Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Elizabeth in her cute night-gown Posted by Picasa

Mackenzie Hays (daughter of Chad and Kim Hays) came over to play for a little while on Monday. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth loves to say "Big Truck" when she sees them on the road, and on Monday she got to get in Uncle Gary's Crete truck! She thought that horn was awful loud, but she wasn't too scared to get up there with Uncle Gary and Aunt Karen.  Posted by Picasa

In the driver's seat of Uncle Gary's Big Truck Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and Aaliyah help cousin Wendy blow out candles for her 16th birthday Posted by Picasa

Daddy, Elizabeth, and Charlie (the cat) decorating the sidewalk Posted by Picasa

Her first car ride....with her baby :-) Posted by Picasa

Uh Oh....her first accident...can you see her peeking from inside the car? Silly girl :-) Posted by Picasa

Ryan and Katrina help Elizabeth get a drink from the water fountain Posted by Picasa

Chris liked swinging with his little sister, while Katrina and Kayla watched Posted by Picasa

Hugs good-bye to Chris Posted by Picasa

Chris and Kayla 'walked' Elizabeth back to the shelter house. Actually her feet never touched the ground, lol! Posted by Picasa

After we enjoyed our picnic supper, the girls loved playing. Katrina insisted on pushing Elizabeth on the swings.  Posted by Picasa

Last Tuesday we went to a park in Lousiana to enjoy a picnic with the family. Katrina and Elizabeth LOVED the slide!! Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and Lucille enjoying some jelly beans :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with the cup from her great, great Aunt Lucille Posted by Picasa

Opening her gift from her Great Great Aunt Lucille, a silver cup engraved with "Elizabeth" and her birthday on it. The handle is made out of a duck's head. It is very precious, just like Lucille :-) Posted by Picasa

My first Mother's Day with my Daughter wearing the coursage she (and her Daddy) got for me :-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A doctor visit

Elizabeth was having chronic ear infections and we had to go see an ear, nose and throat doctor, but the great news is, after weeks and weeks of antibiotics her ears are finally getting better and she does not have to get tubes....Praise God!!! She was very good for the doctor while he examined her. Posted by Picasa

We like to eat :-) Posted by Picasa

Helping (if you can call it that, lol) Daddy Posted by Picasa

Giving big brother, Chris, a kiss :-) Posted by Picasa

Danyell, an HLG nursing graduate with her 3 adorable sons the evening of the Pinning Ceremony. Posted by Picasa

Wearing her new new Nike outfit from my nursing student Danyell....too cute!!! Posted by Picasa

Riding with Daddy Posted by Picasa