Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Easter Sunday

Our family all together at church on Easter morning. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth got new sunglasses from the Easter Bunny Posted by Picasa

All dressed and ready to go to GrandMary and Papa for Easter Dinner. This cute outfit was given to her from Sara O'Bryan....thanks Sara!! Posted by Picasa

We also celebrated my great-neice Aaliyah's 5th birthday on Easter (she turned 5 on the 13th) Pictured is Elizabeth, GrandMary, Papa, Wendy (my neice, and Aaliyah Posted by Picasa

Wouldn't this make any mother scared to see her son riding this?  Posted by Picasa

Chris moved into his own place, so we had a 'house warming' celebration for him on Easter, too.  Posted by Picasa

What a beautiful day to fly a kite!  Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth gets to help Aaliyah fly the kite Posted by Picasa

Easter at the Hagan's

Danielle and Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

Getting ready to start the hunt Posted by Picasa

And the Easter Egg Hunt begins Posted by Picasa

Counting the eggs (Danielle, Stephen, Seth, and Elizabeth) Posted by Picasa

Sorting through the Easter eggs after the big hunt. Posted by Picasa

Trip to Maryville

Holly and Eric at the hotel prior to the concert (See Elizabeth in the mirror?) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with her GrandMary and Papa before the concert we went to see in Maryville. Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth and I went to Maryville with my sister Holly and my parents, Mary and Harold, to see my nephew Eric in the Spring Concert. It was very impressive (and so was Eric...he even had a solo). Elizabeth LOVED the music and dancing. They sang George of the Jungle and that was probably her favorite :-) Posted by Picasa

After the concert (Elizabeth, Valerie, my mom and dad, and my nephew Eric...who did an awesome job in the concert!!) Posted by Picasa

Life on the Farm

Sliding with Papa Joe Posted by Picasa

Look who's behind the driver's seat! Posted by Picasa

Papa made the mistake of showing her how to honk the horn, lol!! Posted by Picasa

Boy...does she have Papa Joe eating out of her hands :-) Posted by Picasa

Look who's in the driver seat! Posted by Picasa

Playing with the sidewalk chalk from Easter

Look! She can spell her name!!! LOL! Posted by Picasa

Having fun Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006