Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My two kids...

Chris is reading Elizabeth a bedtime story. Elizabeth loves and adores her big brother! Posted by Picasa

We all met at Ray Beheren's on Father's Day to celebrate Father's Day, all the June Birthdays, and mom and dad's 52nd wedding anniversary. Pictured here cooking the ribs and hot dogs (Yum! Yum!) are Gary, Eric and my cousin Cory.  Posted by Picasa

GrandMary showing Katrina and Elizabeth the train cake she made. Each car was for someone's birthday. The engine was for Katrina, one was for my great-nephew Jake (who lives in Witchia), one was for my brother Tim, one was for my niece Wendy, one was for my mom, and the caboose was for my brother Gary. We have a lot of June birthdays! Posted by Picasa

We had lots of good food Posted by Picasa

Katrina opening her presents, she is 5 years old Posted by Picasa

The 'girls' playing with the new baby doll Posted by Picasa

What a beautiful day for a picnic Posted by Picasa

Cousin Katrina feeding Elizabeth frosting from Aunt Holly's cake Posted by Picasa

Danielle pulling Elizabeth in the wagon Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and Danielle on the Hagan log Joe and Judy got us for Christmas Posted by Picasa

Cousin Danielle came over to play Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth thought she was so grown up to get to hold the bottle for Mia :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth thought it was very fun to have 4 other girls to play with. Pictured are Megan, Ava, Nora, Mia, Elizabeth, Mackenize, and Kim Posted by Picasa

Mackenzie and Elizabeth playing with Mia (Jamie and Megan Gottman's daughter) Posted by Picasa

Mackenzie pulling Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

We had quite a hay crop, almost 400 bales on our few acres. We had quite a few guys show up to help us and Elizabeth liked watching the tractors and later she had a blast playing with all the girls. Posted by Picasa

Tim Gottman driving, while Chad Hays and Tom are working hard, lol! Posted by Picasa

Megan bucking the bales off to Tim. We stored them in our old barn Posted by Picasa

Jamie Gottman baling the hay Posted by Picasa

Trent Gottman mowing the hay Posted by Picasa

Tim Gottman raking the hay Posted by Picasa

Hauling in hay...Megan and Trent Gottman and Tom Posted by Picasa