Five Years Later...

We started this blog when we went to the Ukraine to adopt our daughter Elizabeth in 2005. Five years later we are loving life with our daughter (now 6) and our son, Chris (23). Tom continues to farm and I have the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mother and farm-wife. God has truly blessed us with two wonderful kids, a great new home, all while being surrounded by a terrific family, friends, and church family!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

And the weeks continue to fly by....

A few more pictures of my students (well, I feel like they are my daughters :-) On the 8th we had a Teddy Bear Clinical for Hannibal pre-K children and here are several of the students interacting with the children. It helps to prepare children for doctor visits and to be less afraid. Pictured are Khrista, Emily, Danyell, and Kathy Posted by Picasa

Riding her pony her Aunt Linda got for her Posted by Picasa

O.K. so..........this doesn't have anything to do with my daughter, but it is a picture of my students and I wanted to share . On Monday we went to St. Louis Community College to work with their Nursing Division using their mannequin to assimilate real life situations. It was an awesome experience and I was very, very proud of my students and their partication in the activity. Pictured are Laura, Khrista, Teresa, Marissa, and Janet. The lady in red is SLCC instructor Pat and of course the patient is the manniquin :-) Posted by Picasa

Elizabeth with the kitty my sister got her. Elizabeth has Impetigo (a bacterial infection) under her nose (not serious, but contagious), so she wasn't able to Day Care on Tuesday. She went to "work" with Mommy. I said "work" because mommy really wasn't able to get much done :-) We came home around 1:30 so she could nap and then, since it was a BEAUTIFUL day, we played outside, we rode the 4-wheeler, I pulled her in the wagon, we swang and went down the slide, and we even played in the dirt in the garden....hard to believe it was that warm only a few days ago when the temperature this morning said -1 degree! Posted by Picasa

"Sit Kitty" She in talking more and more now and says things to her animals like: sit, no-no, stay, and of course she loves to hug and kiss them :-) Here she is sitting the kitty in a bowl. Posted by Picasa

Making her Dora Valentine cards for her new friends at Day Care :-) Posted by Picasa

Not the best picture of Elizabeth...but the best picture of her decked out in her Valentines Day outfit :-) Posted by Picasa

Silly girls...I was taking a picture of ourselves as she grabed my hair, LOL! Posted by Picasa

Waiting by the door, ready to go on Valentine's Day...with the Kitty Cat from Aunt Holly...she LOVES her new stuffed kitties from Aunt Holly, Aunt Karen, and Meredith...she now has a collection of 4 :-) Posted by Picasa

I actually took this picture in the dark, but with the flash, you can't tell. She liked to turn the lights off and have the four ducks flashing their was really cool! Posted by Picasa

We got these four ducks at the Cancer Center gift shop (of all places) for Valentines Day and they light up to touch or to water. The picture doesn't show it very well, but they were very awesome and it made her love bath time even more than ever! Posted by Picasa

Even with her sore nose, she is beautiful :-) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Another busy week!!

Danielle and Elizabeth looking at the lambs Posted by Picasa I wasn't sure if I was going to find time to post this is 10:30 on Sunday night! Why is it the weekends go by so fast??? We had a busy week. We spent some time at the hospital since Tom's Aunt Lucille had to have surgery... Elizabeth had her weekly visit to GrandMary and Papa's while I went to class at Mizzou...Saturday it was great to stay home for an entire we went to church, Hardee's and then to GrandMary and Papa's to watch a slide show... and's Monday again. Elizabeth will be starting at her new day care "The Carpenter's Kids" tomorrow.

Check out that sow!!! She had some babies, but Elizabeth wasn't sure what to think of them :-) Posted by Picasa

The girls are looking at a plane overhead Posted by Picasa

Reading a book with Danielle Posted by Picasa

Where's supper? Posted by Picasa

Do you want a hotdog Dillon? Posted by Picasa

The guys are watching Daisy (Dukes of Hassard) Posted by Picasa

Giving the bears a ride

I had a bag of cans to be taken for recycling....and Elizabeth thought it was fun to pull it around the house....soon she had loaded some of her animals on it and was pulling them around. It entertained her for more than an hour :-)

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Daddy has a lap full...Danielle and Elizabeth Posted by Picasa

Aaahhh!! GrandMary and Elizabeth

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Looking at the cats out GrandMary's back door

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Being silly

Elizabeth thought it was fun to sit on the step and move our legs up and doesn't take much to entertain her, LOL! Posted by Picasa