE don't remember. She'll be 3 in March....This too shall pass, right? She wears the pull ups during the day and she is usually only wet 1-2 times so really that is really pretty great. She is never dirty (knock on wood).
LOVES to go to the shop with her daddy. She has gotten to ride the tractor with her Daddy and the combine with her PaPa Joe. She rides the 4-wheeler and lawn mower a lot with me and Tom. She has a tricycle that her cousin Katrina gave her that her little legs are almost long enough to ride easily.
She celebrated her 1st US Halloween this year as Winnie the Pooh, and I have to say she was the cutest Pooh Bear I've ever seen! Before Halloween, she had been watching cartoons and she came to me and said, "Mommy... Halloween...I'm scared." So we talked about it and going trick or treating and getting candy and by the time Halloween was over and she had a bag full of candy she decided it was not scary after all, ha ha!
She went to her first US football game. We saw my nephew, Nick Hills play in the Jr. High football game in early October. She thought it was pretty cool, sitting up on the bleachers with Uncle Tim, Aunt Lori, and GrandMary. Even though they lost the game, Nick got to play a lot :-)
LOVES her big brother Christopher. He comes to visit us a lot and they play together and he reads to her. Today Chris and his girlfriend, Kristina, are coming out to put up the Christmas tree with us. Elizabeth calls Kristina "Tina" becauses it's easier for her to say. Elizabeth talks about Tina and Chris a lot and she thinks a lot of them.
Elizabeth LOVES her Pa Pa Joe and Ma Ma. She loves to spend time with them every chance she gets. Ma Ma gave us all a scare eariler this fall and we are all so happy she is feeling better. Elizabeth
LOVES her GrandMary and Papa. She stays with them one day every week while I go to clinical in Shelbina and they spoil her :-) She is their only granddaughter that lives close by so she gets to reap the benefits of that, lol! Elizabeth got to spend thanksgiving with all of her family and she is blessed to have so many family that love her.
But most of all this Thanksgiving, I'm am so thankful to God for this past year we have had with this perfect little being we have had in our lives. She is truly a blessing...the way she has fit in so perfectly with our family...the way she does some things just like Tom and other things just like me and yet other things just like Christopher....the way she looks so much like her Daddy. We all know she was hand picked by God to be a part of our family... for this I am so thankful!!!