Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Our trip to Wichita...

We left on Friday the 4th to go to Wichita, KS to see my nephew Dustin and his wife Valerie and their 3 sons Christopher (Yes...he is married to a Valerie and they have a son named Christopher, lol!), Jacob, and Taylor ages 5, 2, and 8 months.

Here my son Chris is driving (see that Kansas flatland in the background?). In my van was Chris and his girlfriend Kristina, Holly, her son Eric and his girlfriend Megan, and me and Elizabeth (so it was filled to the mom and dad brought some of our luggage in their van because mine was so packed). It took us a long time to get there, because we took our time with long, frequent breaks (for Elizabeth). It was nice because none of us were in a hurry. We left Monroe around 7:30 am and we got to Dustin's house around 4:30 pm.

We took our time coming home, too. We brought highway 54 home through Fort Scott, KS (See picture below). We also stopped and rode go-carts, bumper boats, and played 18 holes of putt-putt golf and we still made it home by 10pm Sunday night.

We had a great weekend! Mom and Dad also met out there on Friday. My brother Gary (Dustin's dad), his wife Karen, and his son G.W. arrived on Saturday. We celebrated my dad's 75th birthday while we were there. We played lots of cards. We slept at Dustin's and made ourselves at home. They made us feel very comfortable and they have a beautiful home. You know I love to take pictures, but I wish now I would have taken even more of those beautiful boys. Posted by Picasa

On the way to Wichita...Aunt Holly rode next to Elizabeth for a while and Eric and Megan were sleeping in the back Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth is a great little rider. After about an hour or 2, she needs get out to stretch, but she likes to look out the window, look at her books, play with her toys, or munch on her Cheerios. She had a lot entertainment on this trip because there was 6 others in the van besides Elizabeth...Chris, Kristina, Eric, Megan, Holly, and myself. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth LOVED playing with baby Taylor Posted by Picasa

Megan (Eric's girlfriend) and Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

Having fun...Holly, Megan, Eric, Kristina, and Dustin Posted by Picasa

Kristina (Chris' girlfriend) and Dustin. We stayed up late playing cards and eating junk food both nights Posted by Picasa

Christopher and Elizabeth thought it was good to dip their gold fish in water before eating them (sounds yucky, but they sure liked it!) Posted by Picasa

The front of Dustin and Valerie's (my nephew and his wife) house. Pictured are Dustin, Holly, Christopher (my great nephew), and Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

We went to a Nature Center while we were at Wichita. It was really neat and the adults, teen and kids all enjoyed it. Aunt Holly bought cool wooden snakes for all the kids Posted by Picasa

Chris, Kristina, and Elizabeth looking at the displays Posted by Picasa

Holly, Kristina, Elizabeth, Chris, and Valerie Hills looking at the fish in the 2,220 gallon fish aquarium  Posted by Picasa

Kristina and Elizabeth enjoying the nature center Posted by Picasa

Holly, sitting out in the woods, lol! Posted by Picasa

Eric and Valerie, looking at Jacob and Christopher, who are looking at the screech owl Posted by Picasa

G.W. and PaPa celebrating PaPa's birthday Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth helping PaPa open his birthday card Posted by Picasa

We stayed up late in the night playing spoons Posted by Picasa

We all enjoyed breakfast together before we had to head home to Missouri Posted by Picasa

Eating breakfast Sunday morning Posted by Picasa

One tired little girl... Posted by Picasa

Kristina and Megan are tired after our busy weekend Posted by Picasa

Eric never did sleep...he read a book Posted by Picasa

Holly and Valerie at Fort Scott, Kansas. We made a quick stop on our way home from Wichita. Posted by Picasa

Eric, Chris, and Kristina on the go-carts Posted by Picasa